Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// takes an existing atomentry object and either copies it into this feed collection,
        /// or moves it by creating a source element and copying it in here if the value is actually
        /// already part of a collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AtomEntry CopyOrMove(AtomEntry value)
            if (value != null)
                if (value.Feed == null)
                    if (_feed != null && value.Feed == _feed)
                        // same object, already in here.
                        throw new ArgumentException("The entry is already part of this collection");

                    // now we need to see if this is the same feed. If not, copy
                    if (!AtomFeed.IsFeedIdentical(value.Feed, _feed))
                        AtomEntry newEntry = AtomEntry.ImportFromFeed(value);
                        value = newEntry;

                value.ProtocolMajor = _feed.ProtocolMajor;
                value.ProtocolMinor = _feed.ProtocolMinor;

Ejemplo n.º 2


        #region Editing APIs


        /// <summary>uses the set service to insert a new entry. </summary>
        /// <param name="newEntry">the atomEntry to insert into the feed</param>
        /// <returns>the entry as echoed back from the server. The entry is NOT added
        ///          to the feeds collection</returns>
        public TEntry Insert <TEntry>(TEntry newEntry) where TEntry : AtomEntry
            Tracing.Assert(newEntry != null, "newEntry should not be null");
            if (newEntry == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("newEntry");

            AtomEntry echoedEntry = null;

            if (newEntry.Feed == this)
                // same object, already in here.
                throw new ArgumentException("The entry is already part of this colleciton");

            // now we need to see if this is the same feed. If not, copy
            if (newEntry.Feed == null)
            else if (!AtomFeed.IsFeedIdentical(newEntry.Feed, this))
                newEntry = AtomEntry.ImportFromFeed(newEntry) as TEntry;

            if (Service != null)
                echoedEntry = Service.Insert(this, newEntry);

            return(echoedEntry as TEntry);