Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the value of a text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeIndex">Index of the state with the string to change.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property to change.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The new text.</param>
        /// <param name="oldCaretPosition">The old caret position.</param>
        /// <param name="newCaretPosition">The new caret position.</param>
        /// <param name="changeCaretBeforeText">True if the caret should be changed before the text, to preserve the caret invariant.</param>
        public virtual void ChangeTextAndCaretPosition(IFocusIndex nodeIndex, string propertyName, string text, int oldCaretPosition, int newCaretPosition, bool changeCaretBeforeText)
            Contract.RequireNotNull(nodeIndex, out IFocusIndex NodeIndex);
            Contract.RequireNotNull(text, out string Text);

            System.Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerRedo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => RedoChangeText(operation);
            System.Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerUndo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => UndoChangeText(operation);
            IFocusNodeState          State     = (IFocusNodeState)StateTable[NodeIndex];
            FocusChangeTextOperation Operation = CreateChangeTextOperation(State.Node, propertyName, Text, oldCaretPosition, newCaretPosition, changeCaretBeforeText, HandlerRedo, HandlerUndo, isNested: false);

        private protected virtual bool IsSameChangeTextOperationFocus(FocusChangeTextOperation operation)
            Node Node = null;

            if (operation.State.ParentIndex is IFocusNodeIndex AsNodeIndex)
                Node = AsNodeIndex.Node;
            else if (operation.State is IFocusOptionalNodeState AsOptionalNodeState && AsOptionalNodeState.ParentInner.IsAssigned)
                Node = AsOptionalNodeState.Node;

            Debug.Assert(Node != null);
            string PropertyName = operation.PropertyName;

            Node        FocusedNode  = null;
            IFocusFrame FocusedFrame = null;

            Focus.GetLocationInSourceCode(out FocusedNode, out FocusedFrame);

            return(FocusedNode == Node && FocusedFrame is IFocusTextValueFrame AsTextValueFrame && AsTextValueFrame.PropertyName == PropertyName);