protected IEnumerator InteractionLoop(ControllerInteractionPoint interactionPoint, CoroutineHandle handle)
            while (handle.Running)
                var pos       = transform.InverseTransformPoint(interactionPoint.transform.position);
                var zoomScale = pos.x / axisMaxDistance;
                // Clamp values to the -/+1 range
                zoomScale = Mathf.Clamp(zoomScale, -1, 1);


                yield return(null);

        protected IEnumerator InteractionLoop(ControllerInteractionPoint interactionPoint, CoroutineHandle handle)
            var sizeMagnitude = GetMagnitude(barRegion.rect.size);
            var pivot         = GetMagnitude(barRegion.pivot);

            float PointToMagnitude(Vector3 pos)
                var magnitude = (sizeMagnitude * pivot) + GetMagnitude(pos);

                // Scale to 0-1 values, with unclamped values <0,>1
                return(magnitude / sizeMagnitude);

            var lastAbsScale = PointToMagnitude(barRegion.InverseTransformPoint(interactionPoint.transform.position));

            yield return(null);

            var lastSensorZoom = sensorZoom;

            while (handle.Running)
                var absScale = PointToMagnitude(barRegion.InverseTransformPoint(interactionPoint.transform.position));

                var delta = absScale - lastAbsScale;

                // Clamp sensor zoom scale to the -/+1 range
                sensorZoom = Mathf.Clamp(sensorZoom + delta * 2, -1, 1);

                // Set vJoy axis

                // Move the bar and re-render the overlay on-demand when the bar has been moved a notable distance
                var updateScale     = 0.01f;
                var sensorZoomDelta = sensorZoom - lastSensorZoom;
                if (Math.Abs(sensorZoomDelta) > updateScale)
                    var roundedSensorZoom = Mathf.Round(sensorZoom / updateScale) * updateScale;
                    var barMag            = ((roundedSensorZoom / 2f + 0.5f) - pivot) * sizeMagnitude;
                    barMid.anchoredPosition = SetMagnitude2(barMid.anchoredPosition, barMag);

                    lastSensorZoom = sensorZoom;

                lastAbsScale = absScale;
                yield return(null);
        protected IEnumerator InteractionLoop(ControllerInteractionPoint interactionPoint, CoroutineHandle handle)
            while (handle.Running)
                Vector2 axis;

                var pos     = transform.InverseTransformPoint(interactionPoint.transform.position);
                var axisPos = new Vector2(pos.x, pos.y);
                if (axisPos.magnitude < centerRadius)
                    axis =;
                    // Subtract the center radius from the magnitute
                    axisPos = axisPos.normalized * (axisPos.magnitude - centerRadius);
                    // Divide by the size of the usable axis area to get an axis value
                    float x = (axisRadius - centerRadius);
                    axis = axisPos / x;
                    // Clamp values to the -/+1 range
                    axis.x = Mathf.Clamp(axis.x, -1, 1);
                    axis.y = Mathf.Clamp(axis.y, -1, 1);


                yield return(null);
