void drawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, DrawEventArgs e)
            if (e.Geometry.Extent.Height == 0 | e.Geometry.Extent.Width == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please click and drag a box to define an extent", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK);

            myDrawObject.IsEnabled = false;

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = e.Geometry,
                Symbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["DrawFillSymbol"] as Symbol

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Envelope aoiEnvelope = e.Geometry as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Envelope;

            string SOEurl = "http://sampleserver4.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Elevation/ESRI_Elevation_World/MapServer/exts/ElevationsSOE/ElevationLayers/1/GetElevationData?";

            SOEurl += string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Extent={{\"xmin\" : {0}, \"ymin\" : {1}, \"xmax\" : {2}, \"ymax\" :{3},\"spatialReference\" : {{\"wkid\" : {4}}}}}&Rows={5}&Columns={6}&f=json",
                aoiEnvelope.XMin, aoiEnvelope.YMin, aoiEnvelope.XMax, aoiEnvelope.YMax,
                MyMap.SpatialReference.WKID, HeightTextBox.Text, WidthTextBox.Text);

            webClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(SOEurl));
        private void MyMap_MouseClick(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

              e.MapPoint.SpatialReference = MyMap.SpatialReference;
              Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
            Geometry = e.MapPoint,
            Symbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["DefaultClickSymbol"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol

              GeometryService geometryService =
            new GeometryService("http://serverapps101.esri.com/arcgis/rest/services/Geometry/GeometryServer");
              geometryService.BufferCompleted += GeometryService_BufferCompleted;
              geometryService.Failed += GeometryService_Failed;

              // If buffer spatial reference is GCS and unit is linear, geometry service will do geodesic buffering
              BufferParameters bufferParams = new BufferParameters()
            Unit = chkGeodesic.IsChecked.HasValue && chkGeodesic.IsChecked.Value ? LinearUnit.StatuteMile : (LinearUnit?)null,
            BufferSpatialReference = new SpatialReference(4326),
            OutSpatialReference = MyMap.SpatialReference
              bufferParams.Geodesic = chkGeodesic.IsChecked == true ? true : false;

        void myDrawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, DrawEventArgs e)
            myDrawObject.IsEnabled = false;
            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

            Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = e.Geometry,
                Symbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["DefaultClickSymbol"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol

            GeometryService geometryService =
              new GeometryService("http://serverapps101.esri.com/arcgis/rest/services/Geometry/GeometryServer");
            geometryService.BufferCompleted += GeometryService_BufferCompleted;
            geometryService.Failed += GeometryService_Failed;

            BufferParameters bufferParams = new BufferParameters()
                Unit = LinearUnit.StatuteMile,
                OutSpatialReference = MyMap.SpatialReference,
                Geodesic = true

 private void MyDrawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.DrawEventArgs args)
     ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
     Geometry = args.Geometry,
     Symbol = _activeSymbol,
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void StartEdit(ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic, bool suppressEvent)
     if (activeGraphic == graphic)
     //Create vertex graphics layer with all the vertices of the clicked graphic
     vertexLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
     if (graphic.Geometry is MapPoint)             //Points are a little special. We start tracking immediately
         DraggingVertex = AddVertexToEditLayer(graphic, vertexLayer, graphic.Geometry as MapPoint);
         if (graphic.Geometry is Polyline)
             Polyline line = graphic.Geometry as Polyline;
             foreach (PointCollection ps in line.Paths)
                 BuildHoverLines(graphic, ps, true);
         else if (graphic.Geometry is Polygon)
             Polygon poly = graphic.Geometry as Polygon;
             foreach (PointCollection ps in poly.Rings)
                 BuildHoverLines(graphic, ps, false);
         else if (graphic.Geometry is Envelope)
             Envelope poly = graphic.Geometry as Envelope;
             Graphic  g    = AddVertexToEditLayer(graphic, vertexLayer, new MapPoint(poly.XMin, poly.YMin));
             g.Attributes.Add("corner", 0);
             g = AddVertexToEditLayer(graphic, vertexLayer, new MapPoint(poly.XMax, poly.YMax));
             g.Attributes.Add("corner", 1);
     activeGraphic = graphic;
     //Start listening for mouse down events
     vertexLayer.MouseLeftButtonDown += vertexLayer_MouseLeftButtonDown;
     vertexLayer.MouseLeave          += vertexLayer_MouseLeave;
     vertexLayer.MouseMove           += vertexLayer_MouseMove;
     if (!suppressEvent)
         OnGeometryEdit(activeGraphic, null, null, Action.EditStarted);
 private client.Tasks.BufferParameters CreateBufferParameters(client.Graphic feature, client.Map mwMap)
   client.Tasks.BufferParameters bufferParameters = new client.Tasks.BufferParameters()
     Unit = BufferUnit,
     BufferSpatialReference = mwMap.SpatialReference,
     OutSpatialReference = mwMap.SpatialReference,
     UnionResults = true,
   bufferParameters.Distances.AddRange(new List<double> { BufferDistance });
   bufferParameters.Features.AddRange(new List<client.Graphic>() { feature });
   return bufferParameters;
        async void GeometryTask_BufferCompleted(object sender, client.Tasks.GraphicsEventArgs e)
            //check the result (the buffer polygon)
            //then pass to the query operation
            if (e.Results != null)
                //There will be only one result
                client.Graphic buffer = e.Results[0];

                //Then query for the features that intersect with the polygon
                await QueryForFeatures(buffer.Geometry);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private String createDescriptionString(client.Graphic f, String basedesc, String descfield, String descFlds)
            String d    = null;
            String desc = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(descfield))
                if (f.Attributes[descfield] == null)
                    d = null;

                desc = f.Attributes[descfield].ToString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(basedesc))
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(descFlds))
                        d = basedesc;
                        String[] flds = descFlds.Split(',');
                        foreach (String df in flds)
                            if (f.Attributes[df] != null)
                                d = basedesc.Replace("{" + df + "}", f.Attributes[df].ToString());
                                d = basedesc.Replace("{" + df + "}", "");
                    d = desc;
                d = null;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(d))
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a DataSource found in the DataSourceIds property is updated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSource">The DataSource being updated.</param>
        public async void OnRefresh(DataSource dataSource)
                int[] oIds  = new int[_rfFeatures.Count];
                int   count = 0;
                foreach (Feature f in _rfFeatures)
                    oIds[count] = System.Convert.ToInt32(f.Graphic.Attributes[dataSource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString());
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Refresh:  " + oIds[count].ToString());
                Query q = new Query();
                q.ReturnGeometry = true;

                var result = await dataSource.ExecuteQueryObjectIdsAsync(oIds, q);

                if (result == null || result.Features == null)

                client.GraphicsLayer gLayer = _map.Layers["RangeFanGraphics"] as client.GraphicsLayer;
                if (gLayer != null)
                    if (gLayer.Graphics.Count == result.Features.Count)
                        foreach (client.Graphic g in result.Features)
                            client.Graphic pFan = CreateFan(g);
                            if (pFan != null)
                                foreach (client.Graphic graphic in gLayer.Graphics)
                                    if (graphic.Attributes["Name"].ToString() == g.Attributes[_datasource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString())
                                        graphic.Geometry = pFan.Geometry;

            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates the buffer area from user's selected feature
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource BufferDS, client.Graphic BufferFeature)
            //Clear any running task

            //Get the map that contains the feature used to generate the buffer
            client.Map mwMap = mapWidget.Map;

            //Define the params to pass to the buffer operation
            client.Tasks.BufferParameters bufferParameters = CreateBufferParameters(BufferFeature, mwMap);

            //Execute the GP tool
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a feature is clicked. Makes the clicked feature "active" for editing,
 /// by creating a set of vertices in an edit layer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
 /// <param name="graphic">The graphic.</param>
 /// <param name="args">The <see cref="System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 private void GraphicsLayer_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic, MouseButtonEventArgs args)
     if (graphic.Geometry is MapPoint)
         args.Handled = true;
     if (activeGraphic == graphic)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public bool addToList(client.Graphic pGraphic)
                if (_map == null)

                if (_graphics == null)
                    _graphics    = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.GraphicsLayer();
                    _graphics.ID = "RangeFanGraphics";

                string oID      = _datasource.ObjectIdFieldName;
                bool   contains = false;
                foreach (Feature p in _rfFeatures)
                    if (p.Graphic.Attributes[oID].ToString() == pGraphic.Attributes[oID].ToString())
                        contains = true;
                if (contains == false)
                    Feature pFeature = new Feature(pGraphic, Field);

                    client.Graphic cFan = CreateFan(pGraphic);
                    if (cFan != null)


                    FeatureListBox.ItemsSource = null;
                    FeatureListBox.ItemsSource = _rfFeatures;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        //Show a point on the profile line when user clicks on a data point on the graph
        private void LineSeries_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            //Remove any existing graphic from the data point layer

            //When ClearGraphics_Click occurs, all data points will be removed and no new data points will be added
            //In this case, skip the rest of the method
            if (e.RemovedItems.Count > 0 && e.AddedItems.Count == 0)

            PointCollection profilePointCol = Profile.Paths.FirstOrDefault();

            if (profilePointCol == null || profilePointCol.Count == 0)

            //From the profile line, we get the map point whose m value is the same
            //as user's selected data point on the graph
            double   m        = ((KeyValuePair <double, double>)e.AddedItems[0]).Key; //M value of the data point selected from the graph
            MapPoint mapPoint = profilePointCol.FirstOrDefault(mp => mp.M == m);      //Get the map point from the profile line with the same m value

            if (mapPoint == null)

            //Create a point graphic with the map point and a symbol
            client.Graphic dataPointGraphic = new client.Graphic()
                Symbol   = SimplePointSymbol.CreatePointSymbol(),
                Geometry = mapPoint
            //Add the graphic to the data point layer

            //If we can find the data point layer, we first remove it
            if (MapWidget.Map.Layers.Contains(selecteDataPointLyr))

            //Add the point layer back to make sure it always stay on top
        void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
            client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;

            if (clickPoint != null)
                e.MapPoint.SpatialReference = _mapWidget.Map.SpatialReference;
                client.Graphic graphic = new client.Graphic()
                    Geometry = e.MapPoint,
                    Symbol   = _resourceDictionary["bufferSymbol"] as client.Symbols.PictureMarkerSymbol

        private void MyDrawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.DrawEventArgs args)
            if (LayersList.SelectedItem == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select layer(s) to extract");
                (MyMap.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer).Graphics.Clear();

            Geometry filterGeometry = args.Geometry;

            if (args.Geometry is Polyline)
                Polyline freehandLine = args.Geometry as Polyline;
                filterGeometry = new Polygon()
                    SpatialReference = MyMap.SpatialReference
                (filterGeometry as Polygon).Rings.Add(freehandLine.Paths[0]);

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = filterGeometry
            _drawObject.IsEnabled = false;

            ProcessingTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            List <GPParameter> parameters = new List <GPParameter>();

            var strLayerList = new List <GPString>();

            foreach (var itm in LayersList.SelectedItems)
                strLayerList.Add(new GPString(itm.ToString(), itm.ToString()));
            parameters.Add(new GPMultiValue <GPString>("Layers_to_Clip", strLayerList));
            parameters.Add(new GPFeatureRecordSetLayer("Area_of_Interest", _graphicsLayer.Graphics[0].Geometry));
            parameters.Add(new GPString("Feature_Format", Formats.SelectedValue.ToString()));

        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function which does the actual report generation work
        /// </summary>
        private async void GenerateReportAsync(client.Graphic feature, int wkid)
            ReportGenerationService service = new ReportGenerationService();

            //Generate a census report and retrive the location of the report
            string reportLocation = await service.GetReportGenerationAsync(feature, BufferRadius, wkid);

            //Try to open the report in a pdf viewer
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportLocation))
                MessageBox.Show("Error generating report", "Report Generation", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.None);
                Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(reportLocation));
        /// <summary>
        /// This function determines if the feature action will be enabled or disabled
        /// </summary>
        public bool CanExecute(DataSource BufferDS, client.Graphic BufferFeature)
            if (BufferDistance == 0)

            MapWidget bufferDSMapWidget; //map widget containing the buffer dataSource
            MapWidget targetDSMapWidget; ////map widget containing the target dataSource

            //The feature used to generate the buffer area must not be null
            if (BufferFeature == null)

            //The data source to queried (TargetDataSource) and the data source that contains the BufferFeature (BufferDS) must not be null
            if (TargetDataSource == null || BufferDS == null)

            //Get the mapWidget consuming the target datasource
            if ((targetDSMapWidget = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(TargetDataSource)) == null)

            //Check if the map widget associated with the buffer dataSource is valid
            if ((bufferDSMapWidget = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(BufferDS)) == null)

            //Only if targetDSMapWidget and bufferDSMapWidget referes to the same object can we execute the search
            if (bufferDSMapWidget.Id != targetDSMapWidget.Id)

            //Assigning the selected values to the global variables for later use
            bufferDataSource = BufferDS;
            mapWidget        = bufferDSMapWidget;

Ejemplo n.º 18
        void win_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TextSymbolPropsWindow win = sender as TextSymbolPropsWindow;

            if ((bool)win.DialogResult)
                GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = BoundMap.Layers["AnnoLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;
                string        input         = win.Annotation;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
                    MapPoint   pt  = _currentPoint;
                    TextSymbol sym = new TextSymbol();
                    sym.FontFamily = new FontFamily(win.TextFont);
                    sym.FontSize   = win.TextFontSize;
                    sym.Text       = win.Annotation;
                    sym.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush {
                        Color = Colors.Black
                    Zekiah.Samples.Font f = new Font();
                    f.Family = sym.FontFamily;
                    f.Size   = sym.FontSize;
                    f.Style  = FontStyles.Normal;
                    f.Weight = FontWeights.Normal;
                    String s = new String(input.ToCharArray());

                    Size size = s.Measure(f);
                    sym.OffsetX = size.Width / 2;
                    sym.OffsetY = size.Height / 2;
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                        Geometry = pt,
                        Symbol   = sym,
                    graphic.MouseEnter           += new MouseEventHandler(graphic_MouseEnter);
                    graphic.MouseLeave           += new MouseEventHandler(graphic_MouseLeave);
                    graphic.MouseRightButtonDown += new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(graphic_MouseRightButtonDown);
                    if (win.EditMode)
 /// <summary>
 /// Define the radius where teams will be searched. We hardcoded it to 1 mile for this sample
 /// </summary>
 private client.Tasks.BufferParameters CreateBufferParameters(client.Graphic polygon, client.Map mwMap)
     client.Tasks.BufferParameters bufferParameters = new client.Tasks.BufferParameters()
         Unit = client.Tasks.LinearUnit.SurveyMile,
         BufferSpatialReference = mwMap.SpatialReference,
         OutSpatialReference    = mwMap.SpatialReference,
         UnionResults           = true,
     bufferParameters.Distances.AddRange(new List <double> {
     bufferParameters.Features.AddRange(new List <client.Graphic>()
Ejemplo n.º 20
        // ***********************************************************************************
        // * ...Let user enter the incident location on the map
        // ***********************************************************************************
        void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
                client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic();
                graphic.Geometry = e.MapPoint;

                graphic.Symbol = _mydictionary["spillSymbol"] as client.Symbols.MarkerSymbol;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error in mouseclick: " + ex.Message);
            _mapWidget.Map.MouseClick -= Map_MouseClick;
        // ***********************************************************************************
        // * User finished drawing a polyline on the map. Add the polyline
        // * barriers GraphicsLayer.
        // ***********************************************************************************
        void DrawComplete(object sender, client.DrawEventArgs e)
            // Deactivate the draw object for now.
            if (_drawObject != null)
                _drawObject.IsEnabled     = false;
                _drawObject.DrawComplete -= DrawComplete;

            client.Geometry.Polyline barrierGeometry = e.Geometry as client.Geometry.Polyline;
            client.Graphic           barrierGraphic  = new client.Graphic()
                Symbol   = _polylineBarrierSymbol, //(LineSymbol)this.FindResource("routeSymbol")
                Geometry = barrierGeometry

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the spatial query result (the buffer polygon) then use the polygon to search for the
        /// team features that intersect with it.
        /// Finally, show the team assignment page and select the teams nearby
        /// </summary>
        async void GeometryTask_BufferCompleted(object sender, client.Tasks.GraphicsEventArgs e)
            if (e.Results != null)
                //There will be only one result
                client.Graphic buffer = e.Results[0];

                //Then query for the team features that intersect with the buffer polygon
                await QueryForFeatures(buffer.Geometry);

                #region Confirm team assignment and send SMS to the teams.
                //If the team data source doesn't have the phone number or the carrier field, we won't allowing sending SMS
                bool smsEnabled            = (TeamDataSrc.Fields.Count(f => f.FieldName == "PhoneNumber" || f.FieldName == "Carrier") == 2) ? true : false;
                TeamAssignmentPage smsPage = new TeamAssignmentPage(SearchAreaName, TeamFeatureLayer, TeamsNearby, smsEnabled);
 // ***********************************************************************************
 // * Add an incident location on the map... closest facility will be found for this location
 // ***********************************************************************************
 void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
     client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;
     if (clickPoint != null)
         client.Graphic tempGraphic = new client.Graphic()
             Geometry = clickPoint,
             Symbol   = new client.Symbols.SimpleMarkerSymbol()
                 Color = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red,
                 Size  = 12,
                 Style = client.Symbols.SimpleMarkerSymbol.SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle
        private void MyDrawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.DrawEventArgs args)
            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = args.Geometry,
                Symbol   = _activeSymbol,

            if (args.Geometry is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polyline)
                _polyline = args.Geometry as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polyline;

            ((ApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[0]).IsEnabled = true; // clear
            ((ApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[1]).IsEnabled = true; // show graph
Ejemplo n.º 25
        void win_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TextSymbolPropsWindow win           = sender as TextSymbolPropsWindow;
            GraphicsLayer         graphicsLayer = _map.Map.Layers["defaultTextGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;
            string input = win.Annotation; // System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Prompt("Enter text to display");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
                MapPoint   pt  = _currentPoint;
                TextSymbol sym = new TextSymbol();
                sym.FontFamily = new FontFamily(win.TextFont); // new FontFamily("Arial");
                sym.FontSize   = win.TextFontSize;             // 20;
                sym.Text       = win.Annotation;               // input;
                sym.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush {
                    Color = Colors.Black
                Main.Helpers.Font f = new Font();
                f.Family = sym.FontFamily;
                f.Size   = sym.FontSize;
                f.Style  = FontStyles.Normal;
                f.Weight = FontWeights.Normal;
                String s = new String(input.ToCharArray());

                Size size = s.Measure(f);
                sym.OffsetX = size.Width / 2;
                sym.OffsetY = size.Height / 2;
                //MessageBox.Show("h:" + size.Height.ToString() + " w:" + size.Width.ToString());
                //TODO: Apply offest to center label
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                    Geometry = pt,
                    Symbol   = sym,
                graphic.MouseLeftButtonUp    += new MouseButtonEventHandler(graphic_MouseLeftButtonUp);
                graphic.MouseRightButtonDown += new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(graphic_MouseRightButtonDown);
                if (win.EditMode)
        private void HighlightFeature_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SiteDetails sd = ((Button)sender).DataContext as SiteDetails;

            Geometry g = Geometry.FromJson(sd.ZoomExtent);

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureLayer fl = mapWidget.FindFeatureLayer(dataSource);

            for (int i = 0; i < fl.Graphics.Count; i++)
                client.Graphic feature = fl.Graphics[i];
                int            featureOid;
                int.TryParse(feature.Attributes[dataSource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString(), out featureOid);
                if (sd.f == featureOid.ToString())
Ejemplo n.º 27
        //When the Draw Line button is clicked:
        //The skecth (a polyline graphic) will be created and will be added to the sketch layer
        //The sketch layer will be added to the map for display
        //2 map events will be registered for user's interaction
        private void AddGraphics_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Take the first map widget from the view
            MapWidget mapWidget = OperationsDashboard.Instance.Widgets.First(w => w.GetType() == typeof(MapWidget)) as MapWidget;

            if (mapWidget == null || mapWidget.Map == null)

            MapWidget = mapWidget;
            client.Map map = MapWidget.Map;

            //First, remove any existing graphic layer on the map

            //Create the geometry (a polyline) for the sketch
            sketchGeometry = new client.Geometry.Polyline();
            sketchGeometry.SpatialReference = map.SpatialReference;
            sketchGeometry.Paths.Add(new client.Geometry.PointCollection());

            //Create the sketch with the geometry and a symbol
            client.Graphic sketch = new client.Graphic()
                Symbol   = SimplePolylineSymbol.CreateLineSymbol(),
                Geometry = sketchGeometry,

            //Add the sketch to the map sketch layer

            //Add the sketch layer back to the map

            //Register mouse click i.e. sketch begins
            //Register mouse double click i.e. sketch finishes
            map.MouseClick       += map_MouseClick;
            map.MouseDoubleClick += map_MouseDoubleClick;
            map.MouseMove        += map_MouseMove;
        void drawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, DrawEventArgs e)
            myDrawObject.IsEnabled = false;

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = e.Geometry,
                Symbol   = LayoutRoot.Resources["DrawFillSymbol"] as Symbol

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Envelope aoiEnvelope = e.Geometry as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Envelope;

            string SOEurl = "http://sampleserver4.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Elevation/ESRI_Elevation_World/MapServer/exts/ElevationsSOE/ElevationLayers/1/GetElevationData?";

            SOEurl += string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Extent={{\"xmin\" : {0}, \"ymin\" : {1}, \"xmax\" : {2}, \"ymax\" :{3},\"spatialReference\" : {{\"wkid\" : {4}}}}}&Rows={5}&Columns={6}&f=json",
                                    aoiEnvelope.XMin, aoiEnvelope.YMin, aoiEnvelope.XMax, aoiEnvelope.YMax,
                                    MyMap.SpatialReference.WKID, HeightTextBox.Text, WidthTextBox.Text);

            webClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(SOEurl));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute is called when the user chooses the feature action from the feature actions context menu. Only called if
 /// CanExecute returned true.
 /// </summary>
 public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource, client.Graphic feature)
         // For example, in the MapWidget that ultimately provides the data source, show the popup window for the feature.
         MapWidget mw = MapWidget.FindMapWidget(dataSource);
         foreach (var widget in OperationsDashboard.Instance.Widgets)
             if (widget is RangeFanWid)
                 RangeFanWid pWidget = (RangeFanWid)widget;
     catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 30
        void targetAreaDraw_DrawComplete(object sender, client.DrawEventArgs e)
                if (_graphicsLayerPoly == null)
                    _graphicsLayerPoly    = new client.GraphicsLayer();
                    _graphicsLayerPoly.ID = "AircraftCommunicationGraphicsPoly";
                    client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers aclyrs = _mapWidget.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;
                    if (aclyrs.Count() > 0)
                ResourceDictionary mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
                mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/AircraftCommunicationCoverageAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                WebMercator    mercator = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Projection.WebMercator();
                client.Graphic g        = new client.Graphic();
                //g.Geometry = mercator.ToGeographic(e.Geometry) as client.Geometry.Polygon;
                //g.Symbol = mydictionary["BasicFillSymbol_Yellow_Trans_6"] as client.Symbols.SimpleFillSymbol;
                g.Geometry = e.Geometry as client.Geometry.Polygon;
                g.Symbol   = mydictionary["BasicFillSymbol_Yellow_Trans_6"] as client.Symbols.SimpleFillSymbol;
                targetAreaDraw.DrawMode = client.DrawMode.None;
                if (_graphicsLayer != null && _graphicsLayerPoly != null)
                    if (_graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count() > 0 && _graphicsLayerPoly.Graphics.Count() > 0)
                        RunButton.IsEnabled = true;

                targetAreaDraw.IsEnabled = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error in draw complete: " + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Mouse handler that sets the coordinates of the clicked point into text in the toolbar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
                client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;
                //WebMercator mercator = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Projection.WebMercator();
                ///client.Geometry.MapPoint pt = null;
                //pt = mercator.ToGeographic(clickPoint) as client.Geometry.MapPoint;
                if (_graphicsLayer == null)
                    _graphicsLayer = new client.GraphicsLayer();

                    _graphicsLayer.ID = "GroundCommunicationGraphics";
                    client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers aclyrs = _mapWidget.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;
                    if (aclyrs.Count() > 0)
                ResourceDictionary mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
                mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/GroundCommunicationCoverageAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
                client.Graphic graphic = new client.Graphic();
                //graphic.Geometry = pt;
                graphic.Geometry = clickPoint;
                graphic.Symbol   = mydictionary["RedPin"] as client.Symbols.MarkerSymbol;

                if (_graphicsLayer != null)
                    if (_graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count() > 0)
                        RunButton.IsEnabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error in map mouseclick: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute is called when the user chooses the feature action from the feature actions context menu. Only called if
 /// CanExecute returned true.
 /// </summary>
 public void Execute(ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource dataSource, client.Graphic feature)
         // Provide feature action implementation.
         // Check if the data source and feature can be used with this feature action.
         foreach (var widget in OperationsDashboard.Instance.Widgets)
             if (widget is RangeFanWid)
                 //((RangeFanWidget)widget).Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                 RangeFanWid pWidget = (RangeFanWid)widget;
     catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 33
        //Open the info window (with the retrieved photo) when mouse enters the pushpin graphic
        void graphicsLayer_MouseEnter(object sender, client.GraphicMouseEventArgs e)
            //Get the pushpin graphic we are interested in
            client.Graphic pushpin = e.Graphic;

            //Get the photoInfo object associated with the pushpin graphic
            //From the photoInfo object we will get the URL of the photo
            var photoInfo = photoInfos.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Location.X == (pushpin.Geometry as MapPoint).X && pi.Location.Y == (pushpin.Geometry as MapPoint).Y);

            if (photoInfo == null)

            //Set the content of the info window to the target photoInfo
            //Specify the location where it should open
            //Then open it
            MyInfoWindow.Content   = photoInfo;
            MyInfoWindow.Anchor    = pushpin.Geometry as MapPoint;
            MyInfoWindow.Placement = client.Toolkit.InfoWindow.PlacementMode.Bottom;
            MyInfoWindow.IsOpen    = true;
        private void DrawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, DrawEventArgs e)
            if (this.DrawWidget == this.GetType())
                Graphic graphic = null;

                if (this.drawMode == "Freepoly")
                    // Geometry needs to be simplified
                    needGeneralized = true;
                    // Create a Graphic with the newly closed Polygon
                    graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                        Geometry = GeometryTool.FreehandToPolygon(e.Geometry as Polyline),
                        Symbol   = this.CurrentApp.Resources[SymbolResources.DRAW_FILL] as FillSymbol
                    // Create a Graphic with the drawn geometry
                    graphic        = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic();
                    graphic.Symbol = this.CurrentApp.Resources[SymbolResources.DRAW_FILL] as FillSymbol;
                    switch (e.Geometry.GetType().Name)
                    case "Envelope":
                        graphic.Geometry = GeometryTool.EnvelopeToPolygon(e.Geometry as Envelope); break;

                    case "Polygon":
                        graphic.Geometry = e.Geometry; break;

                if (graphic != null)
        private void QueryPoint_MouseClick(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks.IdentifyParameters identifyParams = new IdentifyParameters()
                Geometry = clickPoint,
                MapExtent = MyMap.Extent,
                Width = (int)MyMap.ActualWidth,
                Height = (int)MyMap.ActualHeight,
                LayerOption = LayerOption.visible,
                SpatialReference = MyMap.SpatialReference

            IdentifyTask identifyTask = new IdentifyTask("http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/" +
            identifyTask.ExecuteCompleted += IdentifyTask_ExecuteCompleted;
            identifyTask.Failed += IdentifyTask_Failed;

            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = clickPoint,
                Symbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["DefaultPictureSymbol"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol
        // ***********************************************************************************
        // * User finished drawing a polyline on the map. Add the polyline 
        // * barriers GraphicsLayer. 
        // ***********************************************************************************
        void DrawComplete(object sender, client.DrawEventArgs e)
            // Deactivate the draw object for now.
            if (_drawObject != null)
                _drawObject.IsEnabled = false;
                _drawObject.DrawComplete -= DrawComplete;

            client.Geometry.Polyline barrierGeometry = e.Geometry as client.Geometry.Polyline;
            client.Graphic barrierGraphic = new client.Graphic()
                Symbol = _polylineBarrierSymbol, //(LineSymbol)this.FindResource("routeSymbol")
                Geometry = barrierGeometry

 // ***********************************************************************************
 // * Add an incident location on the map... closest facility will be found for this location
 // ***********************************************************************************
 void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
     client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;
     if (clickPoint != null)
         client.Graphic tempGraphic = new client.Graphic()
             Geometry = clickPoint,
             Symbol = new client.Symbols.SimpleMarkerSymbol()
                 Color = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red,
                 Size = 12,
                 Style = client.Symbols.SimpleMarkerSymbol.SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle
        void targetAreaDraw_DrawComplete(object sender, client.DrawEventArgs e)
                if (_graphicsLayerPoly == null)
                    _graphicsLayerPoly = new client.GraphicsLayer();
                    _graphicsLayerPoly.ID = "AircraftCommunicationGraphicsPoly";
                    client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers aclyrs = _mapWidget.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;
                    if (aclyrs.Count() > 0)
                ResourceDictionary mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
                mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/AircraftCommunicationCoverageAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                WebMercator mercator = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Projection.WebMercator();
                client.Graphic g = new client.Graphic();
                //g.Geometry = mercator.ToGeographic(e.Geometry) as client.Geometry.Polygon;
                //g.Symbol = mydictionary["BasicFillSymbol_Yellow_Trans_6"] as client.Symbols.SimpleFillSymbol;
                g.Geometry = e.Geometry as client.Geometry.Polygon;
                g.Symbol = mydictionary["BasicFillSymbol_Yellow_Trans_6"] as client.Symbols.SimpleFillSymbol;
                targetAreaDraw.DrawMode = client.DrawMode.None;
                if (_graphicsLayer != null && _graphicsLayerPoly != null)
                    if (_graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count() > 0 && _graphicsLayerPoly.Graphics.Count() > 0)
                        RunButton.IsEnabled = true;

                targetAreaDraw.IsEnabled = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error in draw complete: " + ex.Message);
        private client.Graphic CreateFan(client.Graphic g)
                SimpleFillSymbol _sym = new SimpleFillSymbol()
                    Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, (byte)255, (byte)190, (byte)232)),
                    BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, (byte)197, (byte)0, (byte)255)),
                    BorderThickness = 1
                client.Graphic pPolyGraphic = new client.Graphic();
                if (Traversal < 360)
                    double initBearing = Bearing;
                    initBearing = Geo2Arithmetic(Bearing);  //Need to convert from geographic angles (zero north clockwise) to arithmetic (zero east counterclockwise)
                    if (Traversal == 0)
                        Traversal = 1;
                    double leftAngle = initBearing - (Traversal / 2.0);
                    double rightAngle = initBearing + (Traversal / 2.0);

                    double centerpointX = g.Geometry.Extent.GetCenter().X;
                    double centerpointY = g.Geometry.Extent.GetCenter().Y;

                    ObservableCollection<ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection> pcol = new ObservableCollection<ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection>();
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection ptCollection = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection();
                    ptCollection.Add(g.Geometry as MapPoint);

                    for (int i = System.Convert.ToInt16(leftAngle); i < rightAngle; i++)
                        double x = centerpointX + (Range * Math.Cos(DegreeToRadian(i)));
                        double y = centerpointY + (Range * Math.Sin(DegreeToRadian(i)));
                        ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint mPt = new MapPoint(x, y);
                    ptCollection.Add(g.Geometry as MapPoint);

                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon pPoly = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon();
                    pPoly.Rings = pcol;

                    pPolyGraphic.Geometry = pPoly;

                    pPolyGraphic.Symbol = _sym;
                    pPolyGraphic.Attributes.Add("Name", g.Attributes[_datasource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString());
                    Circle pCircle = new Circle();
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint mPt = new MapPoint(g.Geometry.Extent.GetCenter().X, g.Geometry.Extent.GetCenter().Y);
                    pCircle.Center = mPt;
                    pCircle.Radius = Range;
                    pPolyGraphic.Symbol = _sym;
                    pPolyGraphic.Geometry = pCircle;
                    pPolyGraphic.Attributes.Add("Name", g.Attributes[_datasource.ObjectIdFieldName].ToString());
                return pPolyGraphic;

                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for Draw Complete event of the draw object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void MyDrawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.DrawEventArgs args)
            if (!MapLayersManager.Instance.annotationsLayerAdded && !MapLayersManager.Instance.onlineAnnotationLayersAdded) return;

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = args.Geometry,
                Symbol = _activeSymbol,

            if (MapLayersManager.Instance.annotationsLayerAdded)
            //                GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MapLayersManager.Instance.annotationsLayer as GraphicsLayer;
                GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["AnnotationsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

            if (MapLayersManager.Instance.onlineAnnotationLayersAdded)
                FeatureLayer fl;

                if (MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Point)
                    fl = MyMap.Layers["PointAnnotationsLayer"] as FeatureLayer;
                else if (MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Freehand || MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Polyline)
                    fl = MyMap.Layers["LineAnnotationsLayer"] as FeatureLayer;
                else if (MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Polygon || MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Triangle ||
                    MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Circle || MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Ellipse || MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Arrow)
                    fl = MyMap.Layers["PolygonAnnotationsLayer"] as FeatureLayer;
                else if (MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Rectangle) // Rectangles are returned the Draw object as Envelopes. We convert this to a polygon, to add to our feature layer.
                    fl = MyMap.Layers["PolygonAnnotationsLayer"] as FeatureLayer;
                    Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
                    polygon.Rings.Add(GetPointCollectionFromEnvelope(graphic.Geometry as Envelope));
                    graphic.Geometry = polygon;
                graphic.Geometry.SpatialReference = MyMap.SpatialReference;
                // Spatial reference is not set on some of the geometry Draw returns, or on the new rectangle polygon, and is required for addition to a feature layer.

Ejemplo n.º 41
        private void AddBufferedPoint()
            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = myMap.Layers[layerId.ToString()] as GraphicsLayer;

            point.SpatialReference = myMap.SpatialReference;
            Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = point,
                Symbol = SimplePointSymbol

            GeometryService geometryService =
              new GeometryService("http://sampleserver3.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Geometry/GeometryServer");
            geometryService.BufferCompleted += GeometryService_BufferCompleted;
            geometryService.Failed += GeometryService_Failed;

            // If buffer spatial reference is GCS and unit is linear, geometry service will do geodesic buffering
            BufferParameters bufferParams = new BufferParameters()
                Unit = StandardUnit,
                BufferSpatialReference = new SpatialReference(4326),
                OutSpatialReference = myMap.SpatialReference

 /// <summary>
 /// Mouse handler that sets the coordinates of the clicked point into text in the toolbar.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
         client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;
         WebMercator mercator = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Projection.WebMercator();
         client.Geometry.MapPoint pt = null;
         pt = mercator.ToGeographic(clickPoint) as client.Geometry.MapPoint;
         if (_graphicsLayer == null)
             _graphicsLayer = new client.GraphicsLayer();
             _graphicsLayer.ID = "ComputedPoints";
             client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers aclyrs = _mapWidget.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;
             if (aclyrs.Count() > 0)
         ResourceDictionary mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
         mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/AirCraftRouteGenerationLineAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
         client.Graphic graphic = new client.Graphic();
         graphic.Geometry = pt;
         graphic.Symbol = mydictionary["RedPin"] as client.Symbols.MarkerSymbol;
         RunButton.IsEnabled = true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show("Error in map mouseclick: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 43
        // Perform Identify when the map is clicked.
        private void MyMap_MouseClick(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Map.MouseEventArgs args)
            // Show an icon at the Identify location.
            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["IdentifyIconGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = args.MapPoint,
                Symbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["IdentifyLocationSymbol"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol

            // Identify task initialization.
            IdentifyTask identifyTask = new IdentifyTask("http://maverick.arcgis.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_WGS84/MapServer/");
            identifyTask.ExecuteCompleted += IdentifyTask_ExecuteCompleted;
            identifyTask.Failed += IdentifyTask_Failed;

            // Initialize Identify parameters. Specify search of all layers.
            IdentifyParameters identifyParameters = new IdentifyParameters();
            //identifyParameters.LayerOption = LayerOption.all;
            identifyParameters.LayerIds.AddRange(new int[] { 0, 1 });

            // Pass the current Map properties to Identify parameters.
            identifyParameters.MapExtent = MyMap.Extent;
            identifyParameters.Width = (int)MyMap.ActualWidth;
            identifyParameters.Height = (int)MyMap.ActualHeight;

            // Identify features at the click point.
            identifyParameters.Geometry = args.MapPoint;

Ejemplo n.º 44
        private void MyDrawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.DrawEventArgs args)

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = args.Geometry,
                Symbol = _activeSymbol,

            FeatureLayer fl;

            if (MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Point)

                fl = PointLayer;

                MapPoint loc = graphic.Geometry as MapPoint;

            else if (MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Freehand || MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Polyline)
                fl = LineLayer;
            else if (MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Polygon || MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Triangle ||
                MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Circle || MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Ellipse || MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Arrow)
                fl = PolygonLayer;
            else if (MyDrawObject.DrawMode == DrawMode.Rectangle) // Rectangles are returned the Draw object as Envelopes. We convert this to a polygon, to add to our feature layer.
                fl = PolygonLayer;
                Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
                polygon.Rings.Add(GetPointCollectionFromEnvelope(graphic.Geometry as Envelope));
                graphic.Geometry = polygon;

            if (graphic.Geometry == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("geom is null, that's weird!");
                // This happens from time to time, looks like ESRI's api sometimes reports new map drawings incorrectly.

            graphic.Geometry.SpatialReference = MyMap.SpatialReference;
            // Spatial reference is not set on some of the geometry Draw returns, or on the new rectangle polygon, and is required for addition to a feature layer.

            if (!fl.Visible)
                fl.Visible = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Mouse handler that sets the coordinates of the clicked point into text in the toolbar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
                if (_mapWidget != null)
                    _mapWidget.Map.MouseClick -= Map_MouseClick;
                // Find the map layer in the map widget that contains the data source.
                IEnumerable<ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource> dataSources = OperationsDashboard.Instance.DataSources;
                foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource d in dataSources)

                    if (_mapWidget != null && d.IsSelectable == true)
                        // Get the feature layer in the map for the data source.
                        client.FeatureLayer featureL = _mapWidget.FindFeatureLayer(d);

                        //Clear Selection on Feature Layers in map

                location = e.MapPoint;
                if (_graphicsLayer == null)
                    _graphicsLayer = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.GraphicsLayer();
                    _graphicsLayer.ID = "BombThreatGraphics";
                    client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers aclyrs = _mapWidget.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;
                    if (aclyrs.Count() > 0)

                Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic();
                graphic.Geometry = location;
                graphic.Attributes.Add("Evac", bombType.Text);
                ResourceDictionary mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
                mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/BombThreatAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                graphic.Symbol = mydictionary["DefaultClickSymbol"] as client.Symbols.MarkerSymbol;
                _graphicsLayer.MapTip = new ContentControl()
                    ContentTemplate = (DataTemplate)Resources["kymaptip"]
                _graphicsLayer.MapTip.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, new Binding());

                if (location != null)
                    RunButton.IsEnabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error in mouseclick: " + ex.Message);
        private void RunButton_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                if (_graphicsLayer != null)
                // Find the map layer in the map widget that contains the data source.
                IEnumerable<ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource> dataSources = OperationsDashboard.Instance.DataSources;
                foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.OperationsDashboard.DataSource d in dataSources)

                    if (_mapWidget != null && d.IsSelectable == true)
                        // Get the feature layer in the map for the data source.
                        client.FeatureLayer featureL = _mapWidget.FindFeatureLayer(d);

                        //Clear Selection on Feature Layers in map

                if (txtAddress.Text == "Enter Address")
                    int BuildingEvacDistance = 0;
                    int OutdoorEvacDistance = 0;

                    if (bombType.Text == "Pipe bomb")
                        BuildingEvacDistance = 70;
                        OutdoorEvacDistance = 1200;
                    else if (bombType.Text == "Suicide vest")
                        BuildingEvacDistance = 110;
                        OutdoorEvacDistance = 1750;
                    else if (bombType.Text == "Briefcase/suitcase bomb")
                        BuildingEvacDistance = 150;
                        OutdoorEvacDistance = 1850;
                    else if (bombType.Text == "Sedan")
                        BuildingEvacDistance = 320;
                        OutdoorEvacDistance = 1900;
                    else if (bombType.Text == "SUV/van")
                        BuildingEvacDistance = 400;
                        OutdoorEvacDistance = 2400;
                    else if (bombType.Text == "Small delivery truck")
                        BuildingEvacDistance = 640;
                        OutdoorEvacDistance = 3800;
                    else if (bombType.Text == "Container/water truck")
                        BuildingEvacDistance = 860;
                        OutdoorEvacDistance = 5100;
                    else if (bombType.Text == "Semi-trailer")
                        BuildingEvacDistance = 1570;
                        OutdoorEvacDistance = 9300;
                    if (BuildingEvacDistance == 0 || OutdoorEvacDistance == 0)

                    //e.MapPoint.SpatialReference = _mapWidget.Map.SpatialReference;
                    //location = e.MapPoint;
                    if (location == null)
                    Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic();
                    graphic.Geometry = location;

                    GeometryService geometryTask = new GeometryService();
                    geometryTask.Url = _serviceURL;
                    geometryTask.BufferCompleted += GeometryService_BufferCompleted;
                    geometryTask.Failed += GeometryService_Failed;

                    // If buffer spatial reference is GCS and unit is linear, geometry service will do geodesic buffering
                    BufferParameters bufferParams = new BufferParameters()
                        Unit = LinearUnit.SurveyFoot,
                        BufferSpatialReference = new SpatialReference(102004),
                        OutSpatialReference = _mapWidget.Map.SpatialReference
                    double[] theDistances = new double[] { BuildingEvacDistance, OutdoorEvacDistance };
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("error in run: " + ex.Message);
        void locatorTask_AddressToLocationsCompleted(object sender, AddressToLocationsEventArgs e)
                List<AddressCandidate> returnedCandidates = e.Results;
                int BuildingEvacDistance = 0;
                int OutdoorEvacDistance = 0;

                if (bombType.Text == "Pipe bomb")
                    BuildingEvacDistance = 70;
                    OutdoorEvacDistance = 1200;
                else if (bombType.Text == "Suicide vest")
                    BuildingEvacDistance = 110;
                    OutdoorEvacDistance = 1750;
                else if (bombType.Text == "Briefcase/suitcase bomb")
                    BuildingEvacDistance = 150;
                    OutdoorEvacDistance = 1850;
                else if (bombType.Text == "Sedan")
                    BuildingEvacDistance = 320;
                    OutdoorEvacDistance = 1900;
                else if (bombType.Text == "SUV/van")
                    BuildingEvacDistance = 400;
                    OutdoorEvacDistance = 2400;
                else if (bombType.Text == "Small delivery truck")
                    BuildingEvacDistance = 640;
                    OutdoorEvacDistance = 3800;
                else if (bombType.Text == "Container/water truck")
                    BuildingEvacDistance = 860;
                    OutdoorEvacDistance = 5100;
                else if (bombType.Text == "Semi-trailer")
                    BuildingEvacDistance = 1570;
                    OutdoorEvacDistance = 9300;

                if (BuildingEvacDistance == 0 || OutdoorEvacDistance == 0)

                if (e.Results.Count > 0)
                    AddressCandidate candidate = returnedCandidates[0];

                    ResourceDictionary mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
                    mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/BombThreatAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
                    Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic();
                    graphic.Geometry = candidate.Location;
                    graphic.Symbol = mydictionary["DefaultClickSymbol"] as client.Symbols.MarkerSymbol;

                    location = candidate.Location;
                    if (_graphicsLayer == null)
                        _graphicsLayer = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.GraphicsLayer();
                        _graphicsLayer.ID = "BombThreatGraphics";
                        client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers aclyrs = _mapWidget.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;
                        if (aclyrs.Count() > 0)


                    GeometryService geometryTask = new GeometryService();
                    geometryTask.Url = "http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/Geometry/GeometryServer"; geometryTask.BufferCompleted += GeometryService_BufferCompleted;
                    geometryTask.Failed += GeometryService_Failed;

                    // If buffer spatial reference is GCS and unit is linear, geometry service will do geodesic buffering
                    BufferParameters bufferParams = new BufferParameters()
                        Unit = LinearUnit.SurveyFoot,
                        BufferSpatialReference = new SpatialReference(102004),
                        OutSpatialReference = _mapWidget.Map.SpatialReference
                    double[] theDistances = new double[] { BuildingEvacDistance, OutdoorEvacDistance };

                    MessageBox.Show("No address found.  Example schema: 380 New York Ave., Redlands, CA or click on the map");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error in Address location complete: " + ex.Message);
        private void QueryTask_ExecuteCompleted(object sender, QueryEventArgs args)
            if (args.FeatureSet == null)
            FeatureSet featureSet = args.FeatureSet;
            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

            if (featureSet != null && featureSet.Features.Count > 0)
                foreach (Graphic feature in featureSet.Features)
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                        Geometry = feature.Geometry,
                        Symbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["ParcelFillSymbol"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol
        private void MyDrawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.DrawEventArgs args)
            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = args.Geometry,
                Symbol = _activeSymbol,

            if (args.Geometry is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polyline)
                _polyline = args.Geometry as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polyline;

            ((ApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[0]).IsEnabled = true; // clear
            ((ApplicationBarIconButton)ApplicationBar.Buttons[1]).IsEnabled = true; // show graph
        // ***********************************************************************************
        // * ...Let user enter the incident location on the map
        // ***********************************************************************************
        void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
                client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic();
                graphic.Geometry = e.MapPoint;

                graphic.Symbol = _mydictionary["spillSymbol"] as client.Symbols.MarkerSymbol;               
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error in mouseclick: " + ex.Message);
            _mapWidget.Map.MouseClick -= Map_MouseClick;
Ejemplo n.º 51
        private void myMap_MouseClick(object sender, Map.MouseEventArgs args)
            if (activateIdentify == true)

                GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = myMap.Layers["identifyIconGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                    Geometry = args.MapPoint,
                    Symbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["identifyLocationSymbol"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol
                // Add the identify graphic

                IdentifyTask identifyTask = new IdentifyTask("http://unibeast/ArcGIS/rest/services/InternetVector/MapServer");
                identifyTask.ExecuteCompleted += IdentifyTask_ExecuteCompleted;
                identifyTask.Failed += IdentifyTask_Failed;

                IdentifyParameters identifyParameters = new IdentifyParameters();
                // Search all layers
                identifyParameters.LayerOption = LayerOption.all;

                // Initialize extent of map width and height for identify parameters
                identifyParameters.MapExtent = myMap.Extent;
                identifyParameters.Width = (int)myMap.ActualWidth;
                identifyParameters.Height = (int)myMap.ActualHeight;

                // Identify the point clicked on the map
                identifyParameters.Geometry = args.MapPoint;

                // Execute the identify task
        /// <summary>
        /// Mouse handler that sets the coordinates of the clicked point into text in the toolbar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
                client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;
                if (_graphicsLayer == null)
                    _graphicsLayer = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.GraphicsLayer();
                    _graphicsLayer.ID = "FarthestOnCircleGraphics";
                    client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers aclyrs = _mapWidget.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;
                    if (aclyrs.Count() > 0)
                ResourceDictionary mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
                mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/FarthestOnCircleAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
                client.Graphic graphic = new client.Graphic();
                graphic.Geometry = clickPoint;
                graphic.Symbol = mydictionary["RedPin"] as client.Symbols.MarkerSymbol;

                RunButton.IsEnabled = true;
                if (_mapWidget != null)
                    _mapWidget.Map.MouseClick -= Map_MouseClick;
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void MyDrawObject_DrawComplete(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.DrawEventArgs args)
            if (LayersList.SelectedItem == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select layer(s) to extract");
                (MyMap.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer).Graphics.Clear();

            Geometry filterGeometry = args.Geometry;

            if (args.Geometry is Polyline)
                Polyline freehandLine = args.Geometry as Polyline;
                filterGeometry = new Polygon() { SpatialReference = MyMap.SpatialReference };
                (filterGeometry as Polygon).Rings.Add(freehandLine.Paths[0]);

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = filterGeometry
            _drawObject.IsEnabled = false;

            ProcessingTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            List<GPParameter> parameters = new List<GPParameter>();

            var strLayerList = new List<GPString>();
            foreach (var itm in LayersList.SelectedItems)
                strLayerList.Add(new GPString(itm.ToString(), itm.ToString()));
            parameters.Add(new GPMultiValue<GPString>("Layers_to_Clip", strLayerList));
            parameters.Add(new GPFeatureRecordSetLayer("Area_of_Interest", _graphicsLayer.Graphics[0].Geometry));
            parameters.Add(new GPString("Feature_Format", Formats.SelectedValue.ToString()));

        void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (sizeComboBox.Text=="Select Size")
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a size of animal before adding to the map.");
            if (btnAddSighting.IsEnabled == false && sizeComboBox.Text!="Select Size")
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic graphicFeature = new client.Graphic();
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureLayer featureLayer = new client.FeatureLayer();
                featureLayer = this.globalFeatureLayer;
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint point = new client.Geometry.MapPoint();
                point = e.MapPoint;
                graphicFeature.Attributes.Add("size", sizeComboBox.Text.ToString());
                MessageBox.Show("Successfully added sighting!");

Ejemplo n.º 55
        private void MyMap_MouseClick(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
            IsBusy = true;
            // Cancel any outstanding Tasks

            // Get the GraphicsLayer
            GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = MyMap.Layers["MyGraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;
            e.MapPoint.SpatialReference = MyMap.SpatialReference;

            // Add a graphic at the click point
            Graphic graphic = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic()
                Geometry = e.MapPoint,
                Symbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["DefaultClickSymbol"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol

            // Create the graphic to submit.
            Graphic g = new Graphic() { Geometry = _mercator.ToGeographic(e.MapPoint) };

            // Create a new list of GP Parameters
            List<GPParameter> gpParams = new List<GPParameter>();

            // We want to specify input attributes - create a new FeatureSet.
            FeatureSet featureSet = new FeatureSet();

            // Create the Fields and add one called "VALUE".
            featureSet.Fields = new List<Field> { new Field() { FieldName = "VALUE", Type = Field.FieldType.String, Alias = "VALUE" } };

            //var fs = new FeatureSet(new List<Graphic> { g });
            // Add the graphic to the FeatureSet

            // Set the graphic's attribute
            featureSet.Features[0].Attributes["VALUE"] = valueText.Text;

            // Add the GP Paramr
            gpParams.Add(new GPFeatureRecordSetLayer("InputFeatures", featureSet));
            gpParams.Add(new GPLinearUnit("Distance", esriUnits.esriKilometers, 500));

            // Register an inline handler for ExecuteCompleted event
            _gpTask.ExecuteCompleted += (s, e1) =>
                // Clear the graphics layer (will remove the input Pushpin)

                // Get the results
                GPExecuteResults results = e1.Results;
                GPFeatureRecordSetLayer rs = results.OutParameters[0] as GPFeatureRecordSetLayer;

                // Get the result feature
                Graphic graphicBuff = rs.FeatureSet.Features[0];

                // Set the symbol
                graphicBuff.Symbol = LayoutRoot.Resources["DefaultFillSymbol"] as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Symbols.Symbol;

                // Add to the layer

                // Stop the progress bar
                IsBusy = false;

            // Register an inline handler for the failed event (just in case)
            _gpTask.Failed += (s2, e2) =>
                IsBusy = false;

            // Execute the Buffer asynchronously
        void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
            client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;

            if (clickPoint != null)
                e.MapPoint.SpatialReference = _mapWidget.Map.SpatialReference;
                client.Graphic graphic = new client.Graphic()
                    Geometry = e.MapPoint,
                    Symbol = _resourceDictionary["bufferSymbol"] as client.Symbols.PictureMarkerSymbol     
        /// <summary>
        /// Mouse handler that sets the coordinates of the clicked point into text in the toolbar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void Map_MouseClick(object sender, client.Map.MouseEventArgs e)
            client.Geometry.MapPoint clickPoint = e.MapPoint;
            //WebMercator mercator = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Projection.WebMercator();
            ///client.Geometry.MapPoint pt = null;
            //pt = mercator.ToGeographic(clickPoint) as client.Geometry.MapPoint;
            if (_graphicsLayer == null)
                _graphicsLayer = new client.GraphicsLayer();

                _graphicsLayer.ID = "AircraftCommunicationGraphics";
                client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers aclyrs = _mapWidget.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr is client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers) as client.AcceleratedDisplayLayers;
                if (aclyrs.Count() > 0)
            ResourceDictionary mydictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
            mydictionary.Source = new Uri("/AircraftCommunicationCoverageAddin;component/SymbolDictionary.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            client.Graphic graphic = new client.Graphic();
            //graphic.Geometry = pt;
            graphic.Geometry = clickPoint;
            graphic.Symbol = mydictionary["RedPin"] as client.Symbols.MarkerSymbol;

            if (_graphicsLayer != null && _graphicsLayerPoly != null)
                if (_graphicsLayer.Graphics.Count() > 0 && _graphicsLayerPoly.Graphics.Count() > 0)
                    RunButton.IsEnabled = true;