Ejemplo n.º 1
        //confirm for a load process
        //ChungNN 11/09/2008
        public OutputConfirmInfo confirm(string UserName, string Session_ID, string Trans_ID, string Status)
            OutputConfirmInfo retObj       = new OutputConfirmInfo();
            Security          secObj       = new Security();
            TransferProcess   traObj       = new TransferProcess();
            string            strIPAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;

            if (!secObj.Check_Valid_IPAddress(strIPAddress))
                retObj.status  = "1";
                retObj.message = "invalid IP Address.";
            else if (!secObj.Check_Valid_Session(UserName, Session_ID))
                retObj.status  = "1";
                retObj.message = "invalid username or session_id.";
                    //traObj.WriteLog_Load(UserName, Session_ID, "", "", "", "", 0, strIPAddress, Status, true, "confirm transaction.");
                    retObj.status  = "0";
                    retObj.message = "update successfull.";
                    retObj.status  = "1";
                    retObj.message = "update failure.";

Ejemplo n.º 2
        //ChungNN 05/01/2009
        public OutputLoginInfo login(string username, string password)
            OutputLoginInfo lgnObj   = new OutputLoginInfo();
            TransferProcess transObj = new TransferProcess();
            Security        SecObj   = new Security();

            //check username and password is null?
            if (username != null && password != null)
                //check valid username and password
                if (SecObj.IsValidUser(username, password))
                    //check if sessionid is existed
                    if (ServiceSessionManager.GetSessionInstance().IsExistedSession(username))
                        lgnObj.session_id = ServiceSessionManager.GetSessionInstance().GetSession(username);
                        lgnObj.status     = "0";
                        lgnObj.message    = "Login Epay successfull.";
                        lgnObj.session_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        lgnObj.status     = "0";
                        lgnObj.message    = "Login Epay successfull.";
                        ServiceSessionManager.GetSessionInstance().AddSession(lgnObj.session_id, username);
                    lgnObj.status     = "1";
                    lgnObj.message    = "Login Epay fail, invalid username or password";
                    lgnObj.session_id = "0";
                lgnObj.status     = "1";
                lgnObj.message    = "Login Epay fail, invalid username or password";
                lgnObj.session_id = "0";
            transObj.WriteLog(lgnObj.message + ", username="******", IP=" + HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private OutputConfirmInfo confirm(string UserName, string Session_ID, string Trans_ID, string Status)
            TransferProcess transObj = new TransferProcess();

            return(transObj.confirm(UserName, Session_ID, Trans_ID, Status));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public OutputLogoutInfo logout(string UserName, string Session_ID)
            TransferProcess transObj = new TransferProcess();

            return(transObj.logout(UserName, Session_ID));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public OutputInfo stock_transfer(string UserName, string Session_ID, string Request_ID, string MerchantID, string targetMsIsdn, Int32 amount)
            TransferProcess transObj = new TransferProcess();

            return(transObj.stock_transfer(UserName, Session_ID, Request_ID, MerchantID, targetMsIsdn, amount));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public OutputLoginInfo login(string Username, string Password)
            TransferProcess transObj = new TransferProcess();

            return(transObj.login(Username, Password));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        //Input:    UserName, Session_ID
        //ChungNN - 01/2009
        public OutputInfo CheckValid(string UserName, string Session_ID, string Request_ID, string MerchantID, string targetMsIsdn, Int32 amount, ref string ProviderCode)
            OutputInfo      outObj        = new OutputInfo();
            TransferProcess proObj        = new TransferProcess();
            HttpApplication appObj        = new HttpApplication();
            string          strIPAddress  = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
            string          strSession_ID = Session_ID;
            byte            nErrorNum     = 0;
            string          strLogMessage = string.Empty;

            //0: Successful
            //1: Invalid userName or Session_ID
            //2: Invalid IP Address
            //3: Invalid targetMsIsdn or provider is not exist
            //4: Request_ID is exist
            //5: Invalid amount

            DataSet   dsDataList = new DataSet();
            DataTable tblResult  = new DataTable();

            #region Check username and Session_ID.
            nErrorNum = 1;
            //check username and password is null?
            if (UserName != null && Session_ID != null)
                //check if sessionid is existed
                if (ServiceSessionManager.GetSessionInstance().IsExistedSession(UserName, Session_ID))
                    nErrorNum = 0;
            #endregion Check username and Session_ID

            #region Check IP address if login successfull

            if (nErrorNum == 0)
                nErrorNum = (byte)((Check_Valid_IPAddress(strIPAddress)? 0:2));
            #endregion Check IP address if login successfull

            #region Check valid targetMsIsdn
            if (nErrorNum == 0)
                dsDataList = null;
                dsDataList = Xml_2_DateSet(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("") + "\\" + AppConfiguration.AppData_FileName);
                tblResult  = dsDataList.Tables["ProviderList"];
                HttpContext hc = HttpContext.Current;

                if (targetMsIsdn.Length < 10 || targetMsIsdn.Length > 15)
                    nErrorNum = 3;
                //if no provider to check
                else if (tblResult.DefaultView.Count == 0)
                    nErrorNum = 3;
                    nErrorNum = 3;
                    string strPrefix = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < tblResult.DefaultView.Count; i++)
                        strPrefix = tblResult.DefaultView[i].Row["Prefix"].ToString();
                        if (targetMsIsdn.IndexOf(strPrefix, 0, strPrefix.Length) != -1)
                            nErrorNum    = 0;
                            ProviderCode = tblResult.DefaultView[i].Row["ProviderCode"].ToString().Trim();

                tblResult  = null;
                dsDataList = null;

            #endregion Check valid targetMsIsdn

            #region Check valid acmount

            if (nErrorNum == 0)
                if (Array.IndexOf(AppConfiguration.AppAmountArray, amount) == -1)
                    nErrorNum = 5;

            #endregion Check valid acmount

            #region Check valid Request_ID

            if (nErrorNum == 0)
                if (UserName != null && Request_ID != null)
                    //check if Request_ID is existed
                    if (ServiceRequestManager.GetInstance().IsContainRequest(Request_ID, UserName))
                        nErrorNum = 4;
                        ServiceRequestManager.GetInstance().AddRequest(Request_ID, UserName);
                        nErrorNum = 0;

            #endregion Check valid Trans_ID

            #region return and log

            if (nErrorNum == 0)
                outObj.status = "0";
                //outObj.message = "Login successfull.";
                //strLogMessage = "Login EPay sucessfull. (RequestID=" + Request_ID + ", UserName="******", IPAddress=" + strIPAddress + ")";
                outObj.status   = nErrorNum.ToString();
                outObj.trans_id = "0";

                if (nErrorNum == 1)
                    outObj.message = "Invalid user name or session_id.";
                    strLogMessage  = "Load fail, invalid user name or session_id. (RequestID=" + Request_ID + ", UserName="******", IPAddress=" + strIPAddress + ")";
                else if (nErrorNum == 2)
                    outObj.message = "Invalid IP address.";
                    strLogMessage  = "Load failure, invalid IP address. (RequestID=" + Request_ID + ", UserName="******", IPAddress=" + strIPAddress + ")";
                else if (nErrorNum == 3)
                    outObj.message = "Invalid phone number or service provider not exist.";
                    strLogMessage  = "Load failure, invalid targetMsIsdn or provider is not exist. (RequestID=" + Request_ID + ", UserName="******", IPAddress=" + strIPAddress + ")";
                else if (nErrorNum == 4)
                    outObj.message = "Request_ID is exist.";
                    strLogMessage  = "Load failure, request_id is exist. (RequestID=" + Request_ID + ", UserName="******", IPAddress=" + strIPAddress + ")";
                else if (nErrorNum == 5)
                    outObj.message = "Invalid amount." + amount.ToString();
                    strLogMessage  = "Load failure, ivalid amount. (RequestID=" + Request_ID + ", UserName="******", IPAddress=" + strIPAddress + ")";

                //write log if error

            #endregion return and log
