Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     String docId = Request.Form["ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$hid_docId"];
     if (docId == null)
         img_doc.ImageUrl = "assets/img/default-doctor.png";
         lbl_msg.Text = "You need to find a doctor at first!";
         img_doc.ImageUrl = "assets/img/doc1.png";
         DBC.DBClient dbc = new DBC.DBClient();
         DataTable dt = dbc.findDoctorById(docId);
         lbl_doctor.Text = dt.Rows[0]["f_name"].ToString();
         lbl_hospital.Text = dt.Rows[0]["f_name1"].ToString();
         lbl_specialty.Text = dt.Rows[0]["f_spec_name"].ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string docId = Request.QueryString["docId"].ToString();
     img_doc.ImageUrl = "assets/img/doc1.png";
     DBC.DBClient dbc = new DBC.DBClient();
     DataTable dt = dbc.findDoctorById(docId);
     lbl_name.Text = dt.Rows[0]["f_name"].ToString();
     lbl_phone.Text = "Phone: " + dt.Rows[0]["f_phoneNumber"].ToString();
     lbl_spec.Text =  "Specialty: " + dt.Rows[0]["f_spec_name"].ToString();
     lbl_hos.Text = "Hospital: " + dt.Rows[0]["f_name1"].ToString();
     if (dt.Rows[0]["f_available"].ToString().Equals("True")) {
         lbl_avl.Text = "Appointment: Available";
         lbl_avl.Text = "Appointment: Full";
     lbl_profile.Text = lbl_name.Text + " have thirty years experience on " + dt.Rows[0]["f_spec_name"].ToString();
     hid_docId.Value = docId;