Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static StLookupDict GetStoreInfoLookup(User user, string storePartner, IEnumerable <string> storeList)
            StLookupDict stLookup = new StLookupDict();
            string       compList = storeList.ToSqlValueList();

                DBConnect connection = ConnectionsMgr.GetSharedConnection(user);
                using (var querySt = connection.Select(new[] { BYId, XrefId, STName }, _Table.Stinfo, $"WHERE {Partner}='{storePartner}' AND ({BYId} IN {compList} OR TRIM({XrefId}) IN {compList})"))
                    while (querySt.Read())
                        string xref   = querySt.FieldByName(XrefId);
                        string byid   = querySt.FieldByName(BYId);
                        string stname = querySt.FieldByName(STName);
                        if (!stLookup.byidDict.ContainsKey(byid))
                            stLookup.byidDict.Add(byid, stname);
                        if (!stLookup.xrefDict.ContainsKey(xref))
                            stLookup.xrefDict.Add(xref, stname);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log(user, nameof(GetStoreInfoLookup), e);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void SetStoreName(string sPartner, StLookupDict storeList)
     if (sPartner == _Partner.MarinesReplenishment)
         if (Store.Length > 4)
             if (storeList.byidDict.ContainsKey(StoreLookup))
                 StoreName = storeList.byidDict[StoreLookup];
             if (storeList.xrefDict.ContainsKey(StoreLookup))
                 StoreName = storeList.xrefDict[StoreLookup];
         if (storeList.byidDict.ContainsKey(StoreLookup))
             StoreName = storeList.byidDict[StoreLookup];
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static string GenLocationReportThlaNavrMrnr(User user, LocationReportDetails reportDetails)
                string dbSales      = "sales_" + user.Customer;
                string sCustomer    = user.Customer.SQLEscape();
                string sPartner     = user.ActivePartner.SQLEscape();
                string sStartDate   = reportDetails.StartDate.ToMySQLDateStr();
                string sEndDate     = reportDetails.EndDate.ToMySQLDateStr();
                string storePartner = GetStorePartner(sPartner);

                string condH856 = $"{Customer}='{sCustomer}' AND {Partner}='{sPartner}' AND {ShipmentDate}>='{sStartDate}' AND {ShipmentDate}<='{sEndDate}'";

                var itemList = GetLocReportData(user, sPartner, condH856);

                var storeLookup = new StLookupDict();
                var itemLookup  = new Dictionary <string, ItemInfo>();

                if (itemList.Count > 0)
                    storeLookup = GetStoreInfoLookup(user, storePartner, itemList.Select(x => x.StoreLookup));
                    var vendList = sPartner == _Partner.Thalia ?
                                   itemList.Select(x => x.PidStyle.Length > 11 ? x.PidStyle.Substring(0, 11) : x.PidStyle) :
                                   itemList.Select(x => x.PidStyle);
                    itemLookup = GetItemInfoLookup(user, sPartner, dbSales, vendList, itemList.Select(x => x.Upc));

                foreach (var item in itemList)
                    item.SetStoreName(sPartner, storeLookup);

                    HashSet <string> snSet = new HashSet <string>(reportDetails.Stores?.Distinct() ?? new List <string>());
                    HashSet <string> bnSet = new HashSet <string>(reportDetails.BrandNames?.Distinct() ?? new List <string>());
                    itemList = itemList.Where(x =>
                                              (reportDetails.POQuery != "" ? x.MilPo == reportDetails.POQuery : true) &&
                                              (snSet.Count > 0 ? snSet.Contains(x.StoreLookup) : true) &&
                                              (bnSet.Count > 0 ? bnSet.Contains(x.BrandName) : true)

                var header = new[] { "Mil PO", "PID Style", "UPC", "Color Code", "Color Description", "Category", "Brand Name", "Sub Category", "Class", "Sub Class", "Description", "Mil Cost", "Total Mil Cost", "Mil Retail", "Total Mil Retail", "Store #", "Store Name", "Ship Date", "On Order", "Shipped" };

                var reportData = CopyItemInfoToArray(itemList);

                int colCount = header.Length;
                int rowCount = itemList.Count;

                return(SaveReportToExcelFile(user, header, reportData, rowCount, colCount, new[] { "L:L", "M:M", "N:N", "O:O" }));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log(user, nameof(GenLocationReportThlaNavrMrnr), e);