Ejemplo n.º 1
        public JObject CreateEDDNMessage(JournalFSDJump journal)
            if (!journal.HasCoordinate)
                return null;

            JObject msg = new JObject();

            msg["header"] = Header();
            msg["$schemaRef"] = "http://schemas.elite-markets.net/eddn/journal/1/test";

            JObject message = new JObject();

            message["StarSystem"] = journal.StarSystem;
            message["Government"] = journal.Government;
            message["timestamp"] = journal.EventTimeUTC.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
            message["Faction"] = journal.Faction;
            message["Allegiance"] = journal.Allegiance;
            message["StarPos"] = new JArray(new float[] { journal.StarPos.X, journal.StarPos.Y, journal.StarPos.Z });
            message["Security"] = journal.Security;
            message["event"] = journal.EventTypeStr;
            message["Economy"] = journal.Economy;

            msg["message"] = message;
            return msg;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static int RemoveDuplicateFSDEntries(int currentcmdrid)
            // list of systems in journal, sorted by time
            List <JournalLocOrJump> vsSystemsEnts = JournalEntry.GetAll(currentcmdrid).OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().OrderBy(j => j.EventTimeUTC).ToList();

            int count = 0;

            using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                for (int ji = 1; ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count; ji++)
                    JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump prev    = vsSystemsEnts[ji - 1] as JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump;
                    JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump current = vsSystemsEnts[ji] as JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump;

                    if (prev != null && current != null)
                        bool previssame = (prev.StarSystem.Equals(current.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!prev.HasCoordinate || !current.HasCoordinate || (prev.StarPos - current.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01));

                        if (previssame)
                            Delete(prev.Id, cn);
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Dup {0} {1} {2} {3}", prev.Id, current.Id, prev.StarSystem, current.StarSystem);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected bool ParseVisitedSystem(DateTime time, TimeSpan tzoffset, string line, out JObject jo, out JournalLocOrJump je)
            jo = new JObject();
            jo["timestamp"] = time.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'");
            jo["event"] = "FSDJump";
            je = null;

                Regex pattern;

                /* MKW: Use regular expressions to parse the log; much more readable and robust.
                 * Example log entry:

                From  ED  2.1 /1.6
                   {19:21:15} System:"Ooscs Fraae JR-L d8-112" StarPos:(-11609.469,639.594,20141.875)ly  NormalFlight
                string rgexpstr = "{(?<Hour>\\d+):(?<Minute>\\d+):(?<Second>\\d+)} System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";

                new from beta3?
                {18:15:14} System:"Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-41" StarPos:(-83.969,-146.156,-334.219)ly Body:0 RelPos:(-1.19887e+07,-9.95573e+06,2.55124e+06)km Supercruise
                string rgexpstr = "{(?<Hour>\\d+):(?<Minute>\\d+):(?<Second>\\d+)} System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly Body:(?<Body>\d+) StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";

                Pre ED 2.1/1.6
                    {09:36:16} System:0(Thuechea JE-O b11-0) Body:1 Pos:(-6.67432e+009,7.3151e+009,-1.19125e+010) Supercruise

                 * Also, please note that due to E:D bugs, these entries can be at the end of a line as well, not just on a line of their own.
                 * The RegExp below actually just finds the pattern somewhere in the line, so it caters for rubbish at the end too.

                if (line.Contains("StarPos:")) // new  ED 2.1 format

                    //{(?<Hour>\d+):(?<Minute>\d+):(?<Second>\d+)} System:"(?<SystemName>[^"]+)" StarPos:\((?<Pos>.*?)\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\w+))?
                    //{(?<Hour>\d+):(?<Minute>\d+):(?<Second>\d+)} System:"(?<SystemName>[^"]+)" StarPos:\((?<Pos>.*?)\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\w+))?
                    //string rgexpstr = "{(?<Hour>\\d+):(?<Minute>\\d+):(?<Second>\\d+)} System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";
                    string rgexpstr;

                    if (line.Contains("Body:"))
                        rgexpstr = "System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly Body:(?<Body>\\d+) RelPos:\\((?<RelPos>.*?)\\)km( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";
                        rgexpstr = "System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";

                    pattern = new Regex(rgexpstr);

                    Match match = pattern.Match(line);

                    if (match != null && match.Success)
                        //sp.Nr = int.Parse(match.Groups["Body"].Value);
                        jo["StarSystem"] = match.Groups["SystemName"].Value;
                        string pos = match.Groups["Pos"].Value;
                            string[] xyzpos = pos.Split(',');
                            jo["StarPos"] = new JArray(
                                double.Parse(xyzpos[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                double.Parse(xyzpos[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                double.Parse(xyzpos[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("System parse error 1:" + line);
                            return false;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("System parse error 1:" + line);
                        return false;
                    pattern = new Regex(@"System:\d+\((?<SystemName>.*?)\) Body:(?<Body>\d+) Pos:\(.*?\)( (?<TravelMode>\w+))?");
                    Match match = pattern.Match(line);

                    if (match != null && match.Success)
                        //sp.Nr = int.Parse(match.Groups["Body"].Value);

                        jo["StarSystem"] = match.Groups["SystemName"].Value;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("System parse error 2:" + line);
                        return false;

                je = new JournalFSDJump(jo);

                return true;
                // MKW TODO: should we log bad lines?
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static JournalEntry CreateJournalEntry(string text)
            JournalEntry je=null;

            JObject jo = (JObject)JObject.Parse(text);

            string Eventstr = Tools.GetString(jo["event"]);

            if (Eventstr == null)  // Should normaly not happend unless corrupt string.
                return null;

            switch (Eventstr)
                case "fileheader":
                    je = new JournalFileHeader(jo);

                case "FSDJump":
                    je = new JournalFSDJump(jo);

                case "LoadGame":
                    je = new JournalLoadGame(jo);

                case "Bounty":
                case "BuyAmmo":
                case "BuyDrones":
                case "BuyExplorationData":
                case "BuyTradeData":
                case "CapShipBond":
                case "ClearSavedGame":
                case "CockpitBreached":
                case "CollectCargo":
                case "CommitCrime":
                case "CommunityGoalJoin":
                case "CommunityGoalReward":
                case "DatalinkScan":
                case "Died":
                case "DockFighter":
                case "DockingCancelled":
                case "DockingDenied":
                case "DockingGranted":
                case "DockingRequested":
                case "DockingTimeout":
                case "DockSRV":
                case "EjectCargo":
                case "EngineerApply":
                case "EngineerCraft":
                case "EngineerProgress":
                case "EscapeInterdiction":
                case "FactionKillBond":
                case "FuelScoop":
                case "HeatDamage":
                case "HeatWarning":
                case "HullDamage":
                case "Interdicted":
                case "Interdiction":
                case "LaunchFighter":
                case "LaunchSRV":
                case "Liftoff":
                case "Location":
                case "MarketBuy":
                case "MarketSell":
                case "MaterialCollected":
                case "MaterialDiscarded":
                case "MaterialDiscovered":
                case "MiningRefined":
                case "MissionAbandoned":
                case "MissionAccepted":
                case "MissionCompleted":
                case "MissionFailed":
                case "ModuleBuy":
                case "ModuleSell":
                case "ModuleSwap":
                case "NewCommander":
                case "PayFines":
                case "PayLegacyFines":
                case "PowerplayCollect":
                case "PowerplayDefect":
                case "PowerplayDeliver":
                case "PowerplayFastTrack":
                case "PowerplayJoin":
                case "PowerplayLeave":
                case "PowerplaySalary":
                case "PowerplayVote":
                case "PowerplayVoucher":
                case "Progress":
                case "Promotion":
                case "Rank":
                case "RebootRepair":
                case "ReceiveText":
                case "RedeemVoucher":
                case "RefuelAll":
                case "RefuelPartial":
                case "Repair":
                case "RestockVehicle":
                case "Resurrect":
                case "Scan":
                case "Screenshot":
                case "SelfDestruct":
                case "SellDrones":
                case "SellExplorationData":
                case "SendText":
                case "ShieldState":
                case "ShipyardBuy":
                case "ShipyardNew":
                case "ShipyardSell":
                case "ShipyardSwap":
                case "ShipyardTransfer":
                case "SupercruiseEntry":
                case "SupercruiseExit":
                case "Synthesis":
                case "Touchdown":
                case "Undocked":
                case "USSDrop":
                case "VehicleSwitch":
                case "WingAdd":
                case "WingJoin":
                case "WingLeave":
                    je = new JournalUnhandled(jo, Eventstr);

                    je = new JournalUnknown(jo);

            return je;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void ParseFiles(string datapath, out string error, int defaultMapColour, Func<bool> cancelRequested, Action<int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false, Dictionary<string, NetLogFileReader> netlogreaders = null, int currentcmdrid = -1)
            error = null;

            if (datapath == null)
                error = "Netlog directory not set!";

            if (!Directory.Exists(datapath))   // if logfiles directory is not found
                error = "Netlog directory is not present!";

            if (netlogreaders == null)
                netlogreaders = new Dictionary<string, NetLogFileReader>();

            if (currentcmdrid < 0)
                currentcmdrid = EDDConfig.Instance.CurrentCmdrID;

            // TLUs
            List<TravelLogUnit> tlus = TravelLogUnit.GetAll();
            Dictionary<string, TravelLogUnit> netlogtravelogUnits = tlus.Where(t => t.type == 1).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name);
            Dictionary<long, string> travellogunitid2name = netlogtravelogUnits.Values.ToDictionary(t => t.id, t => t.Name);
            Dictionary<string, List<JournalLocOrJump>> vsc_lookup = JournalEntry.GetAll().OfType<JournalLocOrJump>().GroupBy(v => v.TLUId).Where(g => travellogunitid2name.ContainsKey(g.Key)).ToDictionary(g => travellogunitid2name[g.Key], g => g.ToList());

            // list of systems in journal, sorted by time
            List<JournalLocOrJump> vsSystemsEnts = JournalEntry.GetAll(currentcmdrid).OfType<JournalLocOrJump>().OrderBy(j => j.EventTimeUTC).ToList();

            // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written
            FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(datapath, "netLog.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray();

            List<NetLogFileReader> readersToUpdate = new List<NetLogFileReader>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++)
                FileInfo fi = allFiles[i];

                var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, netlogtravelogUnits, vsc_lookup, netlogreaders);

                if (!netlogtravelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogtravelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit;

                if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader;

                if (forceReload)
                    // Force a reload of the travel log
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0;

                if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1)  // File not already in DB, or is the last one

            for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++)
                using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    int ji = 0;

                    NetLogFileReader reader = readersToUpdate[i];
                    updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (JObject jo in reader.ReadSystems(cancelRequested, currentcmdrid))
                            jo["EDDMapColor"] = defaultMapColour;

                            JournalLocOrJump je = new JournalFSDJump(jo)
                                TLUId = (int)reader.TravelLogUnit.id,
                                CommanderId = currentcmdrid,

                            while (ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count && vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC < je.EventTimeUTC)
                                ji++;   // move to next entry which is bigger in time or equal to ours.

                            JournalLocOrJump prev = (ji > 0 && (ji - 1) < vsSystemsEnts.Count) ? vsSystemsEnts[ji - 1] : null;
                            JournalLocOrJump next = ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count ? vsSystemsEnts[ji] : null;

                            bool previssame = (prev != null && prev.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!prev.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (prev.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01));
                            bool nextissame = (next != null && next.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!next.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (next.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01));

                           // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", ji, vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC, je.EventTimeUTC);

                            if (!(previssame || nextissame))
                                je.Add(cn, tn);
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC, je.EventDataString);



                    if (updateProgress != null)
                        updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static List<JournalEntry> ParseFiles(string datapath, out string error, int defaultMapColour, Func<bool> cancelRequested, Action<int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false, Dictionary<string, NetLogFileReader> netlogreaders = null, int currentcmdrid = -1)
            error = null;

            if (datapath == null)
                error = "Netlog directory not set!";
                return null;

            if (!Directory.Exists(datapath))   // if logfiles directory is not found
                error = "Netlog directory is not present!";
                return null;

            if (netlogreaders == null)
                netlogreaders = new Dictionary<string, NetLogFileReader>();

            if (currentcmdrid < 0)
                currentcmdrid = EDDConfig.Instance.CurrentCmdrID;

            List<JournalLocOrJump> visitedSystems = new List<JournalLocOrJump>();
            Dictionary<string, TravelLogUnit> m_travelogUnits = TravelLogUnit.GetAll().Where(t => t.type == 1).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name);
            Dictionary<long, string> travellogunitid2name = m_travelogUnits.Values.ToDictionary(t => t.id, t => t.Name);
            Dictionary<string, List<JournalLocOrJump>> vsc_lookup = JournalEntry.GetAll().OfType<JournalLocOrJump>().GroupBy(v => v.TLUId).Where(g => travellogunitid2name.ContainsKey(g.Key)).ToDictionary(g => travellogunitid2name[g.Key], g => g.ToList());
            HashSet<long> journalids = new HashSet<long>(m_travelogUnits.Values.Select(t => t.id).ToList());
            List<JournalLocOrJump> vsSystemsList = JournalEntry.GetAll(currentcmdrid).OfType<JournalLocOrJump>().Where(j => journalids.Contains(j.TLUId)).ToList();

            if (vsSystemsList != null)
                foreach (JournalLocOrJump vs in vsSystemsList)
                    if (visitedSystems.Count == 0)
                    else if (!visitedSystems.Last().StarSystem.Equals(vs.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))  // Avoid duplicate if times exist in same system from different files.

            // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written
            FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(datapath, "netLog.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray();

            List<NetLogFileReader> readersToUpdate = new List<NetLogFileReader>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++)
                FileInfo fi = allFiles[i];

                var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, m_travelogUnits, vsc_lookup, netlogreaders);

                if (!m_travelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    m_travelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit;

                if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader;

                if (forceReload)
                    // Force a reload of the travel log
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0;

                if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1)  // File not already in DB, or is the last one

            using (SQLiteConnectionUserUTC cn = new SQLiteConnectionUserUTC())
                for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++)
                    NetLogFileReader reader = readersToUpdate[i];
                    updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (JObject jo in reader.ReadSystems(cancelRequested, currentcmdrid))
                            jo["EDDMapColor"] = defaultMapColour;

                            JournalLocOrJump je = new JournalFSDJump(jo)
                                TLUId = (int)reader.TravelLogUnit.id,
                                CommanderId = currentcmdrid,

                            je.Add(cn, tn);



                    if (updateProgress != null)
                        updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

            return visitedSystems.ToList<JournalEntry>();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public JObject CreateEDDNMessage(JournalFSDJump journal)
            if (!journal.HasCoordinate || journal.StarPosFromEDSM)
                return null;

            JObject msg = new JObject();

            msg["header"] = Header();
            msg["$schemaRef"] = GetEDDNSchemaRef();

            JObject message = (JObject) JObject.Parse(journal.EventDataString);

            if (JSONHelper.IsNullOrEmptyT(message["FuelUsed"]))  // Old ED 2.1 messages has no Fuel used fields
                return null;

            message = RemoveCommonKeys(message);

            msg["message"] = message;
            return msg;