private void FunctionItemInit(string name, string returnType, bool isStatic, List <ParameterItem> par, InterfaceItem interfaceItem, EA.Method method) { _name = name; _parameterList = par; _returnType = returnType; _isStatic = isStatic; _interface = interfaceItem; _module = null; _op = method; }
public bool GetMethod(out EA.Method method) { method = null; int methodId; if (GetEAObjectId(MethodID, out methodId)) { method = repository.GetMethodByID(methodId); return(method != null); } return(false); }
private EA.Method getMethodByGuid(string methodGuid) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo; EA.Method mthObj = (EA.Method)repo.GetMethodByGuid(methodGuid); if (mthObj != null) { return(mthObj); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="mth"></param> /// <param name="afterUpdateFlag"></param> private static void writeUpdateLogMethod(EA.Method mth, bool afterUpdateFlag) { try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\DesignHistory\DiffViewerUpdate.log", true); if (afterUpdateFlag) { sw.WriteLine("■操作の書き込みが完了しました(ID={0}, GUID={1})。", mth.MethodID, mth.MethodGUID); } else { sw.WriteLine("〇操作の更新前情報を表示します(ID={0}, GUID={1})。", mth.MethodID, mth.MethodGUID); } sw.WriteLine(" MethodID =" + mth.MethodID); sw.WriteLine(" MethodGUID =" + mth.MethodGUID); sw.WriteLine(" Name =" + mth.Name); sw.WriteLine(" Alias =" + mth.Alias); sw.WriteLine(" StereotypeEx =" + mth.StereotypeEx); sw.WriteLine(" Notes =" + mth.Notes); sw.WriteLine(" Behavior =" + mth.Behavior); sw.WriteLine(" Abstract =" + mth.Abstract); sw.WriteLine(" ClassifierID =" + mth.ClassifierID); sw.WriteLine(" Code =" + mth.Code); sw.WriteLine(" Concurrency =" + mth.Concurrency); sw.WriteLine(" IsConst =" + mth.IsConst); sw.WriteLine(" IsLeaf =" + mth.IsLeaf); sw.WriteLine(" IsPure =" + mth.IsPure); sw.WriteLine(" IsQuery =" + mth.IsQuery); sw.WriteLine(" IsRoot =" + mth.IsRoot); sw.WriteLine(" IsStatic =" + mth.IsStatic); sw.WriteLine(" Pos =" + mth.Pos); sw.WriteLine(" ReturnIsArray =" + mth.ReturnIsArray); sw.WriteLine(" ReturnType =" + mth.ReturnType); sw.WriteLine(" StateFlags =" + mth.StateFlags); sw.WriteLine(" StyleEx =" + mth.StyleEx); sw.WriteLine(" Throws =" + mth.Throws); sw.WriteLine(" Visibility =" + mth.Visibility); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
void EASelectObjectToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo; if (repo != null) { // 選択された属性に対する更新処理 if (selectedAttribute != null) { EA.Attribute attr = (EA.Attribute)repo.GetAttributeByGuid(selectedAttribute.guid); if (attr != null) { repo.ShowInProjectView(attr); } else { // 属性がGUIDで空振りしたら要素GUIDで再検索 EA.Element elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem != null) { repo.ShowInProjectView(elem); } } } // 選択された操作に対する更新処理 if (selectedMethod != null) { EA.Method mth = (EA.Method)repo.GetMethodByGuid(selectedMethod.guid); if (mth != null) { repo.ShowInProjectView(mth); } else { // 操作がGUIDで空振りしたら要素GUIDで再検索 EA.Element elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem != null) { repo.ShowInProjectView(elem); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("EAにアタッチしていないため、選択できません"); } }
private int ZmielElement(Element jaElem) { int wynik = 0; //ZmielElement(rodzicPckg,jaElem foreach (Element e in jaElem.Elements) { wynik += ZmielElement(e); } //mielenie //daj wszystkie konektory foreach (Connector c in jaElem.Connectors) { ////dla kazdego konektora typu information flow daj source if (c.Type != "InformationFlow") { continue; } ////dla kazdego konektora daj destination Element elSource = Repo.GetElementByID(c.ClientID); Element elDestination = Repo.GetElementByID(c.SupplierID); //patrz tylko na te ktorych realizatorem jest jaElem if (jaElem.ElementID == elDestination.ElementID) { //wez interfejs lub go dodaj Element interf = EAUtils.dodajElement(ref jaElem, "Interfejs " + jaElem.Name, "", "Interface"); ////do interfejsu dodaj operację (nazwa to fid, notatka to notatka, parametr to nazwa systemu target) EA.Method m = EAUtils.dodajOperacje(ref interf, c.Name, c.Notes); try{ m.Parameters.AddNew(elSource.Name, ""); m.Update(); m.Parameters.Refresh(); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "( " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Attributes.ToString() + ") #" + exc.Message); } ////utworz relacje use z source do interfejs Connector conUse = EAUtils.dodajRelacje(elSource, interf, "Usage", "", ""); ////utworz relacje realize z destination do interfejs Connector conReal = EAUtils.dodajRelacje(elSource, interf, "Realisation", "", ""); wynik++; } } return(wynik); }
/// <summary> /// Get Tagged Value with 'Name'. If TV not exists return "". /// </summary> /// <param name="method"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="caseSensitive"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetTaggedValue(EA.Method method, string name, bool caseSensitive = true) { foreach (EA.MethodTag taggedValue in method.TaggedValues) { if (caseSensitive) { if (taggedValue.Name == name) { return(GetTaggedValue(taggedValue)); } } else { if (taggedValue.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower()) { return(GetTaggedValue(taggedValue)); } } } return(""); }
/// <summary> /// Create/Update an Activity Diagram for the operation /// </summary> /// <param name="rep"></param> /// <param name="m"></param> /// <param name="treePos">If a new package is created the new tree position to show the package in the correct order</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CreateActivityForOperation(EA.Repository rep, EA.Method m, int treePos = 100) { // get class EA.Element elClass = rep.GetElementByID(m.ParentID); EA.Package pkgSrc = rep.GetPackageByID(elClass.PackageID); // Check if update behavior, behavior exists string behaviorGuid = m.Behavior; // Check if update Activity or Create a new one if (behaviorGuid.StartsWith("{") && behaviorGuid.EndsWith("}")) { //behaviorGuid = behaviorGuid.Substring(1, behaviorGuid.Length-2); EA.Element actForUpdate = rep.GetElementByGuid(behaviorGuid); if (actForUpdate == null) { var res = MessageBox.Show($@"Can't update Activity for Operation, invalid link to Activity found Behavior GUID =GUID of expected Activity: {behaviorGuid} Unable to find Activity for this GUID", @"Invalid link to Activity found, Create a new one?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (res != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } CreateActivityFromOperation(rep, m, treePos, pkgSrc, elClass); } else { UpdateParameterFromOperation(rep, actForUpdate, m); // update parameters from Operation for Activity } return(true); } CreateActivityFromOperation(rep, m, treePos, pkgSrc, elClass); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// GUIDを指定してEA上のメソッドオブジェクトを取得する /// </summary> /// <param name="methodGuid">検索対象メソッドのGUID</param> /// <returns>合致するGUIDでヒットしたメソッドオブジェクト。ヒットしなかったらnull</returns> private static EA.Method getMethodByGuid(string methodGuid) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo; EA.Method mthObj = (EA.Method)repo.GetMethodByGuid(methodGuid); return(mthObj); }
/// <summary> /// EAのMethod(t_operator)を上書きもしくは追加する /// </summary> internal static void updateEaMethodObject(ElementVO myElement, MethodVO selectedMethod) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo; EA.Element elem = null; // EA.Repository の GetMethodByGuid を呼んでEA上の該当メソッドオブジェクトを取得する EA.Method mthObj = getMethodByGuid(selectedMethod.guid); if (mthObj == null) { elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem == null) { return; } mthObj = (EA.Method)elem.Methods.AddNew(, selectedMethod.returnType); } writeUpdateLogMethod(mthObj, false); mthObj.Name =; mthObj.MethodGUID = selectedMethod.guid; mthObj.Alias = selectedMethod.alias; mthObj.StereotypeEx = selectedMethod.stereoType; mthObj.Notes = selectedMethod.notes; mthObj.Behavior = selectedMethod.behavior; mthObj.Abstract = selectedMethod.isAbstract; mthObj.ClassifierID = selectedMethod.classifierID; mthObj.Code = selectedMethod.code; mthObj.Concurrency = selectedMethod.concurrency; mthObj.IsConst = selectedMethod.isConst; mthObj.IsLeaf = selectedMethod.isLeaf; mthObj.IsPure = selectedMethod.isPure; mthObj.IsQuery = selectedMethod.isQuery; mthObj.IsRoot = selectedMethod.isRoot; mthObj.IsStatic = selectedMethod.isStatic; // mth.IsSynchronized = selectedMethod; mthObj.Pos = selectedMethod.pos; mthObj.ReturnIsArray = selectedMethod.returnIsArray; mthObj.ReturnType = selectedMethod.returnType; mthObj.StateFlags = selectedMethod.stateFlags; mthObj.StyleEx = selectedMethod.styleEx; mthObj.Throws = selectedMethod.throws; mthObj.Visibility = selectedMethod.visibility; mthObj.Update(); // 既にパラメータが設定されている場合は一旦削除 for (short i = 0; i < mthObj.Parameters.Count; i++) { mthObj.Parameters.Delete(i); } // XMLから読み込まれたパラメータの値を設定する foreach (ParameterVO prm in selectedMethod.parameters) { EA.Parameter paramObj = (EA.Parameter)mthObj.Parameters.AddNew(, prm.eaType); paramObj.Alias = prm.alias; paramObj.ClassifierID = prm.classifierID; paramObj.Default = prm.defaultValue; paramObj.IsConst = prm.isConst; paramObj.Kind = prm.kind; paramObj.Name =; paramObj.Notes = prm.notes; paramObj.ParameterGUID = prm.guid; paramObj.Position = prm.pos; paramObj.StereotypeEx = prm.stereoType; // paramObj.Style = prm.Style ; // paramObj.StyleEx = prm.StyleEx ; paramObj.Type = prm.eaType; paramObj.Update(); } mthObj.Update(); writeUpdateLogMethod(mthObj, true); }
public FunctionItem(string name, string returnType, bool isStatic, List <ParameterItem> par, InterfaceItem interfaceItem, EA.Method method) { FunctionItemInit(name, returnType, isStatic, par, interfaceItem, method); }
public static MethodVO getMethodFromEAObject(EA.Method eaMethodObj) { MethodVO mthvo = new MethodVO(); = excludeSpecialChar(eaMethodObj.Name); mthvo.alias = excludeSpecialChar(eaMethodObj.Alias); if (eaMethodObj.StereotypeEx != null && !"".Equals(eaMethodObj.StereotypeEx)) { mthvo.stereoType = eaMethodObj.StereotypeEx; } else { mthvo.stereoType = null; } mthvo.guid = eaMethodObj.MethodGUID; mthvo.pos = eaMethodObj.Pos; mthvo.classifierID = eaMethodObj.ClassifierID; mthvo.isConst = eaMethodObj.IsConst; mthvo.isLeaf = eaMethodObj.IsLeaf; mthvo.isPure = eaMethodObj.IsPure; mthvo.isQuery = eaMethodObj.IsQuery; mthvo.isRoot = eaMethodObj.IsRoot; mthvo.returnIsArray = eaMethodObj.ReturnIsArray; mthvo.stateFlags = eaMethodObj.StateFlags; mthvo.behavior = eaMethodObj.Behavior; mthvo.notes = eaMethodObj.Notes; mthvo.returnType = excludeSpecialChar(eaMethodObj.ReturnType); mthvo.visibility = excludeSpecialChar(eaMethodObj.Visibility); List <ParameterVO> outParamList = new List <ParameterVO>(); foreach (EA.Parameter eaParamObj in eaMethodObj.Parameters) { ParameterVO prm = new ParameterVO(); = excludeSpecialChar(eaParamObj.Name); prm.alias = excludeSpecialChar(eaParamObj.Alias); prm.eaType = excludeSpecialChar(eaParamObj.Type); prm.stereoType = excludeSpecialChar(eaParamObj.StereotypeEx); prm.guid = eaParamObj.ParameterGUID; prm.pos = eaParamObj.Position; prm.classifierID = eaParamObj.ClassifierID; prm.defaultValue = excludeSpecialChar(eaParamObj.Default); prm.isConst = eaParamObj.IsConst; prm.kind = eaParamObj.Kind; prm.styleEx = excludeSpecialChar(eaParamObj.StyleEx); prm.notes = eaParamObj.Notes; prm.objectType = "25"; outParamList.Add(prm); } mthvo.parameters = outParamList; List <TaggedValueVO> outTagList = new List <TaggedValueVO>(); foreach (EA.MethodTag mtag in eaMethodObj.TaggedValues) { outTagList.Add(getMethodTagFromEAObject(mtag)); } mthvo.taggedValues = outTagList; return(mthvo); }
void ReflectToEAToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo; EA.Element elem = null; int tmp = -1; if (repo != null) { // 選択された属性に対する更新処理 if (selectedAttribute != null) { //メッセージボックスを表示する DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("EAのリポジトリの属性を上書き、もしくは追加します。よろしいですか?", "質問", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); //何が選択されたか調べる if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { EA.Attribute attr = (EA.Attribute)repo.GetAttributeByGuid(selectedAttribute.guid); if (attr == null) { elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem == null) { return; } attr = (EA.Attribute)elem.Attributes.AddNew(, "String"); } attr.Name =; attr.AttributeGUID = selectedAttribute.guid; attr.Alias = selectedAttribute.alias; attr.StereotypeEx = selectedAttribute.stereoType; attr.Notes = selectedAttribute.notes; attr.AllowDuplicates = selectedAttribute.allowDuplicates; if ("".Equals(selectedAttribute.classifierID) || !Int32.TryParse(selectedAttribute.classifierID, out tmp)) { selectedAttribute.classifierID = "0"; } else { attr.ClassifierID = tmp; } // attr.ClassifierID = Int32.Parse( selectedAttribute.classifierID ); attr.Container = selectedAttribute.container; attr.Containment = selectedAttribute.containment; attr.Default = selectedAttribute.defaultValue; attr.IsCollection = selectedAttribute.isCollection; attr.IsConst = selectedAttribute.isConst; attr.IsDerived = selectedAttribute.isDerived; // attr.IsID = selectedAttribute.; attr.IsOrdered = selectedAttribute.isOrdered; attr.IsStatic = selectedAttribute.isStatic; attr.Length = selectedAttribute.length.ToString(); attr.LowerBound = selectedAttribute.lowerBound.ToString(); attr.Precision = selectedAttribute.precision.ToString(); // attr.RedefinedProperty = selectedAttribute.; attr.Scale = selectedAttribute.scale.ToString(); // attr.Stereotype = ; // attr.Style = selectedAttribute.; // attr.SubsettedProperty = selectedAttribute.; // attr.StyleEx = selectedAttribute.; attr.Type = selectedAttribute.eaType; attr.UpperBound = selectedAttribute.upperBound.ToString(); attr.Visibility = selectedAttribute.visibility; attr.Update(); // elem.Update(); } else { return; } } // 選択された操作に対する更新処理 if (selectedMethod != null) { //メッセージボックスを表示する DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("EAのリポジトリの操作を上書き、もしくは追加します。よろしいですか?", "質問", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); //何が選択されたか調べる if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { EA.Method mth = getMethodByGuid(selectedMethod.guid); if (mth == null) { elem = (EA.Element)repo.GetElementByGuid(myElement.guid); if (elem == null) { return; } mth = (EA.Method)elem.Methods.AddNew(, selectedMethod.returnType); } mth.Name =; mth.MethodGUID = selectedMethod.guid; mth.Alias = selectedMethod.alias; mth.StereotypeEx = selectedMethod.stereoType; mth.Notes = selectedMethod.notes; mth.Behavior = selectedMethod.behavior; mth.Abstract = selectedMethod.isAbstract; mth.ClassifierID = selectedMethod.classifierID; mth.Code = selectedMethod.code; mth.Concurrency = selectedMethod.concurrency; mth.IsConst = selectedMethod.isConst; mth.IsLeaf = selectedMethod.isLeaf; mth.IsPure = selectedMethod.isPure; mth.IsQuery = selectedMethod.isQuery; mth.IsRoot = selectedMethod.isRoot; mth.IsStatic = selectedMethod.isStatic; // mth.IsSynchronized = selectedMethod.s isSynchronized; mth.Pos = selectedMethod.pos; mth.ReturnIsArray = selectedMethod.returnIsArray; mth.ReturnType = selectedMethod.returnType; mth.StateFlags = selectedMethod.stateFlags; // mth.StyleEx = selectedMethod.StyleEx; mth.Throws = selectedMethod.throws; mth.Visibility = selectedMethod.visibility; mth.Update(); // 既にパラメータが設定されている場合は一旦削除 for (short i = 0; i < mth.Parameters.Count; i++) { mth.Parameters.Delete(i); } // XMLから読み込まれたパラメータの値を設定する foreach (ParameterVO prm in selectedMethod.parameters) { EA.Parameter paramObj = (EA.Parameter)mth.Parameters.AddNew(, prm.eaType); paramObj.Alias = prm.alias; paramObj.ClassifierID = prm.classifierID; paramObj.Default = prm.defaultValue; paramObj.IsConst = prm.isConst; paramObj.Kind = prm.kind; paramObj.Name =; paramObj.Notes = prm.notes; paramObj.ParameterGUID = prm.guid; paramObj.Position = prm.pos; paramObj.StereotypeEx = prm.stereoType; // paramObj.Style = prm.Style ; // paramObj.StyleEx = prm.StyleEx ; paramObj.Type = prm.eaType; paramObj.Update(); } // elem.Update(); } else { return; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("EAにアタッチしていないため、反映できません"); } }
public static bool CreateInteractionForOperation(EA.Repository rep, EA.Method m) { // get class EA.Element elClass = rep.GetElementByID(m.ParentID); Package pkgSrc = rep.GetPackageByID(elClass.PackageID); // create a package with the name of the operation Package pkgTrg = (Package)pkgSrc.Packages.AddNew(m.Name, ""); pkgTrg.Update(); pkgSrc.Packages.Refresh(); // create Class Sequence Diagram in target package EA.Diagram pkgSeqDia = (EA.Diagram)pkgTrg.Diagrams.AddNew("Operation:" + m.Name + " Content", "Sequence"); pkgSeqDia.Update(); pkgTrg.Diagrams.Refresh(); // add frame in Sequence diagram EA.DiagramObject frmObj = (EA.DiagramObject)pkgSeqDia.DiagramObjects.AddNew("l=100;r=400;t=25;b=50", ""); EA.Element frm = (EA.Element)pkgTrg.Elements.AddNew(m.Name, "UMLDiagram"); frm.Update(); frmObj.ElementID = frm.ElementID; //frmObj.Style = "fontsz=200;pitch=34;DUID=265D32D5;font=Arial Narrow;bold=0;italic=0;ul=0;charset=0;"; frmObj.Update(); pkgTrg.Elements.Refresh(); pkgSeqDia.DiagramObjects.Refresh(); // create Interaction with the name of the operation EA.Element seq = (EA.Element)pkgTrg.Elements.AddNew(m.Name, "Interaction"); seq.Notes = "Generated from Operation:\r\n" + m.Visibility + " " + m.Name + ":" + m.ReturnType + ";\r\nDetails see Operation definition!!"; seq.Update(); pkgTrg.Elements.Refresh(); // create sequence diagram beneath Interaction EA.Diagram seqDia = (EA.Diagram)seq.Diagrams.AddNew(m.Name, "Sequence"); seqDia.Update(); seq.Diagrams.Refresh(); // create instance from class beneath Interaction EA.Element obj = (EA.Element)seq.Elements.AddNew("", "Object"); seq.Elements.Refresh(); obj.ClassfierID = elClass.ElementID; obj.Update(); // add node object to Sequence Diagram EA.DiagramObject node = (EA.DiagramObject)seqDia.DiagramObjects.AddNew("l=100;r=180;t=50;b=70", ""); node.ElementID = obj.ElementID; node.Update(); // Add Heading to diagram EA.DiagramObject noteObj = (EA.DiagramObject)seqDia.DiagramObjects.AddNew("l=40;r=700;t=10;b=25", ""); EA.Element note = (EA.Element)pkgTrg.Elements.AddNew("Text", "Text"); note.Notes = m.Visibility + " " + elClass.Name + "_" + m.Name + ":" + m.ReturnType; note.Update(); noteObj.ElementID = note.ElementID; noteObj.Style = "fontsz=200;pitch=34;DUID=265D32D5;font=Arial Narrow;bold=0;italic=0;ul=0;charset=0;"; noteObj.Update(); pkgTrg.Elements.Refresh(); seqDia.DiagramObjects.Refresh(); // Link Operation to activity HoUtil.SetBehaviorForOperation(rep, m, seq); // Set show behavior HoUtil.SetShowBehaviorInDiagram(rep, m); HoUtil.SetFrameLinksToDiagram(rep, frm, seqDia); // link Overview frame to diagram frm.Update(); //rep.ReloadDiagram(actDia.DiagramID); return(true); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create StateMachine for Operation //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static bool CreateStateMachineForOperation(EA.Repository rep, EA.Method m) { // get class EA.Element elClass = rep.GetElementByID(m.ParentID); EA.Package pkgSrc = rep.GetPackageByID(elClass.PackageID); // create a package with the name of the operation EA.Package pkgTrg = (Package)pkgSrc.Packages.AddNew(m.Name, ""); pkgTrg.Update(); pkgSrc.Packages.Refresh(); // create Class StateMachine Diagram in target package EA.Diagram pkgSeqDia = (EA.Diagram)pkgTrg.Diagrams.AddNew("Operation:" + m.Name + " Content", "Statechart"); pkgSeqDia.Update(); pkgTrg.Diagrams.Refresh(); // add frame in StateMachine diagram EA.DiagramObject frmObj = (EA.DiagramObject)pkgSeqDia.DiagramObjects.AddNew("l=100;r=400;t=25;b=50", ""); EA.Element frm = (EA.Element)pkgTrg.Elements.AddNew(m.Name, "UMLDiagram"); frm.Update(); frmObj.ElementID = frm.ElementID; //frmObj.Style = "fontsz=200;pitch=34;DUID=265D32D5;font=Arial Narrow;bold=0;italic=0;ul=0;charset=0;"; frmObj.Update(); pkgTrg.Elements.Refresh(); pkgSeqDia.DiagramObjects.Refresh(); // create StateMachine with the name of the operation EA.Element stateMachine = (EA.Element)pkgTrg.Elements.AddNew(m.Name, "StateMachine"); stateMachine.Notes = "Generated from Operation:\r\n" + m.Visibility + " " + m.Name + ":" + m.ReturnType + ";\r\nDetails see Operation definition!!"; stateMachine.Update(); pkgTrg.Elements.Refresh(); // create Statechart diagram beneath State Machine EA.Diagram chartDia = (EA.Diagram)stateMachine.Diagrams.AddNew(m.Name, "Statechart"); chartDia.Update(); stateMachine.Diagrams.Refresh(); // put the state machine on the diagram EA.DiagramObject chartObj = (EA.DiagramObject)chartDia.DiagramObjects.AddNew("l=50;r=600;t=100;b=800", ""); chartObj.ElementID = stateMachine.ElementID; chartObj.Update(); chartDia.DiagramObjects.Refresh(); // add default nodes (init/final) CreateDefaultElementsForStateDiagram(rep, chartDia, stateMachine); // Add Heading to diagram EA.DiagramObject noteObj = (EA.DiagramObject)chartDia.DiagramObjects.AddNew("l=40;r=700;t=10;b=25", ""); EA.Element note = (EA.Element)pkgTrg.Elements.AddNew("Text", "Text"); note.Notes = m.Visibility + " " + elClass.Name + "_" + m.Name + ":" + m.ReturnType; note.Update(); noteObj.ElementID = note.ElementID; noteObj.Style = "fontsz=200;pitch=34;DUID=265D32D5;font=Arial Narrow;bold=0;italic=0;ul=0;charset=0;"; noteObj.Update(); pkgTrg.Elements.Refresh(); chartDia.DiagramObjects.Refresh(); // Link Operation to StateMachine HoUtil.SetBehaviorForOperation(rep, m, stateMachine); // Set show behavior HoUtil.SetShowBehaviorInDiagram(rep, m); HoUtil.SetFrameLinksToDiagram(rep, frm, chartDia); // link Overview frame to diagram frm.Update(); //rep.ReloadDiagram(actDia.DiagramID); return(true); }