Inheritance: JsonValue
Ejemplo n.º 1
      private static void CheckDateRoundtrips(DateTime now)
         var ms = (now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).Ticks / 10000;
         var serializedNow = AspTools.SerializeDateTimeToString(now);
         Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("/Date({0})/", ms), serializedNow);

         var jsonString = new JsonString(serializedNow);
         var dNow = AspTools.ParseStringToDateTime(jsonString);
            new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second, now.Millisecond),
            new DateTime(dNow.Year, dNow.Month, dNow.Day, dNow.Hour, dNow.Minute, dNow.Second, dNow.Millisecond));
Ejemplo n.º 2
      /// <summary>
      /// parses a string in the format '\/Date(700000+0500)\/' to a datetime value.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="str">must be a non-null, valid serialized datetime string</param>
      /// <returns>Valid datetime</returns>
      /// <exception cref="AspDateTimeException">throws a AspDateTimeException if the str is not in the correct format</exception>
      /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">thrown if str is null</exception>
      /// <see cref=""/>
      public static DateTime ParseStringToDateTime(JsonString str)
         Contract.Requires(str != null);

         var match = PARSE_DATETIME_STR.Match(str);

         if (!match.Success) throw new AspDateTimeException(string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid format ({1})", str.Value, DATETIME_REGEX_STR));

         var matchedValue = match.Groups[1].Value;
         bool isUtc = true;
         var indexOf = matchedValue.IndexOf('+');
         if (indexOf > -1)
            isUtc = false;
            matchedValue = matchedValue.Substring(0, indexOf);

            var ms = long.Parse(matchedValue);
            if (ms > 0)
               return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, isUtc ? DateTimeKind.Utc : DateTimeKind.Local)
                     + new TimeSpan(ms * 10000);
               return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, isUtc ? DateTimeKind.Utc : DateTimeKind.Local)
                     - new TimeSpan(-ms * 10000);
         catch (FormatException fe)
            throw new AspDateTimeException("datetime string is not in the correct format; cannot parse to long", fe);