private Stream GetRequestedStream(Stream source, long offset, long lenght)
            var putObjectRequestStream = new ObjectRequestStream(source, offset, lenght);
            var requestStream = new MemoryStream();
            if (putObjectRequestStream.Position != 0)
                putObjectRequestStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            putObjectRequestStream.CopyTo(requestStream, CopyBufferSize);

            return requestStream;
        private void PutObject(IDs3Client client, BulkObject obj, MasterObjectList bulkResult)
            var fileToPut = File.OpenRead(testDirectoryBigFolderForMaxBlob + obj.Name);
            var contentStream = new ObjectRequestStream(fileToPut, obj.Offset, obj.Length);
            var putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the IDs3Client instance
            IDs3Client client = Ds3Builder.FromEnv().Build();

            IDs3ClientHelpers helpers = new Ds3ClientHelpers(client);

            string bucket = "bucket-name";
            string directory = "TestData";

            // Create a bucket if it does not already exist.

            // Generate the list of files to put for the job
            var objectList = FileHelpers.ListObjectsForDirectory(directory);

            // This is used later to create the stream for the object, this
            // can be replaced with custom code to create the file stream
            var streamBuilder = FileHelpers.BuildFilePutter(directory);

            // Create the bulk put job
            var putBulkResponse = client.PutBulkJobSpectraS3(
                new PutBulkJobSpectraS3Request(bucket, objectList));

            // Get the jobId from the response
            Guid jobId = putBulkResponse.ResponsePayload.JobId;

            // Create a set of chunk ids to know what has been processed and what as yet to be processed
            var chunkIds = from chunk in putBulkResponse.ResponsePayload.Objects
                           select chunk.ChunkId;
            var chunkSet = new HashSet<Guid>(chunkIds);

            // Continue processing until all the chunks have been sent.
            while (chunkSet.Count > 0)
                // Get the set of chunks that are currently available for processing
                var chunkResponse = client.GetJobChunksReadyForClientProcessingSpectraS3(
                    new GetJobChunksReadyForClientProcessingSpectraS3Request(jobId)
                        .WithPreferredNumberOfChunks(10)); // This can be changed to any number
                                                           // but 10 is a good default and you
                                                           // are not guaranteed to get this many

                chunkResponse.Match((ts, response) =>
                    // If this matcher is called this means that we can safely process chunks without
                    // fear of the PutObject call failing due to cache unavailable conditions

                    // It is also safe to process all the chunks in parallel as well, or to process
                    // each chunk sequentially, while sending each object in parallel

                    foreach (var chunk in response.Objects)

                        // this next step can be done in parallel
                        foreach (var obj in chunk.ObjectsList)
                            // Create the stream and seek to the correct position for that
                            // blob offset, and then wrap in a ObjectRequestStream to
                            // limit the amount of data transferred to the length of the
                            // blob being processed.
                            var stream = streamBuilder.Invoke(obj.Name);
                            stream.Seek(obj.Offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            var wrappedStream = new ObjectRequestStream(stream, obj.Length);

                            // Put the blob
                                new PutObjectRequest(bucket, obj.Name, wrappedStream)
                Thread.Sleep // If this matcher is called this means that we need to wait before we can safely continue processing chunks