Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 自动分配学员
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string AutoDistributeStudents(string operater)
                RegistrationBLL bllStu   = new RegistrationBLL();
                CoachBLL        bllCoach = new CoachBLL();

                int coachCount = this.GetRecordCount(" CoachStatus=1");

                int studentsCount = bllStu.GetDistributeStuRecordCount(@" flag=1  and PeriodsID = (SELECT TOP 1 CurrentPeroidID FROM tb_CurrentPeroid)
                and DistributeStuStatus=0 ");

                int yushu = 0;
                int shoudDistributeCount = Math.DivRem(studentsCount, coachCount, out yushu);
                if (yushu != 0)
                    shoudDistributeCount += 1;
                //int shoudDistributeCount = (studentsCount / coachCount) + 1;

                DataTable dtCoach    = this.GetList(" CoachStatus=1");
                int       startIndex = 0;
                int       endIndex   = shoudDistributeCount;

                for (int i = 0; i < dtCoach.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataTable dtStudents = bllStu.GetDistributeStuListByPage(@"  flag=1  and PeriodsID = (SELECT TOP 1 CurrentPeroidID FROM tb_CurrentPeroid)
                    and DistributeStuStatus=0 ", "ID", startIndex, endIndex);

                    int  coachID = Int32.Parse(dtCoach.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString());
                    bool result  = AddDistributeStu(coachID, dtStudents, operater);

                return("共有学员" + studentsCount + "个;教练" + coachCount + "个;每个教练分得学员" + shoudDistributeCount + "个.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 记录分配车辆情况
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehicleID"></param>
        /// <param name="dtStudents"></param>
        /// <param name="operater"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string AddDistributeVehicle(int subjectId, string operater)
                RegistrationBLL bllStu = new RegistrationBLL();

                int vehicleCount = this.GetRecordCount(" Status = 0 and DeleteMark = 0");


                int studentsCount        = bllStu.GetRecordCount(@" flag=1  and PeriodsID = (SELECT TOP 1 CurrentPeroidID FROM tb_CurrentPeroid) 
                                 and A.DistributeVihicleStatus=0 and SubjectID='" + subjectId + "'");
                int yushu                = 0;
                int shoudDistributeCount = Math.DivRem(studentsCount, vehicleCount, out yushu);
                if (yushu != 0)
                    shoudDistributeCount += 1;
                //int shoudDistributeCount = (studentsCount / coachCount) + 1;

                DataTable dtVehicle  = this.GetList(" Status = 0 and DeleteMark = 0"); //0为启用
                int       startIndex = 0;
                int       endIndex   = shoudDistributeCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < dtVehicle.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataTable dtStudents = bllStu.GetListByPage(@"  flag=1  and PeriodsID = (SELECT TOP 1 CurrentPeroidID FROM tb_CurrentPeroid)
                                      and DistributeVihicleStatus=0  and SubjectID='" + subjectId + "' ", "ID", startIndex, endIndex);

                    int  vehicleID = Int32.Parse(dtVehicle.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString());
                    bool result    = AddDistributeVehicle(vehicleID, subjectId, dtStudents, operater);

                return("共有学员" + studentsCount + "个;车辆" + vehicleCount + "个;每个车辆分得学员" + shoudDistributeCount + "个.");