Ejemplo n.º 1
    //This is a simple obstacle avoidance function I am working on. Its still in development
    //and not currently being used.
    public void AvoidObstactle()
        selectedTurn = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
        turnTimer    = 0;
        GameObject prefabSpline = turnList [selectedTurn];

        currentSpline              = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabSpline, transform.position, transform.rotation);
        followerScript             = this.gameObject.AddComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineFollower> ();
        followerScript.enabled     = true;
        followerScript.followSpeed = rBody.velocity.magnitude;
        followerScript.computer    = currentSpline.GetComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineComputer> ();
        splineLength    = currentSpline.GetComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineComputer> ().CalculateLength();
        turnTime        = splineLength / rBody.velocity.magnitude;
        turnWatch       = 0;
        isdoingManeuver = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void OutRunState()
        //This state is very similiar to the moves state. The only difference is that
        //this state includes a maneuver section. In this state, the ship can do fancy
        //flying manuevers to try to escape the enemy. The manuever section behaves
        //just like the turn section, it just uses a different list and different timer varaibles.
        turnTimer     += Time.deltaTime;
        maneuverTimer += Time.deltaTime;

        if (turnTimer >= currentTurnTime)
            selectedTurn = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, turnList.Count);
            turnTimer    = 0;
            GameObject prefabSpline = turnList [selectedTurn];
            currentSpline              = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabSpline, transform.position, transform.rotation);
            followerScript             = this.gameObject.AddComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineFollower> ();
            followerScript.enabled     = true;
            followerScript.followSpeed = rBody.velocity.magnitude;
            followerScript.computer    = currentSpline.GetComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineComputer> ();
            splineLength = currentSpline.GetComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineComputer> ().CalculateLength();
            //print (splineLength);
            turnTime        = splineLength / rBody.velocity.magnitude;
            isdoingManeuver = true;

        if (maneuverTimer >= currentManeuverTime)
            selectedManuever = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, maneuverList.Count);
            turnTimer        = 0;
            maneuverTimer    = 0;
            GameObject prefabSpline = maneuverList [selectedManuever];
            currentSpline              = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabSpline, transform.position, transform.rotation);
            followerScript             = this.gameObject.AddComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineFollower> ();
            followerScript.enabled     = true;
            followerScript.followSpeed = rBody.velocity.magnitude;
            followerScript.computer    = currentSpline.GetComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineComputer> ();
            splineLength    = currentSpline.GetComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineComputer> ().CalculateLength();
            turnTime        = splineLength / rBody.velocity.magnitude;
            isdoingManeuver = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    //Handles the straigh forward movement of the ship
    void MoveState()
        //Keeps track of time until next turn
        turnTimer += Time.deltaTime;

        //The turns and manuevers that the ships preform all use splines. I purchased a spline
        //pack from the Unity Asset Store. For the ships to move on the splines, they require a component
        //from the package to be attached to the ship. These components can only be associated with spline however.
        //So each time the ship completes a spline,the old component has to be romved and a new one added.
        //This removes the old component.
        if (followerScript != null)
            Destroy(this.gameObject.GetComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineFollower> ());

        //When it is time to turn...
        if (turnTimer >= currentTurnTime)
            //Randomly select turn from list of turns
            selectedTurn = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, turnList.Count);
            //reset turn timer for next time.
            turnTimer = 0;
            //Spawn selected turn spline
            GameObject prefabSpline = turnList [selectedTurn];
            currentSpline = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabSpline, transform.position, transform.rotation);
            //Adds new component that allows the ship to follow the spline
            followerScript         = this.gameObject.AddComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineFollower> ();
            followerScript.enabled = true;
            //Sets speed at which to follow the spline based on the current speed of the ship
            followerScript.followSpeed = rBody.velocity.magnitude;
            //Concects the spline follow component and the spline
            followerScript.computer = currentSpline.GetComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineComputer> ();
            //Determine the distance the ship will travel while following the spline
            splineLength = currentSpline.GetComponent <Dreamteck.Splines.SplineComputer> ().CalculateLength();
            //Finds the length of time it will take the ship to reach the end of the spline, by taking the
            //lenght of the time and dividing it by the ships speed. Time = distance/speed
            turnTime = splineLength / rBody.velocity.magnitude;
            //The "turnWatch" is basically a stop watch that keeps track of how long the ship has been on the spline
            turnWatch       = 0;
            isdoingManeuver = true;