public UnityBoneDisplay (TextureAtlas textureAtlas, string fullName, float pivotX, float pivotY)
			//TODO: build vetex and mesh
			PivotX = pivotX;
			PivotY = pivotY;
			_uvs = new float[8];
			_verticesOrigin = new float[8];
			_vertices = new float[8];
			TextureData textureData = textureAtlas.AtlasData.GetTextureData (fullName);

			_uvs [0] = textureData.X / (float)textureAtlas.Texture.width;
		    _uvs [1] = 1-textureData.Y / (float)textureAtlas.Texture.height;
			_uvs [2] = (textureData.X +textureData.Width)  / (float)textureAtlas.Texture.width;
			_uvs [3] = 1-textureData.Y / (float)textureAtlas.Texture.height;
			_uvs [4] = (textureData.X +textureData.Width)  / (float)textureAtlas.Texture.width;
		    _uvs [5] = 1-(textureData.Y + textureData.Height) / (float)textureAtlas.Texture.height;
			_uvs [6] = textureData.X / (float)textureAtlas.Texture.width;
		    _uvs [7] = 1-(textureData.Y + textureData.Height) / (float)textureAtlas.Texture.height;

			_vertices[0] = _verticesOrigin [0] = -pivotX;
		    _vertices[1] = _verticesOrigin [1] = -pivotY;
			_vertices[2] = _verticesOrigin [2] = textureData.Width-pivotX;
		    _vertices[3] = _verticesOrigin [3] = -pivotY;
			_vertices[4] = _verticesOrigin [4] = textureData.Width-pivotX ;
			_vertices[5] = _verticesOrigin [5] = textureData.Height-pivotY;
			_vertices[6] = _verticesOrigin [6] = -pivotX;
			_vertices[7] = _verticesOrigin [7] = textureData.Height-pivotY;


Ejemplo n.º 2
		/** @private */
		override protected System.Object generateDisplay(TextureAtlas textureAtlas, string fullName, float pivotX, float pivotY)
			UnityBoneDisplay display = new UnityBoneDisplay (textureAtlas, fullName, pivotX, pivotY);

			Sprite subTexture = _textures[Array.IndexOf(_names, fullName)];

			if (subTexture!=null)
				//Logger.Log("generate display  " + fullName);
				GameObject imageContainer = new GameObject();

				//GameObject image = new GameObject();
				SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = imageContainer.AddComponent(typeof(SpriteRenderer)) as SpriteRenderer;
				spriteRenderer.sprite = subTexture;

				//image.transform.parent = imageContainer.transform;

				//image.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( -pivotX/100 , -pivotY/100, 1); 

				return imageContainer;
			return null;
			return display;
 public UnityArmatureDisplay(TextureAtlas atlas)
     _display = new GameObject ();
     filter = _display.AddComponent("MeshFilter") as MeshFilter;
     mesh = new Mesh();
     filter.sharedMesh = mesh;
     _display.renderer.sharedMaterial = atlas.Material;
        void Start()
            //read and parse skeleton josn into SkeletonData
            TextAsset jsonReader = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("skeleton.json", typeof(TextAsset));
            TextReader reader = new StringReader (jsonReader.text);
            Dictionary<String, System.Object> skeletonRawData = Json.Deserialize (reader) as Dictionary<String, System.Object>;
            SkeletonData skeletonData = ObjectDataParser.ParseSkeletonData (skeletonRawData);

            //read and parse texture atlas josn into TextureAtlas
            Texture _textures = Resources.Load<Texture>("texture");
            jsonReader = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("texture.json", typeof(TextAsset));
            reader = new StringReader (jsonReader.text);
            Dictionary<String, System.Object> atlasRawData = Json.Deserialize (reader) as Dictionary<String, System.Object>;
            AtlasData atlasData = AtlasDataParser.ParseAtlasData (atlasRawData);
            TextureAtlas textureAtlas = new TextureAtlas (_textures, atlasData);

            //use the above data to make factory
            UnityFactory factory = new UnityFactory ();
            factory.AddSkeletonData (skeletonData, skeletonData.Name);
            factory.AddTextureAtlas (textureAtlas);

            //add 20 centaur into scene at some random positions.
            System.Random random = new System.Random();
            for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
                for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {
                    Armature armature = factory.BuildArmature ("centaur/charactor", null, "charactor_all");
                    armature.AdvanceTime (0f);
                    float r0 = (float)random.NextDouble() + 0.5f;
                    float r1 = 0;//(float)random.NextDouble();
                    float r2 = (float)random.NextDouble();
                    ((armature.Display as UnityArmatureDisplay).Display as GameObject).transform.position = new Vector3((float)j+r0*20f, 1, r2*15f);
                    WorldClock.Clock.Add (armature);
                    armature.Animation.GotoAndPlay ("run", -1, -1, 0);

            //add 20 bird into scene at some random positions.
            for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
                for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {
                Armature armature = factory.BuildArmature ("bird/charactor", null, "charactor_all");
                armature.AdvanceTime (0f);
                float r0 = (float)random.NextDouble() + 0.5f;
                float r1 = (float)random.NextDouble() + 1;
                float r2 = (float)random.NextDouble();
                ((armature.Display as UnityArmatureDisplay).Display as GameObject).transform.position = new Vector3((float)j+r0*20f, (float)i*3f+r1*5f, r2*15f);
                WorldClock.Clock.Add (armature);
                armature.Animation.GotoAndPlay ("fly", -1, -1, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
		 * Add a textureAtlas to this BaseFactory instance.
		 * @example 
		 * <listing>
		 * factory.addTextureAtlas(textureatlas, 'dragon');
		 * </listing>
		 * @param	A textureAtlas to add to this BaseFactory instance.
		 * @param	(optional) A name for this TextureAtlas.
		public void AddTextureAtlas(TextureAtlas textureAtlas, string name = null)
			if(_textureAtlasDic == null)
				_textureAtlasDic = new Dictionary<string, TextureAtlas>();


				throw new ArgumentException();
			if(name==null && textureAtlas is TextureAtlas)
				name = textureAtlas.Name;
				throw new ArgumentException("Unnamed data!");

			_textureAtlasDic[name] = textureAtlas;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		 * Generates a DisplayObject
		 * @param	textureAtlas The TextureAtlas.
		 * @param	fullName A qualified name.
		 * @param	pivotX A pivot x based value.
		 * @param	pivotY A pivot y based value.
		 * @return
		protected virtual Object generateDisplay(TextureAtlas textureAtlas, string fullName, float pivotX, float pivotY)
			return null;