Ejemplo n.º 1
        const int TIMEOUT = 10; // seconds

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the isURLmissing parameter.
        /// If the URL returns 404 or the connection is broken, it's missing. Else, we suppose it's fine.
        /// This should or can be used along with web async instance's isURLcheckingCompleted parameter
        /// inside a IEnumerator method capable of yield return for it, although it's mostly for clarity.
        /// Here's an usage example:
        /// WebAsync webAsync = new WebAsync(); StartCoroutine( webAsync.CheckForMissingURL(url) );
        /// while (! webAsync.isURLcheckingCompleted) yield return null;
        /// bool result = webAsync.isURLmissing;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='url'>
        /// A fully formated URL.
        /// </param>
        public IEnumerator CheckForMissingURL(string url)
            isURLcheckingCompleted = false;
            isURLmissing = false;

            Uri httpSite = new Uri(url);
            WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(httpSite);

            // We need no more than HTTP's head
            webRequest.Method = "HEAD";

            // Get the request's reponse
            requestState = null;

            // Manually iterate IEnumerator, because Unity can't do it (and this does not inherit StartCoroutine from MonoBehaviour)
            IEnumerator e = GetResponse(webRequest);
            while (e.MoveNext()) yield return e.Current;
            while (!isResponseCompleted) yield return null; // this while is just to be sure and clear

            // Deal up with the results
            if (requestState.errorMessage != null) {
                if (requestState.errorMessage.Contains("404") || requestState.errorMessage.Contains("NameResolutionFailure")) {
                    isURLmissing = true;
                } else {
                    Debug.LogError("[WebAsync] Error trying to verify if URL '" + url + "' exists: " + requestState.errorMessage);

            isURLcheckingCompleted = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Equivalent of webRequest.GetResponse, but using our own RequestState.
        /// This can or should be used along with web async instance's isResponseCompleted parameter
        /// inside a IEnumerator method capable of yield return for it, although it's mostly for clarity.
        /// Here's an usage example:
        /// WebAsync webAsync = new WebAsync(); StartCoroutine( webAsync.GetReseponse(webRequest) );
        /// while (! webAsync.isResponseCompleted) yield return null;
        /// RequestState result = webAsync.requestState;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='webRequest'>
        /// A System.Net.WebRequest instanced var.
        /// </param>
        public IEnumerator GetResponse(WebRequest webRequest)
            isResponseCompleted = false;
            requestState = new RequestState();

            // Put the request into the state object so it can be passed around
            requestState.webRequest = webRequest;

            // Do the actual async call here
            IAsyncResult asyncResult = (IAsyncResult)webRequest.BeginGetResponse(
                new AsyncCallback(RespCallback), requestState);

            // WebRequest timeout won't work in async calls, so we need this instead
                new WaitOrTimerCallback(ScanTimeoutCallback),
                (TIMEOUT * 1000), // obviously because this is in miliseconds

            // Wait until the the call is completed
            while (!asyncResult.IsCompleted) { yield return null; }

            // Help debugging possibly unpredictable results
            if (requestState != null) {
                if (requestState.errorMessage != null) {
                    // this is not an ERROR because there are at least 2 error messages that are expected: 404 and NameResolutionFailure - as can be seen on CheckForMissingURL
                    Debug.Log("[WebAsync] Error message while getting response from request '" + webRequest.RequestUri.ToString() + "': " + requestState.errorMessage);

            isResponseCompleted = true;