This class provides a strong typing for a XRI Segment. Any obj of this class that appears outside of the package is a valid XRI Segment with at least one subsegment.
Inheritance: Parsable
Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the input stream into XRISegmentVals
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oPathStream">The input stream to scan from</param>
        protected void scanXRISegments(ParseStream oPathStream)
            // sets whether colons are allowed
            bool bAllowColon = mbAllowColon;

            // loop through the XRI segments as long as we are consuming something
            bool bConsumed = true;
            while (!oPathStream.empty() && bConsumed)
                bConsumed = false;
                ParseStream oStream = oPathStream.begin();
                bool bStartsWithSlash = (oStream.getData()[0] == '/');

                // if this is the first segment, it must not start with slash
                if ((bStartsWithSlash) && (moSegments.Count == 0))

                // if this is not the first segment, we expect a slash
                if ((!bStartsWithSlash) && (moSegments.Count > 0))

                // consume the slash if necessary
                if (bStartsWithSlash)
                    bConsumed = true;

                // if there is actually a segment, add it to the list
                XRISegment oSegment = new XRISegment(true, bAllowColon, true);
                if (oSegment.scan(oStream))
                    bConsumed = true;

                // consume whatever we used (even if the segment was empty)

                // after the first segment, colons are allowed
                bAllowColon = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public bool EqualsIgnoreCase(XRISegment segment)
     return ToString().Equals(segment.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public bool Equals(XRISegment segment)
     return ToString().Equals(segment.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public bool isPrefixOf(XRISegment segment)
            int n = this.getNumSubSegments();

            // first, return false if this segment has more subsegments than the given segment
            if (n > segment.getNumSubSegments())
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                XRISubSegment subseg = this.getSubSegmentAt(i);
                if (!subseg.EqualsIgnoreCase(segment.getSubSegmentAt(i)))
                    return false;
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the last part of the XRI segment.  Skips over the specified number
        /// of subsegments and returns the remainder as a XRISegment.
        /// For example: This XRI Segment is "!a!b!c!d"
        ///              getSegmentRemaider(0) => !a!b!c!d
        ///	             getSegmentRemaider(1) => !b!c!d
        ///	             getSegmentRemaider(2) => !c!d
        ///	             getSegmentRemaider(3) => !d
        ///	             getSegmentRemaider(4) => null
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nSkip"></param>
        /// <returns>The number of subsegments to skip.</returns>
        public XRISegment getRemainder(int nSkip)

            // return null if there isn't atleast nSkip subsegments
            if ((this.moSubSegments == null) ||
                (this.moSubSegments.Count <= nSkip))
                return null;

            // return a XRISegment without the first few subsegments
            XRISegment oRemainder = new XRISegment(false, mbAllowColon, mbAllowReassignable);
            oRemainder.msValue = "";
            oRemainder.moSubSegments = new List<XRISubSegment>();
            oRemainder.mbParsed = true;
            oRemainder.mbParseResult = this.mbParseResult;
            for (int i = nSkip; i < this.moSubSegments.Count; i++)
                XRISubSegment oSubseg = this.moSubSegments[i];
                oRemainder.msValue += oSubseg.ToString();

            return oRemainder;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the parent XRISegment for this obj.  Equivalent to all but
        /// the last SubSegment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The parent XRISegment of this obj</returns>
        public XRISegment getParent()

            // return null if there isn't atleast 2 subsegments
            if ((this.moSubSegments == null) || (this.moSubSegments.Count <= 1))
                return null;

            // return a XRISegment with the first n-1 subsegments
            XRISegment oParent = new XRISegment(mbAllowImpliedDelimiter, mbAllowColon, mbAllowReassignable);
            oParent.msValue = "";
            oParent.moSubSegments = new List<XRISubSegment>();
            oParent.mbParsed = true;
            oParent.mbParseResult = this.mbParseResult;
            for (int i = 0; i < (this.moSubSegments.Count - 1); i++)
                XRISubSegment oSubseg = (XRISubSegment)this.moSubSegments[i];
                oParent.msValue += oSubseg.ToString();

            return oParent;