Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the body of the invoke method.
        /// </summary>
        private static MethodBody CreateInvokeBody(ISourceLocation sequencePoint, AssemblyCompiler compiler, DexTargetPackage targetPackage, XMethodDefinition calledMethod, XMethodDefinition invokeMethod, Prototype invokePrototype, Prototype calledMethodPrototype, FieldDefinition instanceField, ClassReference delegateClass)
            var body = new MethodBody(null);
            var rthis = body.AllocateRegister(RCategory.Argument, RType.Object);
            foreach (var p in invokePrototype.Parameters)
                if (p.Type.IsWide())
                    var type = (p.Type is PrimitiveType) ? RType.Value : RType.Object;
                    body.AllocateRegister(RCategory.Argument, type);
            var incomingMethodArgs = body.Registers.ToArray();

            // Create code
            var ins = body.Instructions;
            Register instance = null;
            if (!calledMethod.IsStatic)
                // load instance
                instance = body.AllocateRegister(RCategory.Temp, RType.Object);
                ins.Add(new Instruction(RCode.Iget_object, instance, rthis) { Operand = instanceField });
            // Invoke
            var calledMethodRef = calledMethod.GetReference(targetPackage);
            var inputArgs = calledMethod.IsStatic ? incomingMethodArgs.Skip(1).ToArray() : incomingMethodArgs;
            // Cast arguments (if needed)
            var outputArgs = new List<Register>();
            if (!calledMethod.IsStatic)
            var parameterIndex = 0;
            for (var i = calledMethod.IsStatic ? 0 : 1; i < inputArgs.Length; )
                var invokeType = invokePrototype.Parameters[parameterIndex].Type;
                var inputIsWide = invokeType.IsWide();
                var calledType = calledMethodPrototype.Parameters[parameterIndex].Type;
                if (!invokeType.Equals(calledType))
                    // Add cast / unbox
                    var source = inputIsWide
                                     ? new RegisterSpec(inputArgs[i], inputArgs[i + 1], invokeType)
                                     : new RegisterSpec(inputArgs[i], null, invokeType);
                    var tmp = ins.Unbox(sequencePoint, source, calledMethod.Parameters[parameterIndex].ParameterType, compiler, targetPackage, body);
                    if (calledType.IsWide())
                    if (calledType.IsWide())
                        outputArgs.Add(inputArgs[i + 1]);
                i += inputIsWide ? 2 : 1;

            // Actual call
            ins.Add(new Instruction(calledMethod.Invoke(calledMethod, null), calledMethodRef, outputArgs.ToArray()));

            // Collect return value
            var invokeReturnType = invokePrototype.ReturnType;
            var calledReturnType = calledMethodPrototype.ReturnType;
            var needsBoxing = !invokeReturnType.Equals(calledReturnType);
            Instruction returnInstruction;

            if (calledReturnType.IsWide())
                var r = body.AllocateWideRegister(RCategory.Temp);
                ins.Add(new Instruction(RCode.Move_result_wide, r.Item1));
                if (needsBoxing)
                    // Box
                    var source = new RegisterSpec(r.Item1, r.Item2, calledReturnType);
                    var tmp = ins.Box(sequencePoint, source, calledMethod.ReturnType, targetPackage, body);
                    returnInstruction = new Instruction(RCode.Return_object, tmp.Result.Register);
                    // Return wide
                    returnInstruction = new Instruction(RCode.Return_wide, r.Item1);
            else if (calledMethod.ReturnType.IsVoid())
                // Void return
                returnInstruction = new Instruction(RCode.Return_void);
            else if (calledReturnType is PrimitiveType)
                // Single register return
                var r = body.AllocateRegister(RCategory.Temp, RType.Value);
                ins.Add(new Instruction(RCode.Move_result, r));
                if (needsBoxing)
                    // Box
                    var source = new RegisterSpec(r, null, invokeReturnType);
                    var tmp = ins.Box(sequencePoint, source, calledMethod.ReturnType, targetPackage, body);
                    returnInstruction = new Instruction(RCode.Return_object, tmp.Result.Register);
                    // Return 
                    returnInstruction = new Instruction(RCode.Return, r);
                var r = body.AllocateRegister(RCategory.Temp, RType.Object);
                ins.Add(new Instruction(RCode.Move_result_object, r));
                if (needsBoxing)
                    // Box
                    var source = new RegisterSpec(r, null, invokeReturnType);
                    var tmp = ins.Box(sequencePoint, source, invokeMethod.ReturnType, targetPackage, body);
                    returnInstruction = new Instruction(RCode.Return_object, tmp.Result.Register);
                    // Return 
                    returnInstruction = new Instruction(RCode.Return_object, r);

            // Call next delegate (if any)
            var next = body.AllocateRegister(RCategory.Temp, RType.Object);
            var multicastDelegateType = new ClassReference(targetPackage.NameConverter.GetConvertedFullName("System.MulticastDelegate"));
            var nextReference = new FieldReference(multicastDelegateType, "next", multicastDelegateType);
            ins.Add(new Instruction(RCode.Iget_object, nextReference, new[] { next, rthis })); // load this.next
            var afterCallNext = new Instruction(RCode.Nop);
            ins.Add(new Instruction(RCode.If_eqz, afterCallNext, new[] { next })); // if next == null, continue
            ins.Add(new Instruction(RCode.Check_cast, delegateClass, new[] { next }));
            var nextInvokeMethod = new MethodReference(delegateClass, "Invoke", invokePrototype);
            var nextInvokeArgs = new[] { next }.Concat(incomingMethodArgs.Skip(1)).ToArray();
            ins.Add(new Instruction(RCode.Invoke_virtual, nextInvokeMethod, nextInvokeArgs));

            // Add return instructions

            return body;