Ejemplo n.º 1
 public virtual void Add(DiagramShape obj)
     if ((obj != null) && !this.Contains(obj))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
     if (this.CanReshape() && this.ResizableRadius)
         RectangleF ef1 = this.Bounds;
         PointF tf1 = new PointF();
         float single1 = this.MinorRadius;
         if (this.Orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical)
             if ((this.Perspective == Perspective.TopLeft) || (this.Perspective == Perspective.TopRight))
                 tf1 = new PointF(ef1.X + (ef1.Width / 2f), ef1.Y + (2f * single1));
                 tf1 = new PointF(ef1.X + (ef1.Width / 2f), (ef1.Y + ef1.Height) - (2f * single1));
         else if ((this.Perspective == Perspective.TopLeft) || (this.Perspective == Perspective.BottomLeft))
             tf1 = new PointF(ef1.X + (2f * single1), ef1.Y + (ef1.Height / 2f));
             tf1 = new PointF((ef1.X + ef1.Width) - (2f * single1), ef1.Y + (ef1.Height / 2f));
         IShapeHandle handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x408, true);
         base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, (this.Orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) ? 0x40 : 0x80);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public virtual void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     if (!this.CanResize())
         sel.CreateBoundingHandle(this, selectedObj);
         RectangleF ef1 = this.Bounds;
         float single1 = ef1.X;
         float single2 = ef1.X + (ef1.Width / 2f);
         float single3 = ef1.X + ef1.Width;
         float single4 = ef1.Y;
         float single5 = ef1.Y + (ef1.Height / 2f);
         float single6 = ef1.Y + ef1.Height;
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, new PointF(single1, single4), 2, true);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, new PointF(single3, single4), 4, true);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, new PointF(single3, single6), 8, true);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, new PointF(single1, single6), 0x10, true);
         if (this.CanReshape())
             sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, new PointF(single2, single4), 0x20, true);
             sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, new PointF(single3, single5), 0x40, true);
             sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, new PointF(single2, single6), 0x80, true);
             sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, new PointF(single1, single5), 0x100, true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public override void CopyObjectDelayed(CopyDictionary env, DiagramShape newobj)
     base.CopyObjectDelayed(env, newobj);
     Balloon balloon1 = (Balloon)newobj;
     balloon1.myAnchor = env[this.myAnchor] as DiagramShape;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public virtual bool Contains(DiagramShape obj)
     if (obj == null)
         return false;
     return this.myObjects.Contains(obj);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public override void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     if (!this.CanResize() || !this.CanReshape())
         base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
         System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation1 = this.Orientation;
         PointF tf2 = new PointF();
         PointF tf3 = new PointF();
         PointF tf4 = new PointF();
         PointF tf5 = new PointF();
         bool flag1 = this.A.X <= this.B.X;
         bool flag2 = this.A.Y <= this.D.Y;
         if (flag1 && flag2)
             tf2 = this.A;
             tf3 = this.B;
             tf4 = this.D;
             tf5 = this.C;
         else if (!flag1 && flag2)
             tf2 = this.B;
             tf3 = this.A;
             tf4 = this.C;
             tf5 = this.D;
         else if (flag1 && !flag2)
             tf2 = this.D;
             tf3 = this.C;
             tf4 = this.A;
             tf5 = this.B;
             tf2 = this.C;
             tf3 = this.D;
             tf4 = this.B;
             tf5 = this.A;
         PointF tf1 = new PointF((tf2.X + tf4.X) / 2f, (tf2.Y + tf4.Y) / 2f);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x100, true);
         tf1 = new PointF((tf3.X + tf5.X) / 2f, (tf3.Y + tf5.Y) / 2f);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x40, true);
         tf1 = new PointF((tf2.X + tf3.X) / 2f, (tf2.Y + tf3.Y) / 2f);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x20, true);
         tf1 = new PointF((tf4.X + tf5.X) / 2f, (tf4.Y + tf5.Y) / 2f);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x80, true);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, this.A, 0x40a, true);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, this.B, 0x40b, true);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, this.C, 0x40c, true);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, this.D, 0x40d, true);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public override void Add(DiagramShape obj)
     if ((this.Handle != null) && (this.Count >= 1))
         this.InsertBefore(this.Handle, obj);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public override void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
     if (this.CanReshape() && this.ReshapableDepth)
         RectangleF ef1 = this.Bounds;
         PointF tf1 = new PointF();
         SizeF ef2 = this.Depth;
         tf1 = this.getPoints(0f, 0f)[1];
         IShapeHandle handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x409, true);
         base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
     if (this.CanReshape() && this.ReshapableCorner)
         RectangleF ef1 = this.Bounds;
         PointF tf1 = new PointF(ef1.X + this.Corner.Width, ef1.Y);
         IShapeHandle handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 1030, true);
         base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, 0x40);
         tf1 = new PointF(ef1.X, ef1.Y + this.Corner.Height);
         handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x407, true);
         base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, 0x80);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public override void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     if (!this.CanResize() || !this.CanReshape())
         base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, this.A, 0x2000, true);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, this.B, 0x2001, true);
         sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, this.C, 0x2002, true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public virtual void AddObserver(DiagramShape obj)
     if (obj != null)
         if (this.myObservers == null)
             this.myObservers = new DiagramShapeCollection();
         if (!this.myObservers.Contains(obj))
             this.Changed(0x3f6, 0, null, DiagramShape.NullRect, 0, obj, DiagramShape.NullRect);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public override void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     if (this.BackgroundOpaqueWhenSelected)
         bool flag1 = base.SkipsUndoManager;
         base.SkipsUndoManager = true;
         this.TransparentBackground = false;
         base.SkipsUndoManager = flag1;
         base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public override void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
     if (this.CanReshape() && this.ReshapableCorner)
         RectangleF ef1 = this.Bounds;
         bool flag1 = this.Orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal;
         float single1 = this.DistanceLeft;
         float single2 = this.DistanceRight;
         float single3 = this.DistanceTop;
         float single4 = this.DistanceBottom;
         bool flag2 = false;
         bool flag3 = false;
         this.DetermineReshapeBehavior(ref flag2, ref flag3);
         PointF[] tfArray1 = this.getPoints();
         PointF tf1 = new PointF();
         if (flag1)
             tf1 = tfArray1[1];
             tf1 = tfArray1[5];
         IShapeHandle handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x402, true);
         base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, flag1 ? 0x40 : 0x80);
         tf1 = tfArray1[0];
         handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x404, true);
         base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, flag3 ? (flag1 ? 0x40 : 0x80) : 1);
         if (!flag2)
             if (flag1)
                 tf1 = tfArray1[4];
                 tf1 = tfArray1[2];
             handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x403, true);
             base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, flag1 ? 0x40 : 0x80);
             tf1 = tfArray1[3];
             handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x405, true);
             base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, flag3 ? (flag1 ? 0x40 : 0x80) : 1);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public virtual void Add(DiagramShape obj)
     if (obj != null)
         GroupShape group1 = obj.Parent;
         if (group1 == null)
             if (obj.Layer != null)
                 throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add an object to a group when it is already part of a document or view.");
             this.insertAt(this.myObjects.Count, obj, false);
         else if (group1 != this)
             throw new ArgumentException("Cannot move an object from one group to another without first removing it from its parent.");
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public override void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
     if (this.CanReshape() && this.ReshapableSkew)
         RectangleF ef1 = this.Bounds;
         SizeF ef2 = this.Skew;
         PointF tf1 = new PointF();
         if (this.Direction)
             tf1 = new PointF(ef1.X + ef2.Width, ef1.Y + ef2.Height);
             tf1 = new PointF((ef1.X + ef1.Width) - ef2.Width, ef1.Y + ef2.Height);
         IShapeHandle handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x40e, true);
         base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override void AddSelectionHandles(DiagramSelection sel, DiagramShape selectedObj)
     base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
     if (this.CanReshape())
         if (this.ResizableStartAngle)
             RectangleF ef1 = this.Bounds;
             PointF tf1 = this.GetPointAtAngle(this.StartAngle);
             IShapeHandle handle1 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf1, 0x40f, true);
             base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle1, 1);
         if (this.ResizableEndAngle)
             RectangleF ef2 = this.Bounds;
             PointF tf2 = this.GetPointAtAngle(this.StartAngle + this.SweepAngle);
             IShapeHandle handle2 = sel.CreateResizeHandle(this, selectedObj, tf2, 1040, true);
             base.MakeDiamondResizeHandle(handle2, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 protected virtual void OnObservedChanged(DiagramShape observed, int subhint, int oldI, object oldVal, RectangleF oldRect, int newI, object newVal, RectangleF newRect)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 protected virtual void OnLayerChanged(DiagramLayer oldlayer, DiagramLayer newlayer, DiagramShape mainObj)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public bool IsChildOf(DiagramShape obj)
     if (obj is GroupShape)
         for (GroupShape group1 = this.Parent; group1 != null; group1 = group1.Parent)
             if (group1 == obj)
                 return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public static DiagramShape FindCommonParent(DiagramShape a, DiagramShape b)
     if (a == b)
         return a;
     if (b != null)
         for (DiagramShape obj1 = a; obj1 != null; obj1 = obj1.Parent)
             for (DiagramShape obj2 = b; obj2 != null; obj2 = obj2.Parent)
                 if (obj2 == obj1)
                     return obj2;
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public virtual void CopyObjectDelayed(CopyDictionary env, DiagramShape newobj)
     CollectionEnumerator enumerator1 = this.Observers.GetEnumerator();
     while (enumerator1.MoveNext())
         DiagramShape obj1 = enumerator1.Current;
         DiagramShape obj2 = env[obj1] as DiagramShape;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void SetSpotLocation(int spot, DiagramShape obj, int otherSpot)
     PointF tf1 = obj.GetSpotLocation(otherSpot);
     this.SetSpotLocation(spot, tf1);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 internal void SetLayer(DiagramLayer value, DiagramShape mainObj, bool undoing)
     GroupShape group1 = this as GroupShape;
     if (group1 != null)
         DiagramShape[] objArray1 = group1.CopyArray();
         for (int num1 = 0; num1 < objArray1.Length; num1++)
             DiagramShape obj1 = objArray1[num1];
             obj1.SetLayer(value, mainObj, undoing);
     DiagramLayer layer1 = this.myLayer;
     DiagramLayer layer2 = value;
     if (layer1 != layer2)
         if (layer2 == null)
             if (!undoing)
                 this.OnLayerChanged(layer1, null, mainObj);
             this.myLayer = null;
             this.myLayer = layer2;
             if (!undoing)
                 this.OnLayerChanged(layer1, layer2, mainObj);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public virtual void RemoveObserver(DiagramShape obj)
     if ((obj != null) && ((this.myObservers != null) && this.myObservers.Contains(obj)))
         this.Changed(0x3f7, 0, obj, DiagramShape.NullRect, 0, null, DiagramShape.NullRect);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public override void LayoutChildren(DiagramShape childchanged)
     if (!base.Initializing)
         DiagramText text1 = this.Label;
         if (text1 != null)
             DiagramShape obj1 = this.Background;
             if (obj1 != null)
                 SizeF ef1 = this.TopLeftMargin;
                 SizeF ef2 = this.BottomRightMargin;
                 if (this.AutoResizes)
                     obj1.Bounds = new RectangleF(text1.Left - ef1.Width, text1.Top - ef1.Height, (text1.Width + ef1.Width) + ef2.Width, (text1.Height + ef1.Height) + ef2.Height);
                     float single1 = System.Math.Max((float)(obj1.Width - (ef1.Width + ef2.Width)), (float)0f);
                     float single2 = System.Math.Max((float)(obj1.Height - (ef1.Height + ef2.Height)), (float)0f);
                     text1.Width = single1;
                     text1.WrappingWidth = single1;
                     float single3 = System.Math.Min(text1.Height, single2);
                     float single4 = obj1.Left + ef1.Width;
                     float single5 = (obj1.Top + ef1.Height) + ((single2 - single3) / 2f);
                     text1.Bounds = new RectangleF(single4, single5, single1, single3);
             if ((obj1 == null) && this.AutoResizes)
                 obj1 = text1;
             if (obj1 != null)
                 if (this.TopPort != null)
                     this.TopPort.SetSpotLocation(0x20, obj1, 0x20);
                 if (this.RightPort != null)
                     this.RightPort.SetSpotLocation(0x40, obj1, 0x40);
                 if (this.BottomPort != null)
                     this.BottomPort.SetSpotLocation(0x80, obj1, 0x80);
                 if (this.LeftPort != null)
                     this.LeftPort.SetSpotLocation(0x100, obj1, 0x100);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public override void LayoutChildren(DiagramShape childchanged)
     if (!base.Initializing)
         DiagramText text1 = this.Label;
         if (text1 != null)
             DiagramShape obj1 = this.Background;
             if (obj1 != null)
                 SizeF ef1 = this.TopLeftMargin;
                 SizeF ef2 = this.BottomRightMargin;
                 obj1.Bounds = new RectangleF(text1.Left - ef1.Width, text1.Top - ef1.Height, (text1.Width + ef1.Width) + ef2.Width, (text1.Height + ef1.Height) + ef2.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public override void Remove(DiagramShape obj)
     if (obj == this.myLabel)
         this.myLabel = null;
     else if (obj == this.myBack)
         this.myBack = null;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 internal static DiagramText FindLabel(DiagramShape obj)
     DiagramText text1 = obj as DiagramText;
     if (text1 != null)
         return text1;
     GroupShape group1 = obj as GroupShape;
     if (group1 != null)
         GroupEnumerator enumerator2 = group1.GetEnumerator();
         GroupEnumerator enumerator1 = enumerator2.GetEnumerator();
         while (enumerator1.MoveNext())
             DiagramText text2 = DiagramNode.FindLabel(enumerator1.Current);
             if (text2 != null)
                 return text2;
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public override void Remove(DiagramShape obj)
     if (obj == this.myBack)
         this.myBack = null;
     else if (obj == this.myLabel)
         this.myLabel = null;
     else if (obj == this.myTopPort)
         this.myTopPort = null;
     else if (obj == this.myRightPort)
         this.myRightPort = null;
     else if (obj == this.myBottomPort)
         this.myBottomPort = null;
     else if (obj == this.myLeftPort)
         this.myLeftPort = null;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 protected override void OnLayerChanged(DiagramLayer oldLayer, DiagramLayer newLayer, DiagramShape mainObj)
     base.OnLayerChanged(oldLayer, newLayer, mainObj);
     if (((oldLayer != null) && (newLayer == null)) && oldLayer.IsInDocument)
         DiagramDocument document1 = oldLayer.Document;
         IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator1 = this.Map.GetEnumerator();
         while (enumerator1.MoveNext())
             DictionaryEntry entry1 = enumerator1.Entry;
             DiagramView view1 = (DiagramView)entry1.Key;
             Control control1 = (Control)entry1.Value;
             if ((view1 != null) && (control1 != null))
                 this.DisposeControl(control1, view1);
     else if (((oldLayer != null) && (newLayer == null)) && oldLayer.IsInView)
         DiagramView view2 = oldLayer.View;
         Control control2 = this.FindControl(view2);
         if (control2 != null)
             if (control2 != null)
                 this.DisposeControl(control2, view2);