Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 把pathToPut的路径放入到Apk中的pathInApk路径,如果已经存在则覆盖。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inApkPath">输入的apk</param>
        /// <param name="outApkPath">输出的apk</param>
        /// <param name="pathInApk">apk中的路径</param>
        /// <param name="pathToPut">需要被放置的路径</param>
        public static void PutPathInAPK(string inApkPath, string outApkPath, string pathInApk, string pathToPut)

            var apkDir = SpaceUtil.NewTempPath();

            Logger.Log($"Unpack apk to '{apkDir}'...");
            UnpackAPK(inApkPath, apkDir);

            // 放
            Logger.Log($"Copy '{pathToPut}' to '{Path.Combine(apkDir, pathInApk)}'...");
            PathUtil.CopyPath(pathToPut, Path.Combine(apkDir, pathInApk), true);

            Logger.Log($"Pack apk to '{outApkPath}'...");
            PackAPK(apkDir, outApkPath);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 拷贝源路径到目标路径
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourPath"> 源路径 </param>
        /// <param name="destPath"> 目标路径 </param>
        /// <param name="force"> 是否强制覆盖目标路径 </param>
        public static void CopyPath(string sourPath, string destPath, bool force)
            if (sourPath == destPath)
                throw new DoodleException("sourPath and destPath can't be same!");

            int    wildcardIndex = sourPath.LastIndexOf("*", System.StringComparison.Ordinal);
            bool   srcWildcard   = wildcardIndex >= 0;
            string needCheckPath = sourPath;

            if (srcWildcard)
                int lastSlashIndex = sourPath.LastIndexOf('/');
                if (lastSlashIndex > wildcardIndex)
                    throw new DoodleException(string.Format("sourPath {0} 是不合法的路径!", sourPath));

                needCheckPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourPath);

            var sourState = GetPathState(needCheckPath);

            if (sourState == PathState.None)
                throw new DoodleException(string.Format("{0} 路径不存在!", needCheckPath));

            var destState = GetPathState(destPath);

            if (!force && destState != PathState.None)
                throw new DoodleException("destPath is not empty!");

            if (srcWildcard)
                if (destState == PathState.File)
                    if (force)
                        throw new DoodleException(string.Format("destPath {0} 不能是一个文件,除非指明force!", destPath));

                var files = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourPath), Path.GetFileName(sourPath));
                foreach (var f in files)
                    PathUtil.CopyPath(f, Path.Combine(destPath, Path.GetFileName(f)), force);
                var relation = GetPathRelation(sourPath, destPath);
                if (sourState == PathState.Dir && relation == PathRelation.Parent)
                    throw new DoodleException("can't copy a directory into itself!");

                if (destState == PathState.Dir && relation == PathRelation.Child)
                    throw new DoodleException("can't overwrite sourPath's parent dir!");

                DirUtil.TryCreateParentDir(destPath, force);
                if (sourState == PathState.File)
                    File.Copy(sourPath, destPath);
                else if (sourState == PathState.Dir)
                    DirUtil.CopyDir(sourPath, destPath, true);