RequestPlayerTrashCardsFromHand() private method

private RequestPlayerTrashCardsFromHand ( GameState gameState, int cardCount, bool isOptional, bool allOrNone = false ) : CollectionCards
gameState GameState
cardCount int
isOptional bool
allOrNone bool
return CollectionCards
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void DoSpecializedAction(PlayerState currentPlayer, GameState gameState)
            PlayerActionChoice actionChoice = currentPlayer.RequestPlayerChooseBetween(
                acceptableChoice => acceptableChoice == PlayerActionChoice.GainCard ||
                                    acceptableChoice == PlayerActionChoice.PlusCoin ||
                                    acceptableChoice == PlayerActionChoice.Trash);

            switch (actionChoice)
                case PlayerActionChoice.GainCard: currentPlayer.GainCardFromSupply(Silver.card, gameState); break;
                case PlayerActionChoice.PlusCoin: currentPlayer.AddCoins(1); break;
                case PlayerActionChoice.Trash: currentPlayer.RequestPlayerTrashCardsFromHand(gameState, 1, false); break;
                default: throw new Exception("Invalid case");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void DoSpecializedAction(PlayerState currentPlayer, GameState gameState)
     currentPlayer.RequestPlayerTrashCardsFromHand(gameState, 4, isOptional: true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public override void DoSpecializedAction(PlayerState currentPlayer, GameState gameState)
     // Trash 2 cards from your hand
     if (currentPlayer.RequestPlayerTrashCardsFromHand(gameState, 2, isOptional: false).Length == 2)
         // If you do, gain a silver card; put it into your hand
         currentPlayer.GainCardFromSupply(Silver.card, gameState, DeckPlacement.Hand);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void DoSpecializedAction(PlayerState currentPlayer, GameState gameState)
            CollectionCards trashedCards = currentPlayer.RequestPlayerTrashCardsFromHand(gameState, currentPlayer.Hand.Count, isOptional: true);

            int totalCoinCost = trashedCards.Select(card => card.CurrentCoinCost(currentPlayer)).Sum();
            int totalPotionCost = trashedCards.Select(card => card.potionCost).Sum();

                card => card.CurrentCoinCost(currentPlayer) == totalCoinCost && card.potionCost == totalPotionCost,
                "Must gain a card costing exactly equal to the total cost of the trashed cards>",
                isOptional: false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void DoSpecializedAction(PlayerState currentPlayer, GameState gameState)
            bool[] otherPlayersAffectedByAttacks = new bool[gameState.players.OtherPlayers.Count()];

            // from rule book
            // "Players responding to this attack must choose to do so before you decide whether or not to trash 2 cards"
            int otherIndex = 0;
            foreach (PlayerState otherPlayer in gameState.players.OtherPlayers)
                otherPlayersAffectedByAttacks[otherIndex++] = otherPlayer.IsAffectedByAttacks(gameState);

            if (currentPlayer.RequestPlayerTrashCardsFromHand(gameState, 2, isOptional: true, allOrNone:true).Length == 2)

                otherIndex = 0;
                foreach (PlayerState otherPlayer in gameState.players.OtherPlayers)
                    if (otherPlayersAffectedByAttacks[otherIndex++])
                        otherPlayer.RequestPlayerDiscardDownToCountInHand(gameState, 3);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void DoSpecializedAction(PlayerState currentPlayer, GameState gameState)
            // TODO: trashing potion card is included in total cost
            // throw NotImplemented()
            Card[] trashedCards = currentPlayer.RequestPlayerTrashCardsFromHand(gameState, currentPlayer.Hand.Count, isOptional: true);

            int totalCost = trashedCards.Select(card => card.CurrentCoinCost(currentPlayer)).Sum();
                card => card.CurrentCoinCost(currentPlayer) == totalCost,
                "Must gain a card costing exactly equal to the total cost of the trashed cards>",
                isOptional: false);