Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static IEnumerable <string> GetPricingPathString(DPNProblemContext ctx,
                                                                DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter,
                                                                Dictionary <ITrainTrip, Dictionary <IRailwayStation, PricePath> > solution_w)
            //Print Head
            yield return("Station ID, Station Name, Train No, Time, Price Level");

            //For each passenger, print information
            foreach (var pair in solution_w)
                foreach (var subpair in pair.Value)
                    foreach (string str in subpair.Value.Nodepath)
                        string[] s = str.Split('_');
                        if (s[0] == "Start" || s[0] == "End")
                            int sT = Convert.ToInt32(s[1]);
                            yield return(string.Join(",",
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public MinTravelTime_MaxRevenue_MixTravelHyperNetwork(DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter,
                                                       decimal cost_weight, decimal rev_weight)
     : base(ctx, adapter)
     _cost_weight = cost_weight;
     _rev_weight  = rev_weight;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 输出每一个旅客的路径信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx"></param>
        /// <param name="adapter"></param>
        /// <param name="SegDic"></param>
        /// <param name="solution_x"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <string> GetTravelPathString(DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter,
                                                               BasicTravelHyperNetwork net,
                                                               Dictionary <CustomerArrival, TravelPath> solution_x,
                                                               Dictionary <CustomerArrival, decimal> PathCost)
            //Print Head
            yield return("Customer ID, Description, Train Name, waiting Time (min), Waiting Time Cost, Travel Time Cost, Ticket Cost, Total Cost");

            //For each passenger, print information
            foreach (var pair in solution_x)
                var segments = pair.Value.GetSegments(net);
                if (segments != null || segments.Count() > 0)
                    var waitingTimeCost = pair.Value.GetWaitTime() * adapter.Resolution * ctx.WaitingVot;
                    var travelTimeCost  = (decimal)(segments.Max(i => i.ArrTime) - segments.Min(i => i.DepTime)).TotalMinutes * ctx.Vot;
                    yield return(string.Join(",", pair.Key.QueueOrder,//旅客编号
                                             //string.Join(";", pair.Value.GetSegments(net).Select(i => $"{i.DepStation.StaName}->{i.ArrStation.StaName}")),//使用的服务路径
                                             pair.Value.GetWaitTime() * adapter.Resolution,                  //等待时间
                                             waitingTimeCost,                                                //时间成本
                                             segments.Sum(seg => ctx.BasicPriceDic[seg] * pair.Value.Price), //票价成本
                                             Math.Round(PathCost[pair.Key], 2)));                            //总成本
                    //TODO:Print the information of a passenger who gives up travelling.
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ControlledLRxTravelHyperNetwork(DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter,
                                        ObjectTravelHyperNetwork objNet,
                                        CustomerArrival customer,                                              //旅客
                                        Dictionary <CustomerArrival, List <TravelPath> > PathDict,
                                        Dictionary <IServiceSegment, decimal> LM_rho,                          //拉格朗日乘子 ρ
                                        Dictionary <CustomerArrival, Dictionary <TravelPath, decimal> > LM_mu, //拉格朗日乘子 μ
                                        Dictionary <IEdge <TravelHyperNode>, decimal> LM_lambda,
                                        Dictionary <IEdge <TravelHyperNode>, bool> y) : base(ctx, adapter, objNet, customer, PathDict, LM_rho, LM_mu, LM_lambda)
     _y = y;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public LRxSimNetwork(DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter,
                             ObjectTravelHyperNetwork objNet,
                             CustomerArrival customer,                                              //旅客
                             Dictionary <CustomerArrival, List <TravelPath> > PathDict,
                             Dictionary <IServiceSegment, decimal> LM_rho,                          //拉格朗日乘子 ρ
                             Dictionary <CustomerArrival, Dictionary <TravelPath, decimal> > LM_mu, //拉格朗日乘子 μ
                             Dictionary <IEdge <TravelHyperNode>, decimal> LM_lambda,
                             Dictionary <IEdge <TravelHyperNode>, bool> y) : base(ctx, adapter, y)
            _LM_rho    = LM_rho;
            _LM_mu     = LM_mu;
            _LM_lambda = LM_lambda;
            _u         = (PathDict.ContainsKey(customer) ? PathDict[customer].Sum(i => LM_mu[customer][i]) : 0m);

            _objNet = objNet;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public ObjectTravelHyperNetwork(DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter) : base(ctx, adapter)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public MaxRevenueTravelHyperNetwork(DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter)
     : base(ctx, adapter)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private Dictionary <IServiceSegment, int> _segCapDict    = new Dictionary <IServiceSegment, int>(); //segment的容量

        //Reservation link 是否存在  Dictionary<IServiceSegment, int> serviceDic
        public SimNetwork(DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter,
                          Dictionary <IEdge <TravelHyperNode>, bool> y) : base(ctx, adapter, y)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static DirectedWeightedSparseGraph <string> BuildLRwGraph(
            DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter,
            ITrainTrip train,
            IRailwayStation station,
            Dictionary <CustomerArrival, List <TravelPath> > PathDict,
            Dictionary <IEdge <TravelHyperNode>, ITrainTrip> linkTrainDict,
            Dictionary <CustomerArrival, Dictionary <TravelPath, decimal> > LM_mu, //拉格朗日乘子 μ TODO:int 改为path ,
            Dictionary <IEdge <TravelHyperNode>, decimal> LM_lambda)
            DirectedWeightedSparseGraph <string> graph = new DirectedWeightedSparseGraph <string>();

            //Build price_transfer links
            decimal[] priceLevelList = ctx.PriceLevelList.ToArray();
            int       last           = 0;
            int       interval       = ctx.ControlInterval / adapter.Resolution;

            if (interval >= adapter.Horizon)
                throw new Exception("控制频率应小于预售期");

            for (int level = 0; level < priceLevelList.Count(); level++)
                for (int time = 0; time + interval < adapter.Horizon; time += interval)
                    decimal cost_part1 = ctx.Pal.Sum(c => PathDict[c].Where(path => path.StartStation == station &&
                                                                            priceLevelList[level] == path.Price &&
                                                                            linkTrainDict[path.ReservationArc] == train &&
                                                                            time <= path.ReservationTime &&
                                                                            time + interval > path.ReservationTime).Sum(p => LM_mu[c][p]));

                    decimal cost_part2 = LM_lambda.Where(i => i.Key.Source.Station == station &&
                                                         i.Key.Destination.Price == priceLevelList[level] &&
                                                         linkTrainDict[i.Key] == train &&
                                                         time <= i.Key.Source.Time &&
                                                         time + interval > i.Key.Source.Time).Sum(i => i.Value);

                    string selfnode = $"{priceLevelList[level]}_{time}";
                    string nextnode = $"{priceLevelList[level]}_{time + interval}";

                    if (!graph.HasVertex(selfnode))
                    if (!graph.HasVertex(nextnode))
                    if (!graph.AddEdge(selfnode, nextnode, cost_part1 - cost_part2))
                        throw new Exception("存在相同的Edge");

                    if (level < priceLevelList.Count() - 1)
                        string ariseNode = $"{priceLevelList[level + 1]}_{time + interval}";
                        if (!graph.HasVertex(ariseNode))
                        if (!graph.AddEdge(selfnode, ariseNode, cost_part1 - cost_part2 + DpnAlgorithm.ASmallCost))
                            throw new Exception("存在相同的Edge");

                    if (level > 0)
                        string decreaseNode = $"{priceLevelList[level - 1]}_{time + interval}";//价格等级默认是1
                        if (!graph.HasVertex(decreaseNode))
                        if (!graph.AddEdge(selfnode, decreaseNode, cost_part1 - cost_part2 - DpnAlgorithm.ASmallCost))
                            throw new Exception("存在相同的Edge");
                    last = time + interval;

            //Build dummy nodes and links.
            string dummystart = $"Start";//价格等级默认是1

            if (!graph.HasVertex(dummystart))
            for (int level = 0; level < priceLevelList.Count(); level++)
                string selfnode = $"{priceLevelList[level]}_0";//价格等级默认是1
                if (!graph.AddEdge(dummystart, selfnode, (level + 1) * ASmallCost))
                    throw new Exception("存在相同的Edge");

            string dummyend = $"End";//价格等级默认是1

            if (!graph.HasVertex(dummyend))
            for (int level = 0; level < priceLevelList.Count(); level++)
                string selfnode = $"{priceLevelList[level]}_{last}";//价格等级默认是1
                if (!graph.AddEdge(selfnode, dummyend, ASmallCost))
                    throw new Exception("存在相同的Edge");

            var min = graph.Edges.Min(e => e.Weight);

            if (min <= 0)
                foreach (var edge in graph.Edges)
                    edge.Weight += -min + DpnAlgorithm.ASmallCost;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static decimal ASmallCost = 0.000001m;//为不考虑weight的arc增加一个极小的weight

        public static DirectedWeightedSparseGraph <string> BuildSolutionGraph(
            DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter,
            Dictionary <WeightedEdge <string>, bool> y)
            int            transferThreshold = ctx.TransferThreshold;
            List <decimal> priceLevelList    = ctx.PriceLevelList;

            DirectedWeightedSparseGraph <string> graph = new DirectedWeightedSparseGraph <string>();

            //Build In-train links
            foreach (var train in ctx.Wor.RailwayTimeTable.Trains)
                foreach (var price in priceLevelList)
                    //Build In-train links in Section
                    foreach (var seg in train.ServiceSegments)
                        string depNode = $"{adapter.Horizon + seg.DepTime.Hour * 60 + seg.DepTime.Minute}" +
                        if (!graph.HasVertex(depNode))
                        string arrNode = $"{adapter.Horizon + seg.ArrTime.Hour * 60 + seg.ArrTime.Minute}" +
                        if (!graph.HasVertex(arrNode))
                        graph.AddEdge(depNode, arrNode,
                                      (ctx.BasicPriceDic[seg] * price + (decimal)(seg.ArrTime - seg.DepTime).TotalMinutes * ctx.Vot));
                    }//Build In-train links in stop station
                    foreach (var stop in train.StopStaions.Skip(1).Take(train.StopStaions.Count() - 2))
                        string arrNode = $"{adapter.Horizon + stop.ArrTime.Hour * 60 + stop.ArrTime.Minute}" +
                                         $"_{stop.Station.RailwayStationID}_{price}"; //价格等级默认是1
                        string depNode = $"{adapter.Horizon + stop.DepTime.Hour * 60 + stop.DepTime.Minute}" +
                                         $"_{stop.Station.RailwayStationID}_{price}"; //价格等级默认是1
                        graph.AddEdge(arrNode, depNode,
                                      ((decimal)(stop.DepTime - stop.ArrTime).TotalMinutes * ctx.Vot));

            //Build waiting links
            foreach (var ms in ctx.Wor.Mar as IEnumerable <IRailwayMarketSegment> )
                for (int i = 0; i < adapter.Horizon; i++)
                    if (!graph.HasVertex($"{i}_{ms.OriSta.RailwayStationID}_0"))

                    if (!graph.HasVertex($"{i + 1}_{ms.OriSta.RailwayStationID}_0"))
                        graph.AddVertex($"{i + 1}_{ms.OriSta.RailwayStationID}_0");
                                  $"{i + 1}_{ms.OriSta.RailwayStationID}_0",
                                  adapter.Resolution * ctx.WaitingVot); // One minute each link

            //Build Reservation links
            foreach (var sta in ctx.Wor.Net.StationCollection)
                var depSegs = ctx.Wor.RailwayTimeTable.Trains.SelectMany(i => i.ServiceSegments.Where(s => s.DepStation == sta));
                foreach (var seg in depSegs)
                    foreach (var price in priceLevelList)
                        string depNode = $"{adapter.Horizon + seg.DepTime.Hour * 60 + seg.DepTime.Minute}_{seg.DepStation.RailwayStationID}_{price}";
                        for (int i = 0; i < adapter.Horizon; i++)
                            var edge = y.Keys.FirstOrDefault(link => link.Source == $"{i}_{sta.RailwayStationID.ToString()}_0" &&
                                                             link.Destination == depNode);

                            if (edge != null && y[edge])
                                graph.AddEdge($"{i}_{sta.RailwayStationID.ToString()}_0", depNode, ASmallCost); // 一次预订花费一分钟

            //Build finishing links
            foreach (var price in priceLevelList)
                foreach (var sta in ctx.Wor.Net.StationCollection)
                    var arrSegs = ctx.Wor.RailwayTimeTable.Trains.SelectMany(i => i.ServiceSegments.Where(s => s.ArrStation == sta));
                    foreach (var seg in arrSegs)
                        string arrNode = $"{adapter.Horizon + seg.ArrTime.Hour * 60 + seg.ArrTime.Minute}_{seg.ArrStation.RailwayStationID}_{price}";//价格等级
                        string endNode = $"End_{sta.RailwayStationID.ToString()}_0";
                        if (!graph.HasVertex(endNode))
                        graph.AddEdge(arrNode, endNode, ASmallCost);

            //Build quit links

             * foreach (var ms in ctx.Wor.Mar as IEnumerable<IRailwayMarketSegment>)
             * {
             *  graph.AddEdge($"{adapter.Horizon}_{ms.OriSta.RailwayStationID}_0",
             *      $"End_{ms.DesSta.RailwayStationID}_0", 999m);
             * }
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public ControlledTravelHyperNetwork(DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter,
                                     Dictionary <IEdge <TravelHyperNode>, bool> y) : base(ctx, adapter)
     _y = y;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public DpnSolverV3(DPNProblemContext ctx) : base(ctx)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public BasicTravelHyperNetwork(DPNProblemContext ctx, DiscreteTimeAdapter adapter) : base()
     _ctx     = ctx;
     _adapter = adapter;