Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the <see cref="DrawingSpreadsheet.TwoCellAnchor"/> that is used to host the
        /// <see cref="DrawingSpreadsheet.GraphicFrame"/> in which the <see cref="ChartPart"/> resides.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chartPart">The <see cref="ChartPart"/></param>
        /// <returns>The hosting <see cref="DrawingSpreadsheet.TwoCellAnchor"/></returns>
        private static DrawingSpreadsheet.TwoCellAnchor GetHostingTwoCellAnchor(ChartPart chartPart)
            // Get the chart reference id for the chartPart
            string chartRefId = GetChartReferenceId(chartPart);

            // DrawingPart is parent of ChartPart, and WorksheetPart parent of DrawingParts
            var drawingsPart = (DrawingsPart)chartPart.GetParentParts().FirstOrDefault();

            // Get chart reference which matches reference id of supplied chart part.
            DrawingCharts.ChartReference chartRef = drawingsPart.WorksheetDrawing.Descendants <DrawingCharts.ChartReference>().FirstOrDefault(cr => cr.Id == chartRefId);

            // Work bak up to, and return, TwoCellAnchor
            DrawingSpreadsheet.TwoCellAnchor anchor = null;
            if (chartRef != null)
                anchor = chartRef.Ancestors <DrawingSpreadsheet.TwoCellAnchor>().FirstOrDefault();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a Chart and its underlying embedded SpreadsheetDocument with new data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chartRef">
        /// The reference to the chart to be updated</param>
        /// <param name="doc">
        /// The WordprocessingDocument containing the chart to be updated.</param>
        /// <param name="sheetName">
        /// The name of the Excel worksheet where the chart data originates from.
        /// Used for updating the chart's cell references.</param>
        /// <param name="json">
        /// String in JSON format representing the tabular data for updating the Chart's cached data points.
        /// The JSON object must contain a "fields" attribute as an array containing the field/column names.
        /// The JSON object must contain a "rows" attribute as an array of arrays representing the rows and their values, with values matching the same order and cardinality of the field names.
        /// This is the same data as the underlying Excel spreadsheet contents.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the updated WordprocessingDocument</returns>
        public static void UpdateChart(drc.ChartReference chartRef, WordprocessingDocument doc, string sheetName, string json)
            if ((json == null) || (json == String.Empty))
                json = "{\"fields\": [], \"rows\": []}";

            //Splunk JSON data is a series of objects consisting of multiple key(column)/value(row) pairs in the result attribute.
            dynamic input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(json);

            //No results for the chart so we will remove and replace it with an error.
            if (input["rows"].Count == 0)
                //Build a replacement for the Content Control's contents with an error message.
                OpenXmlElement targetContent = new wp.Paragraph(new wp.Run(new wp.Text("Chart unavailable. No results found.")));
                //Remove the chart from the document
                //Insert our replacement Content Control after
                var cc = chartRef.Ancestors().Where(e => e.LocalName.StartsWith("sdt")).FirstOrDefault();
                ChartPart chart = (ChartPart)doc.MainDocumentPart.GetPartById(chartRef.Id);
                chart.ChartSpace.GetFirstChild <drc.ExternalData>().AutoUpdate.Val = true;

                // Update Chart
                chart = chart.Update(json, sheetName);

                SpreadsheetDocument ssdoc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(chart.EmbeddedPackagePart.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite), true);
                ssdoc.Update(json, sheetName);
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: Chart and Spreadsheet updated successfully.", sheetName));