Ejemplo n.º 1
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // Parse commandline options.
            var options = new CommandLineOptions();
            var parser = new CommandLineParser(options);

            if (!parser.ParseCommandLine(args))
                return 1;

            // Run the program logic.
                var docsrc = PreprocessDocuments(options);

                GenerateIndexTopics(options, docsrc);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}\n\n{1}:\n{2}", e.Message, e.GetType(), e.StackTrace);
                return 1;

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static XDocument[] PreprocessDocuments(CommandLineOptions options)
            Console.WriteLine("Preprocessing documentation sources");


            var allDocuments = (from filename in options.DocSrc
                                select new
                                    Filename = filename,
                                    Document = XDocument.Load(filename)

            var templates = allDocuments.SelectMany(doc => doc.Document.Descendants("template")).ToList();

            templates.ForEach(template => template.Remove());

            foreach (var doc in allDocuments)
                ExpandTemplates(doc.Document, templates);
                PreprocessDocument(doc.Document, doc.Filename);

                string output = Path.Combine(options.DocSrcOutput, Path.GetFileName(doc.Filename));


            return allDocuments.Select(doc => doc.Document).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static object FormatChildTopic(CommandLineOptions options, XDocument[] docsrc, XElement childTopic)
            // Row of the table consists of a link to the child topic, plus topic description text.
            var childTopicRow = FormatTableRow(
                                    new XElement(ns + "link",
                                        new XAttribute(xlink + "href", childTopic.Attribute("id").Value),
                                        (childTopic.Attribute("tocTitle") ?? childTopic.Attribute("title")).Value
                                    GetTopicSummary(options, childTopic)

            if (childTopic.Attribute("apiParentMode") != null)
                // Insert reference documentation namespace links at the location marked by apiParentMode attribute.
                if (childTopic.Attribute("apiParentMode").Value != "InsertBefore")
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

                var namespaceList = FormatNamespaceList(docsrc);

                return namespaceList.Concat(new XElement[] { childTopicRow });
                // Otherwise just directly insert the row for this child topic.
                return childTopicRow;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static object GetTopicSummary(CommandLineOptions options, XElement topic)
            // Do we have a .aml file matching this topic?
            string topicId = topic.Attribute("id").Value;

            var filename = options.AmlSrc.FirstOrDefault(aml => topicId.Equals(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(aml), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (filename != null)
                // Include the first paragraph of the .aml article in the index page.
                var doc = XDocument.Load(filename);

                return doc.Descendants(ns + "para").First().Nodes();
                // If no .aml file, look for a summary attribute in the Layout.content metadata.
                var summary = topic.Attribute("summary");

                return (summary != null) ? summary.Value : null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void GenerateTopicPage(CommandLineOptions options, XDocument[] docsrc, XElement parentTopic)
            string topicId = parentTopic.Attribute("id").Value;

            var summaryAttribute = parentTopic.Attribute("summary");
            var summaryElement = summaryAttribute != null ? new XElement(ns + "para", summaryAttribute.Value) : null;

            var topicPage = new XDocument(
                                new XElement("topic", 
                                    new XAttribute("id", topicId),
                                    new XAttribute("revisionNumber", 1),
                                    new XElement(ns + "developerConceptualDocument",
                                        new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "xlink", xlink),
                                        new XElement(ns + "section",
                                            new XElement(ns + "content",
                                                new XElement(ns + "table",

                                                    // Each child of this topic forms one row of the table.
                                                    from childTopic in parentTopic.Elements("Topic")
                                                    select FormatChildTopic(options, docsrc, childTopic)

            string output = Path.Combine(options.TopicsOutput, topicId + ".aml");

Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void GenerateIndexTopics(CommandLineOptions options, XDocument[] docsrc)
            Console.WriteLine("Processing layout content");


            // Find index topics in the Sandcastle Layout.content file that don't already have handwritten .aml content.
            var layoutContent = XDocument.Load(options.LayoutContent);

            var topics = from element in layoutContent.Descendants("Topic")
                         where HasAttribute(element, "generateTopic")
                         select element;

            // Autogenerate .aml content for these topics.
            foreach (var topic in topics)
                GenerateTopicPage(options, docsrc, topic);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static XDocument[] PreprocessDocuments(CommandLineOptions options)
            Console.WriteLine("Preprocessing documentation sources");


            var allDocuments = new List<XDocument>();

            foreach (var filename in options.DocSrc)
                var doc = XDocument.Load(filename);

                PreprocessDocument(doc, filename);

                string output = Path.Combine(options.DocSrcOutput, Path.GetFileName(filename));



            return allDocuments.ToArray();