Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFormat">format of audio supplied to `Send`</param>
        /// <param name="inputFrameSize">Size of frames which will should be provided from `GetFrameBuffer`</param>
        /// <param name="intermediateFrameSize">Size of frames which should be passed into `PreprocessAudioFrame`</param>
        /// <param name="intermediateSampleRate">Sample rate which should be passed into `PreprocessAudioFrame`</param>
        /// <param name="outputFrameSize">Size of frames which will be provided sent to `SendSamplesToSubscribers`</param>
        /// <param name="outputSampleRate"></param>
        protected BasePreprocessingPipeline(WaveFormat inputFormat, int inputFrameSize, int intermediateFrameSize, int intermediateSampleRate, int outputFrameSize, int outputSampleRate)
            if (inputFrameSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputFrameSize", "Input frame size cannot be less than zero");

            _inputFrameSize  = inputFrameSize;
            _outputFrameSize = outputFrameSize;
            _outputFormat    = new WaveFormat(1, outputSampleRate);

            //Create input system (source of empty buffers, queue of waiting input data)
            _inputBufferSource = new ConcurrentPool <float[]>(24, () => new float[inputFrameSize]);
            _inputQueue        = new TransferBuffer <float[]>(12);
            _emptyInputFrame   = new float[inputFrameSize];

            //Create resampler to resample input to intermediate rate
            _resamplerInput    = new BufferedSampleProvider(inputFormat, InputFrameSize * 4);
            _resampler         = new Resampler(_resamplerInput, 48000);
            _resampledOutput   = new SampleToFrameProvider(_resampler, (uint)OutputFrameSize);
            _intermediateFrame = new float[intermediateFrameSize];

            _threadEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            _thread      = new DThread(ThreadEntry);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public EncoderPipeline([NotNull] WaveFormat inputFormat, [NotNull] IVoiceEncoder encoder, [NotNull] ICommsNetwork net)
            if (inputFormat == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inputFormat");
            if (encoder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("encoder");
            if (net == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("net");

            _net         = net;
            _inputFormat = inputFormat;
            _encoder     = new ReadonlyLockedValue <IVoiceEncoder>(encoder);

            //Create buffers to store the encoder input (1 frame of floats) and output (twice equivalent amount of bytes)
            _plainSamples = new float[encoder.FrameSize];
            _encodedBytes = new byte[encoder.FrameSize * sizeof(float) * 2];

            //Input buffer to store raw data from microphone
            _input = new BufferedSampleProvider(_inputFormat, encoder.FrameSize * 2);

            //Resample data from microphone rate -> encoder rate
            _resampler = new Resampler(_input, encoder.SampleRate);

            //Provides encoder sized and encoder rate frames of data
            _output = new SampleToFrameProvider(_resampler, (uint)encoder.FrameSize);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public EncoderPipeline(IMicrophoneCapture mic, IVoiceEncoder encoder, ICommsNetwork net, Func <int> channelCount)
            _mic          = mic;
            _encoder      = encoder;
            _net          = net;
            _channelCount = channelCount;

            _encodedBytes = new byte[encoder.FrameSize * sizeof(float)];
            _plainSamples = new float[encoder.FrameSize];
            _inputFormat  = mic.Format;

            //Create an input buffer with plenty of spare space
            _input = new BufferedSampleProvider(_inputFormat, Math.Max(_encoder.FrameSize * 2, mic.FrameSize * 2));

            _resampler = new Resampler(_input, _encoder.SampleRate);

            //Whatever we did above, we need to read in frame size chunks
            _output = new SampleToFrameProvider(_resampler, (uint)encoder.FrameSize);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFormat">format of audio supplied to `Send`</param>
        /// <param name="intermediateFrameSize">Size of frames which should be passed into `PreprocessAudioFrame`</param>
        /// <param name="intermediateSampleRate">Sample rate which should be passed into `PreprocessAudioFrame`</param>
        /// <param name="outputFrameSize">Size of frames which will be provided sent to `SendSamplesToSubscribers`</param>
        /// <param name="outputSampleRate"></param>
        protected BasePreprocessingPipeline([NotNull] WaveFormat inputFormat, int intermediateFrameSize, int intermediateSampleRate, int outputFrameSize, int outputSampleRate)
            if (inputFormat == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inputFormat");
            if (intermediateFrameSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("intermediateFrameSize", "Intermediate frame size cannot be less than zero");
            if (intermediateSampleRate < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("intermediateSampleRate", "Intermediate sample rate cannot be less than zero");
            if (outputFrameSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("outputFrameSize", "Output frame size cannot be less than zero");
            if (outputSampleRate < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("outputSampleRate", "Output sample rate cannot be less than zero");

            _outputFrameSize = outputFrameSize;
            _outputFormat    = new WaveFormat(outputSampleRate, 1);

            //Create resampler to resample input to intermediate rate
            _resamplerInput    = new BufferedSampleProvider(inputFormat, intermediateFrameSize * 16);
            _resampler         = new Resampler(_resamplerInput, 48000);
            _resampledOutput   = new SampleToFrameProvider(_resampler, (uint)OutputFrameSize);
            _intermediateFrame = new float[intermediateFrameSize];

            //Create a thread to drive the audio processing
            _threadEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            _thread      = new DThread(ThreadEntry);

            // We don't want to overestimate the latency. It's hard to come up with a reasonable number for this because if the input frames are >= the...
            // ...intermediate frames there will actually be no buffering delay in the preprocessor (it'll pick up a complete frame and process it right away).
            _estimatedPreprocessorLatencyMs = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFormat">format of audio supplied to `Send`</param>
        /// <param name="inputFrameSize">Size of frames which will should be provided from `GetFrameBuffer`</param>
        /// <param name="intermediateFrameSize">Size of frames which should be passed into `PreprocessAudioFrame`</param>
        /// <param name="intermediateSampleRate">Sample rate which should be passed into `PreprocessAudioFrame`</param>
        /// <param name="outputFrameSize">Size of frames which will be provided sent to `SendSamplesToSubscribers`</param>
        /// <param name="outputSampleRate"></param>
        protected BasePreprocessingPipeline([NotNull] WaveFormat inputFormat, int inputFrameSize, int intermediateFrameSize, int intermediateSampleRate, int outputFrameSize, int outputSampleRate)
            if (inputFormat == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inputFormat");
            if (inputFrameSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputFrameSize", "Input frame size cannot be less than zero");
            if (intermediateFrameSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("intermediateFrameSize", "Intermediate frame size cannot be less than zero");
            if (intermediateSampleRate < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("intermediateSampleRate", "Intermediate sample rate cannot be less than zero");
            if (outputFrameSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("outputFrameSize", "Output frame size cannot be less than zero");
            if (outputSampleRate < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("outputSampleRate", "Output sample rate cannot be less than zero");

            _inputFrameSize  = inputFrameSize;
            _outputFrameSize = outputFrameSize;
            _outputFormat    = new WaveFormat(1, outputSampleRate);

            //Create resampler to resample input to intermediate rate
            _resamplerInput    = new BufferedSampleProvider(inputFormat, InputFrameSize * 16);
            _resampler         = new Resampler(_resamplerInput, 48000);
            _resampledOutput   = new SampleToFrameProvider(_resampler, (uint)OutputFrameSize);
            _intermediateFrame = new float[intermediateFrameSize];

            _threadEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            _thread      = new DThread(ThreadEntry);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <param name="micName"></param>
        /// <param name="source">Source to read frames from</param>
        private MicrophoneCapture([CanBeNull] string micName, AudioClip source)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source", Log.PossibleBugMessage("capture source clip is null", "333E11A6-8026-41EB-9B34-EF9ADC54B651"));

            _micName = micName;
            _clip    = source;
            var captureFormat = new WaveFormat(1, source.frequency);

            _maxReadBufferPower = (byte)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(0.1f * source.frequency, 2));

            _preprocessing = new WebRtcPreprocessingPipeline(captureFormat);

            //Ensure we have enough buffer size to contain several input frames to the preprocessor
            _rawMicSamples = new BufferedSampleProvider(captureFormat, _preprocessing.InputFrameSize * 4);
            _rawMicFrames  = new SampleToFrameProvider(_rawMicSamples, (uint)_preprocessing.InputFrameSize);

            Log.Info("Began mic capture (SampleRate:{0} FrameSize:{1}, Buffer Limit:2^{2})", captureFormat.SampleRate, _preprocessing.InputFrameSize, _maxReadBufferPower);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public virtual WaveFormat StartCapture(string inputMicName)
            //Sanity checks
            Log.AssertAndThrowPossibleBug(_clip == null, "1BAD3E74-B451-4B7D-A9B9-35225BE55364", "Attempted to Start microphone capture, but capture is already running");

            //Early exit if there are no microphones connected
            if (Log.AssertAndLogWarn(Microphone.devices.Length > 0, "No microphone detected; disabling voice capture"))

            //Check the micName and default to null if it's invalid (all whitespace or not a known device)
            _micName = ChooseMicName(inputMicName);

            //Get device capabilities and choose a sample rate as close to 48000 as possible.
            //If min and max are both zero that indicates we can use any sample rate
            int minFreq;
            int maxFreq;

            Microphone.GetDeviceCaps(_micName, out minFreq, out maxFreq);
            var sampleRate = minFreq == 0 && maxFreq == 0 ? 48000 : Mathf.Clamp(48000, minFreq, maxFreq);

            Log.Debug("GetDeviceCaps name=`{0}` min=`{1}` max=`{2}`", _micName, minFreq, maxFreq);

            //Get the audioclip from Unity for this microphone (with a fairly large internal buffer)
            _clip = Microphone.Start(_micName, true, 10, sampleRate);
            if (_clip == null)
                Log.Error("Failed to start microphone capture");

            //Setup buffers for capture
            _format             = new WaveFormat(_clip.frequency, 1);
            _maxReadBufferPower = (byte)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(0.1f * _clip.frequency, 2));

            // Create/resize the audio buffers to contain 20ms frames of data. Any frame size will work (the pipeline will buffer/split them as necessary) but 20ms is
            // optimal because that's native frame size the preprocessor works at so it has to do no extra work to assemble the frames at it's desired size.
            var frameSize = (int)(0.02 * _clip.frequency);

            if (_rawMicSamples == null || _rawMicSamples.WaveFormat != _format || _rawMicSamples.Capacity != frameSize || _rawMicFrames.FrameSize != frameSize)
                _rawMicSamples = new BufferedSampleProvider(_format, frameSize * 4);
                _rawMicFrames  = new SampleToFrameProvider(_rawMicSamples, (uint)frameSize);

            if (_frame == null || _frame.Length != frameSize)
                _frame = new float[frameSize];

            //watch for device changes - we need to reset if the audio device changes
            AudioSettings.OnAudioConfigurationChanged += OnAudioDeviceChanged;
            _audioDeviceChanged = false;

            //Reset subscribers to prepare them for another stream of data
            for (var i = 0; i < _subscribers.Count; i++)

            Latency = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(frameSize / (float)_format.SampleRate);
            Log.Info("Began mic capture (SampleRate:{0}Hz, FrameSize:{1}, Buffer Limit:2^{2}, Latency:{3}ms, Device:'{4}')", _clip.frequency, frameSize, _maxReadBufferPower, Latency.TotalMilliseconds, _micName);