Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a single RoundLine.  Usually you want to draw a list of RoundLines
        /// at a time instead for better performance.
        /// </summary>
        public void Draw(RoundLine roundLine, float lineRadius, Color lineColor /*, Matrix viewProjMatrix*/,
                         float time, string techniqueName)
            device.VertexDeclaration = vdecl;
            device.Vertices[0].SetSource(vb, 0, bytesPerVertex);
            device.Indices = ib;


            int iData = 0;

            translationData[iData++] = roundLine.P0.X;
            translationData[iData++] = roundLine.P0.Y;
            translationData[iData++] = roundLine.Rho;
            translationData[iData++] = roundLine.Theta;

            if (techniqueName == null)
                effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques[0];
                effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques[techniqueName];
            EffectPass pass = effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0];


            int numInstancesThisDraw = 1;

            device.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, numVertices, 0, numPrimitivesPerInstance * numInstancesThisDraw);
            NumLinesDrawn += numInstancesThisDraw;


Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a bunch of lines (lineList) and a disc that wants to move from currentPos
        /// to proposedPos, handle intersections and wall sliding and set finalPos to the
        /// position that the disc should move to.
        /// </summary>
        public void CollideAndSlide(List <RoundLine> lineList, Vector2 currentPos, Vector2 proposedPos, float lineRadius, float discRadius, out Vector2 finalPos)
            Vector2 oldPos         = currentPos;
            Vector2 oldTarget      = proposedPos;
            bool    pastFirstSlide = false;

            // Keep looping until there's no further desire to move somewhere else.
            while (Vector2.DistanceSquared(oldPos, oldTarget) > 0.001f * 0.001f)
                // oldPos should be safe (no intersection with anything in lineList)
                Debug.Assert(MinDistanceSquaredDeviation(lineList, oldPos, lineRadius, discRadius) >= 0);

                // Find minimum "t" at which we collide with a line
                float     minT     = 1.0f; // Parametric "t" of the closest collision
                RoundLine minTLine = null; // The line which causes closest collision
                foreach (RoundLine line in lineList)
                    float tMinThisLine;
                    float minDist  = lineRadius + discRadius;
                    float minDist2 = minDist * minDist;
                    float curDist2 = line.DistanceSquaredPointToVirtualLine(oldPos);
                    Debug.Assert(curDist2 - minDist2 >= 0);

                    line.FindFirstIntersection(oldPos, oldTarget, minDist, out tMinThisLine);
                    if (tMinThisLine >= 0 && tMinThisLine <= 1)
                        // We can move tMinThisLine toward the line, before intersecting it -- but
                        // we might intersect other lines first, so keep looking for
                        // smaller tMinThisLine values on other lines

                        // But first, refine tMinThisLine (if needed) until it satisfies the distance test
                        Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.X, oldTarget.X, tMinThisLine),
                                                     MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.Y, oldTarget.Y, tMinThisLine));
                        if (line.DistanceSquaredPointToVirtualLine(newPos) - minDist2 < 0)
                            float ta = 0;
                            float tb = tMinThisLine;
                            for (int iterRefine = 0; iterRefine < 10; iterRefine++)
                                float   tc      = (ta + tb) / 2;
                                Vector2 newPosC = new Vector2(MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.X, oldTarget.X, tc),
                                                              MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.Y, oldTarget.Y, tc));
                                float newDistC = line.DistanceSquaredPointToVirtualLine(newPosC);
                                if (newDistC - minDist2 < 0)
                                    tb = tc;
                                    ta = tc;
                            tMinThisLine = ta;

                        // Remember this "t" and the line that caused it, if it's the closest so far
                        if (tMinThisLine < minT)
                            minT     = tMinThisLine;
                            minTLine = line;
                        // This line has no issue with the disc moving to oldTarget...or does it?
                        // Due to floating point variances, we have to double-check and pick a new "t"
                        // if oldTarget is actually too close to this line
                        float newDist = line.DistanceSquaredPointToVirtualLine(oldTarget);
                        if (newDist - minDist2 < 0)
                            // Find a "t" that is as large as possible while avoiding collision
                            float ta = 0;
                            float tb = 1;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                float   tc  = (ta + tb) / 2;
                                Vector2 ptC = new Vector2(MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.X, oldTarget.X, tc),
                                                          MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.Y, oldTarget.Y, tc));
                                float distC = line.DistanceSquaredPointToVirtualLine(ptC);
                                if (distC - minDist2 < 0)
                                    tb = tc;
                                    ta = tc;

                            if (ta < minT)
                                minT     = ta;
                                minTLine = line;

                // At this point, we've looped through all lines and found the minimum "t" value and its line

                if (minTLine == null)
                    // No intersections were found, so move straight to the target
                    Debug.Assert(MinDistanceSquaredDeviation(lineList, oldTarget, lineRadius, discRadius) >= 0);
                    oldPos = oldTarget; // no further motion required
                    // Collide and slide against minTLine
                    Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.X, oldTarget.X, minT),
                                                 MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.Y, oldTarget.Y, minT));
                    Vector2 newTarget;

                    float minDist2 = (lineRadius + discRadius) * (lineRadius + discRadius);

                    // Refine minT / newPos til it passes the distance test
                    float minDistDeviation = MinDistanceSquaredDeviation(lineList, newPos, lineRadius, discRadius);
                    if (minDistDeviation < 0)
                        float ta = 0;
                        float tb = minT;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            float   tc  = (ta + tb) / 2;
                            Vector2 ptC = new Vector2(MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.X, oldTarget.X, tc),
                                                      MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.Y, oldTarget.Y, tc));
                            if (MinDistanceSquaredDeviation(lineList, ptC, lineRadius, discRadius) < 0)
                                tb = tc;
                                ta = tc;
                        minT   = ta;
                        newPos = new Vector2(MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.X, oldTarget.X, minT),
                                             MathHelper.Lerp(oldPos.Y, oldTarget.Y, minT));
                    Debug.Assert(MinDistanceSquaredDeviation(lineList, newPos, lineRadius, discRadius) >= 0);

                    // This is a bit of a hack to avoid "jiggling" when the disc is pressed
                    // against two walls that are at an obtuse angle.  Perhaps the real fix
                    // is to project the new slide vector against the original motion vector?
                    // In practice, we only ever need to slide once -- this fixes the issue.
                    bool doSlide = true;
                    if (pastFirstSlide)
                        newTarget = newPos;
                        doSlide   = false;
                        pastFirstSlide = true;

                    if (doSlide)
                        Vector2   closestP;
                        float     d2             = minTLine.DistanceSquaredPointToVirtualLine(newPos, out closestP);
                        RoundLine connectionLine = new RoundLine(newPos, closestP);
                        Vector2   lineNormal     = (newPos - closestP);

                        // create a normal to the above line
                        // (which would thus be a tangent to minTLine)
                        float theta = connectionLine.Theta;
                        theta += MathHelper.PiOver2;
                        Vector2 newPoint = new Vector2(newPos.X + (float)Math.Cos(theta), newPos.Y + (float)Math.Sin(theta));

                        // Project the post-intersection line onto the above line, to provide "wall sliding" effect
                        // v1 dot v2 = |v2| * (projection of v1 onto v2), and |v2| is 1
                        Vector2 v1      = oldTarget - newPos;
                        Vector2 v2      = newPoint - newPos;
                        float   dotprod = Vector2.Dot(v1, v2);

                        newTarget = newPos + dotprod * v2;
                        // newTarget should not be too close to minTLine
                        float newTargetDist = minTLine.DistanceSquaredPointToVirtualLine(newTarget);
                        if (newTargetDist - minDist2 < 0)
                            float shiftAmtA = 0;                                     // not enough
                            float shiftAmtB = -(newTargetDist - minDist2) + 0.0001f; // too much
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                                float   shiftAmtC         = (shiftAmtA + shiftAmtB) / 2.0f;
                                Vector2 newTargetTest     = newTarget + (shiftAmtC * lineNormal);
                                float   newTargetTestDist = minTLine.DistanceSquaredPointToVirtualLine(newTargetTest);
                                if (newTargetTestDist - minDist2 >= 0)
                                    shiftAmtB = shiftAmtC;
                                    shiftAmtA = shiftAmtC;
                            newTarget += shiftAmtB * lineNormal;
                        newTarget = newPos; // No slide

                    // Get ready to loop around and see if we can move from newPos to newTarget
                    // without colliding with anything
                    oldPos    = newPos;
                    oldTarget = newTarget;

                    Debug.Assert(minTLine.DistanceSquaredPointToVirtualLine(newPos) - minDist2 >= 0);

            // oldTarget == oldPos (or is very close), so no further moving/sliding is needed.
            finalPos = oldPos;
            Debug.Assert(MinDistanceSquaredDeviation(lineList, finalPos, lineRadius, discRadius) >= 0);