Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static BooruResult SearchForImage(string SearchTerm)
            //replace any instance of >= <= > and < with the relevant syntax
            SearchTerm = SearchTerm.Replace(">=", ":>=");
            SearchTerm = SearchTerm.Replace("<=", ":<=");
            SearchTerm = SearchTerm.Replace(">", ":>");
            SearchTerm = SearchTerm.Replace("<", ":<");

            //make a new container for our result
            BooruResult result = new BooruResult();

            //constructing a search string
            string baseLink = "https://e621.net/post/index.json?tags=";

            string currentPage = baseLink + SearchTerm + "+order%3Arandom";

            string  searchResult = BooruUtilities.GetPage(currentPage);
            dynamic stuff        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(searchResult);

            if (stuff.Count > 0)
                result.link = stuff[0].file_url;
                //extract page link
                //image score
                result.score = stuff[0].score;
                //e621 handily has an artist tag
                if (stuff[0].artist.Count > 0)
                    result.artist = stuff[0].artist[0];

Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static async Task SearchAndPost(string searchTerm, SocketMessage e, bool isSafeSearch)
            BooruResult result  = Derpi_Search.SearchForImage(searchTerm, isSafeSearch);
            string      message = "";

            if (result.link != null)
                if (isSafeSearch)
                    message += "<:coral:279967024438837249> <Coral returns happily with the picture you wanted!> \n`" + searchTerm + "`\n" + result.link;
                    message += "<:coral:279967024438837249> <Coral returns excitedly with the picture you wanted!> \n`" + searchTerm + "`\n" + result.link;

                if (result.score != null)
                    message += "\n`Score:" + result.score + "`";

                if (result.artist != null)
                    message += "\n`" + result.artist + "`";
                message += "<Coral returns sadly, she couldn't find anything for `" + searchTerm + "` > :cry: ";

            await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal static async Task SearchAndPost(string searchTerm, SocketMessage e)
            BooruResult result  = E621Search.SearchForImage(searchTerm);
            string      message = "";

            if (result.link != null)
                message += "<Coral returns excitedly with the picture you wanted!> \n`" + searchTerm + "`\n" + result.link;

                if (result.score != null)
                    message += "\n`Score:" + result.score + "`";

                if (result.artist != null)
                    message += "\n`" + result.artist + "`";
                message += "<Coral returns sadly, she couldn't find anything for `" + searchTerm + "` > :cry: ";

            await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static BooruResult SearchForImage(string SearchTerm, bool isSafeSearch)
            //replace any instance of >= <= > and < with the relevant syntax
            SearchTerm = SearchTerm.Replace(">=", ".gte:");
            SearchTerm = SearchTerm.Replace("<=", ".lte:");
            SearchTerm = SearchTerm.Replace(">", ".gt:");
            SearchTerm = SearchTerm.Replace("<", ".lt:");

            string[] searchParts = SearchTerm.Split(',');
            for (int i = 0; i < searchParts.Length; i++)
                searchParts[i] = searchParts[i].Trim();

            for (int i = 0; i < searchParts.Length; i++)
                if (searchParts[i] == "nsfw")
                    searchParts[i] = "(explicit OR questionable)";
                if (searchParts[i] == "tiddies")
                    searchParts[i] = "breasts";
            SearchTerm = "";
            foreach (string par in searchParts)
                SearchTerm += par + ",";

            SearchTerm = SearchTerm.Trim(new char[] { ',' });

            //make a new container for our result
            BooruResult result = new BooruResult();

            //make safe search
            if (isSafeSearch)
                SearchTerm += ", (Safe OR Suggestive)";

            //constructing a search string
            string baseLink = "https://derpibooru.org/search.json?q=";
            string keyPart  = "&key=" + Config.derpiKey;
            string pagePart = "&page=";
            int    page     = 1;
            Random random   = new Random();
            int    seed     = random.Next(900000);

            string currentPage = baseLink + SearchTerm + keyPart + pagePart + Convert.ToString(page) + "&sf=random:" + seed.ToString() + "&sd=desc";

            string  searchResult = BooruUtilities.GetPage(currentPage);
            dynamic stuff        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(searchResult);

            if (stuff.total > 0)
                //result.link = "https:" + stuff.search[0].representations.full;
                //extract page link
                result.link = "https://derpibooru.org/" + stuff.search[0].id;
                //image score
                result.score = stuff.search[0].score;
                //get all the tags
                string   tags    = stuff.search[0].tags;
                string[] tagList = tags.Split(',');

                //we only want to show the artist though
                foreach (string tag in tagList)
                    if (tag.Trim().StartsWith("artist:"))
                        result.artist = tag;
