Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Initialize(RigidBody bodyA, RigidBody bodyB, Contact contact)
            Debug.Assert(bodyA != null && bodyB != null && contact != null);
              _bodyA = bodyA;
              _bodyB = bodyB;
              Contact = contact;

              _simulation = _bodyA.Simulation ?? _bodyB.Simulation;
              Debug.Assert(_simulation != null);

              ErrorReduction = _simulation.Settings.Constraints.ContactErrorReduction;
              _minConstraintImpulse = _simulation.Settings.Constraints.MinConstraintImpulse;

              Vector3F n = Contact.Normal;
              _rA = Contact.PositionAWorld - BodyA.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
              _rB = Contact.PositionBWorld - BodyB.PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
              _rALengthSquared = -1;
              _rBLengthSquared = -1;

              Vector3F vRel = RelativeVelocity;
              float vRelN = Vector3F.Dot(vRel, n);

              // Get material-dependent values.
              var materialA = BodyA.Material.GetProperties(BodyA, Contact.PositionALocal, Contact.FeatureA);
              var materialB = BodyB.Material.GetProperties(BodyB, Contact.PositionBLocal, Contact.FeatureB);
              var materialCombiner = _simulation.Settings.MaterialPropertyCombiner;

              // Restitution is clamped to 0 if bodies are slow or if restitution is very low.
              if (Math.Abs(vRelN) > _simulation.Settings.Constraints.RestingVelocityLimit)
            _restitution = materialCombiner.CombineRestitution(materialA.Restitution, materialB.Restitution);
            if (_restitution < _simulation.Settings.Constraints.RestitutionThreshold)
              _restitution = 0;
            // The contacts must be created BEFORE forces are applied! If the bodies are moving less
            // than the RestingVelocityLimit, we set the Restitution to zero.
            // Bodies that do not move relative to each other must have a restitution of 0 to get
            // stable stacks!
            // RestingVelocityLimit can even be zero!
            _restitution = 0;

              _staticFriction = materialCombiner.CombineFriction(materialA.StaticFriction, materialB.StaticFriction);
              _dynamicFriction = materialCombiner.CombineFriction(materialA.DynamicFriction, materialB.DynamicFriction);
              _surfaceMotionAEnabled = materialA.SupportsSurfaceMotion;
              _surfaceMotionBEnabled = materialB.SupportsSurfaceMotion;

              // Get friction directions. The first direction is in direction of the greatest tangent
              // velocity.
              _t0 = vRel - vRelN * n;
              if (!_t0.TryNormalize())
            _t0 = n.Orthonormal1;

              _t1 = Vector3F.Cross(_t0, n);

              // Reset cached impulses.
              _penetrationConstraint.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
              _frictionConstraint0.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
              _frictionConstraint1.ConstraintImpulse = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of the <see cref="ContactConstraint"/> class. (This method reuses a
 /// previously recycled instance or allocates a new instance if necessary.)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bodyA">The first body.</param>
 /// <param name="bodyB">The second body.</param>
 /// <param name="contact">The contact.</param>
 /// <returns>A new or reusable instance of the <see cref="ContactConstraint"/> class.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 /// This method tries to obtain a previously recycled instance from a resource pool if resource
 /// pooling is enabled (see <see cref="ResourcePool.Enabled">ResourcePool.Enabled</see>). If no
 /// object is available, a new instance is automatically allocated on the heap. 
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// The owner of the object should call <see cref="Recycle"/> when the instance is no longer 
 /// needed.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 internal static ContactConstraint Create(RigidBody bodyA, RigidBody bodyB, Contact contact)
     var contactConstraint = Pool.Obtain();
       contactConstraint.Initialize(bodyA, bodyB, contact);
       return contactConstraint;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the contact geometry for a single contact.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactSet">The contact set.</param>
        /// <param name="contact">The contact to be updated.</param>
        /// <param name="contactPositionTolerance">The contact position tolerance.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <see langword="true"/> if the contact is invalid and should be removed.
        /// </returns>
        private static bool UpdateContact(ContactSet contactSet, Contact contact, float contactPositionTolerance)
            Pose poseA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject.Pose;
              Pose poseB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject.Pose;

              // Get local positions in world space.
              //Vector3F positionA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(contact.PositionALocal);
              //Vector3F positionB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(contact.PositionBLocal);

              // ----- Optimized version:
              Vector3F positionALocal = contact.PositionALocal;
              Vector3F positionA;
              positionA.X = poseA.Orientation.M00 * positionALocal.X + poseA.Orientation.M01 * positionALocal.Y + poseA.Orientation.M02 * positionALocal.Z + poseA.Position.X;
              positionA.Y = poseA.Orientation.M10 * positionALocal.X + poseA.Orientation.M11 * positionALocal.Y + poseA.Orientation.M12 * positionALocal.Z + poseA.Position.Y;
              positionA.Z = poseA.Orientation.M20 * positionALocal.X + poseA.Orientation.M21 * positionALocal.Y + poseA.Orientation.M22 * positionALocal.Z + poseA.Position.Z;
              Vector3F positionBLocal = contact.PositionBLocal;
              Vector3F positionB;
              positionB.X = poseB.Orientation.M00 * positionBLocal.X + poseB.Orientation.M01 * positionBLocal.Y + poseB.Orientation.M02 * positionBLocal.Z + poseB.Position.X;
              positionB.Y = poseB.Orientation.M10 * positionBLocal.X + poseB.Orientation.M11 * positionBLocal.Y + poseB.Orientation.M12 * positionBLocal.Z + poseB.Position.Y;
              positionB.Z = poseB.Orientation.M20 * positionBLocal.X + poseB.Orientation.M21 * positionBLocal.Y + poseB.Orientation.M22 * positionBLocal.Z + poseB.Position.Z;

              // Update Position.
              contact.Position = (positionA + positionB) / 2;

              // Update contacts and closest points differently:
              if (contact.PenetrationDepth >= 0)
            // ----- Contact.
            Vector3F bToA = positionA - positionB;  // Vector from contact on A to contact on B
            if (!contact.IsRayHit)
              // ----- Normal contact.
              // Update penetration depth: Difference of world position projected onto normal.
              //contact.PenetrationDepth = Vector3F.Dot(bToA, contact.Normal);

              // ----- Optimized version:
              Vector3F contactNormal = contact.Normal;
              contact.PenetrationDepth = bToA.X * contactNormal.X + bToA.Y * contactNormal.Y + bToA.Z * contactNormal.Z;
              // ----- Ray hit.
              // Update penetration depth: Contact position to ray origin projected onto ray direction.

              // Get ray. Only one shape is a ray because ray vs. ray do normally not collide.
              RayShape ray = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject.Shape as RayShape;
              float rayScale = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject.Scale.X;   // Non-uniformly scaled rays are not support, so we only need Scale.X!
              Vector3F hitPositionLocal;  // Hit position in local space of ray.
              if (ray != null)
            hitPositionLocal = poseA.ToLocalPosition(contact.Position);
            // The other object must be the ray.
            ray = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject.Shape as RayShape;
            rayScale = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject.Scale.X;   // Non-uniformly scaled rays are not support, so we only need Scale.X!
            hitPositionLocal = poseB.ToLocalPosition(contact.Position);

              // Now, we have found the ray, unless there is a composite shape with a child ray - which
              // is not supported.
              if (ray != null)
            contact.PenetrationDepth = Vector3F.Dot(hitPositionLocal - ray.Origin * rayScale, ray.Direction);

            // If the new penetration depth is negative or greater than the ray length,
            // the objects have separated along the ray direction.
            if (contact.PenetrationDepth < 0 || contact.PenetrationDepth > ray.Length * rayScale)
              return true;

            // Remove points with negative penetration depth.
            if (contact.PenetrationDepth < 0)
              return true;

            // Check drift.
            float driftSquared;
            if (contact.IsRayHit)
              // For ray casts: Remove contact if movement in any direction is too large.
              driftSquared = bToA.LengthSquared;
              // For contacts: Remove contacts if horizontal movement (perpendicular to contact normal)
              // is too large.
              driftSquared = (bToA - contact.Normal * contact.PenetrationDepth).LengthSquared;

            // Remove contact if drift is too large.
            return driftSquared > contactPositionTolerance * contactPositionTolerance;
            // ----- Closest point pair.

            // Update distance. Since we do not check the geometric objects, the new distance
            // could be a separation or a penetration. We assume it is a separation and
            // use a "-" sign.
            // We have no problem if we are wrong and this is actually a penetration because this
            // contact is automatically updated or removed when new contacts are computed in
            // the narrow phase.
            Vector3F aToB = positionB - positionA;  // Vector from contact on A to contact on B
            contact.PenetrationDepth = -aToB.Length;

            // If points moved into contact, remove this pair, because we don't have a valid
            // contact normal.
            if (Numeric.IsZero(contact.PenetrationDepth))
              return true;

            // Update normal.
            contact.Normal = aToB.Normalized;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to the merge the contact with the nearest contact in the given 
        /// <see cref="ContactSet"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactSet">The contact set. (Must not be <see langword="null"/>.)</param>
        /// <param name="contact">The contact. (Must not be <see langword="null"/>.)</param>
        /// <param name="contactPositionTolerance">The contact position tolerance.</param>
        /// <param name="updateMerged">
        /// If set to <see langword="true"/> the merged contact is updated with the data of 
        /// <paramref name="contact"/>. If set to <see langword="false"/> the merged contact keeps the
        /// data of the old contact.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <see langword="true"/> if the contact was merged successfully; otherwise
        /// <see langword="false"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private static bool TryMergeWithNearestContact(ContactSet contactSet, Contact contact, float contactPositionTolerance, bool updateMerged)
            Debug.Assert(contactPositionTolerance >= 0, "The contact position tolerance must be greater than or equal to 0");
              Debug.Assert(contactSet.Count > 0, "Cannot merge nearest contact to empty contact set.");

              // Find the cached contact that is closest.
              int nearestContactIndex = -1;

              // Near contact must be within contact position tolerance.
              float minDistance = contactPositionTolerance + Numeric.EpsilonF;
              float minDistanceSquared = minDistance * minDistance;

              int numberOfContacts = contactSet.Count;
              for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
            Contact otherContact = contactSet[i];

            // Do not merge contacts with different features because user should be notified by
            // a new contact that a new feature is touched.
            if (contact.FeatureA == otherContact.FeatureA && contact.FeatureB == otherContact.FeatureB)
              // Check position difference.
              float distanceSquared = (otherContact.Position - contact.Position).LengthSquared;
              if (distanceSquared < minDistanceSquared)
            minDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
            nearestContactIndex = i;

              if (nearestContactIndex >= 0)
            if (updateMerged)
              // Merge with an existing contact.
              // We take the geometry of the new contact and keep the other data of the old contact.
              // We also keep the old contact, so that references to this contact stay valid.
              Contact nearestContact = contactSet[nearestContactIndex];
              nearestContact.IsRayHit = contact.IsRayHit;
              nearestContact.PositionALocal = contact.PositionALocal;
              nearestContact.PositionBLocal = contact.PositionBLocal;
              nearestContact.Normal = contact.Normal;
              nearestContact.PenetrationDepth = contact.PenetrationDepth;
              nearestContact.Position = contact.Position;

            return true;

              return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void Merge(ContactSet contactSet, Contact newContact, CollisionQueryType type, float contactPositionTolerance)
            Debug.Assert(contactSet != null);
              Debug.Assert(newContact != null);

              Debug.Assert(contactPositionTolerance >= 0, "The contact position tolerance must be greater than or equal to 0");
              Debug.Assert(type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints || type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts);

              if (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && newContact.PenetrationDepth < 0)
            return; // Do not merge separated contacts.

              // ----- Simplest case: Contact set is empty.
              if (contactSet.Count == 0)
            // Simply add the new contact.

              // ----- Try to merge with nearest old contact.
              bool merged = TryMergeWithNearestContact(contactSet, newContact, contactPositionTolerance, true);
              if (merged)

              // ----- Default: Add the new contact.
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a contact.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contact">The contact.</param>
        /// <param name="normalLength">The length of the normal vector in world space.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color.</param>
        /// <param name="drawOverScene">
        /// If set to <see langword="true"/> the object is drawn over the graphics scene (depth-test 
        /// disabled).
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The penetration depth is visualized with a dark red line.
        /// </remarks>
        public void DrawContact(Contact contact, float normalLength, Color color, bool drawOverScene)
            if (!Enabled || contact == null)

              DrawPoint(contact.Position, color, drawOverScene);
              DrawLine(contact.Position, contact.Position + contact.Normal * normalLength, color, drawOverScene);

              // Draw a red line that visualizes the penetration depth.
              var halfPenetration = contact.Normal * contact.PenetrationDepth / 2;
              DrawLine(contact.Position - halfPenetration, contact.Position + halfPenetration, Color.DarkRed, drawOverScene);