Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task MessageReceivedCommandChoice(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> result)
            var message = await result;

            switch (message.Text)
            case "authorize":
                using (var client = new GoogleCalendarClient())
                    var authResult = await client.Authorize();

                    await context.PostAsync(authResult);

            case "help":
                await context.PostAsync("@\"This is a simple event bot.\r\nExample of commands include:\r\n  event today\r\n  event tomorrow\r\n  do i have smth at 10.09.2016\r\nYour date input must be in format dd.mm.yyyy");


                //context.Call<object>(Chain.From(()=>new CalendarDialog()), AfterChildDialogIsDone);
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    string uri = @"https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/luis/v2.0/apps/06847bdf-356f-429d-acb8-65c550af1944?subscription-key=b4aa72fd0ff44a0aa12edf3e108821fc&timezoneOffset=0.0&verbose=true&q=" + message.Text;
                    HttpResponseMessage msg = await client.GetAsync(uri);

                    if (msg.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        var jsonResponse = await msg.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        var _Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LUISResponse>(jsonResponse);
                        await HandleEventQuery(context, _Data);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task GetEvents(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
            string eventDate = string.Empty;
            EntityRecommendation date;

            if (result.TryFindEntity(EntityEventdate, out date))
                eventDate = date.Entity;
                using (var client = new GoogleCalendarClient())
                    var events = await client.GetEvents(DateTime.Parse(eventDate));

                    await context.PostAsync(events);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventDate))
                await context.PostAsync("Please specify date");
            context.Done <object>(new object());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private async Task HandleEventQuery(IDialogContext context, LUISResponse _Data)
            var topIntent = _Data.intents[0].intent;

            switch (topIntent)
            case "GetEventsForSpecifiedDate":
                using (var calendar = new GoogleCalendarClient())
                    var eventDate =
                        _Data.entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.type == "builtin.datetime.date");
                    var events = await calendar.GetEvents(eventDate.resolution.date.Value);

                    await context.PostAsync(events);

            case "SetUpEvent":
                using (var calendar = new GoogleCalendarClient())
                    var eventDate =
                        _Data.entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.entity == "builtin.datetime.date");
                    var eventName = _Data.entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.type == "EventName");
                    var isCreated = await calendar.SetUpEvent(eventDate.resolution.date.Value, eventName.entity);

                    await context.PostAsync(isCreated);

                await context.PostAsync("Doesn't recognize a command");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private async Task <string> Reply(string text, IDialogContext context)
            if (text.Contains("help"))
                return(@"This is a simple event bot.
Example of commands include:
  event today
  event tomorrow
  do i have smth at 10.09.2016
Your date input must be in format dd.mm.yyyy");
            if (text.Contains("hi") || text.Contains("hello"))
                return("Hello! I am an event bot.I can tell you if you have any event at the specific date");
            if (text.Contains("bye"))
                return("Good bye! Have a good day!");
            if (text.Contains("who are you"))
                    ("I am an event bot. If you want to know about any of your events at the specific date, you can ask me about it");
            if (text.Contains("develop") || text.Contains("create") || text.Contains("invent"))
                return("I was developed by Alex Popovkin and Alex Chertov");
            if (text.Contains("authorize"))
                using (var client = new GoogleCalendarClient())
                    return(await client.Authorize());
            if (text.Contains("check"))
                using (var client = new GoogleCalendarClient())
                    return(await client.GetEvents(new DateTime(2016, 1, 1)));

            /*if (text.Contains("event") && text.Contains("today"))
             *  return await date.BuildResult(Dates.Today);
             * if (text.Contains("event") && text.Contains("tomorrow"))
             *  return await date.BuildResult(Dates.Tomorrow);
             * if (text.Contains("remind me about"))
             *  return date.AddDate(text.Replace("remind me about","").Replace("at",""));
             * CultureInfo culture=new CultureInfo("ru-RU");
             * var match = Regex.Match(text,"[0-9]{1,2}.{1}[0-9]{1,2}.20[0-9]{2}");
             * if (match.Success)
             * {
             *  DateTime input;
             *  bool isCorrectDate = DateTime.TryParse(match.Value, culture.DateTimeFormat,DateTimeStyles.None, out input);
             *  if (!isCorrectDate) return "You enter an incorrect date";
             *  else date.date = input;
             * }
             * return await date.BuildResult();*/