Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes it so that the enemy walks a random path
        /// </summary>
        public void randomWalk()
            DiDo.Levels.Levels level = new DiDo.Levels.Levels();
            // Gets the tiles of the level and looks if they can be walked on

            if (this.random.Next(0, 30) == 1) // A chance of 1 to 29 that the enemy will walk
                this.direction = random.Next(0, 4);
                // Calculates a random number and walks in the direction of that number
                if (this.random.Next(0, 360) == 1)   // 1 on 120 chance that the enemy will shoot
                // Shoot if the enemy stands still

                    // Reload

                    if (this.currentWeapon.getAmmo() >= 1) // Looks if there are bullets in the magazine
                        float xPos = random.Next((int)(MainPage.player.x - 70), (int)(MainPage.player.x + 70));
                        float yPos = random.Next((int)(MainPage.player.y - 70), (int)(MainPage.player.y + 70));
                        // Makes the chance of shooting straigh very low

                        float xVel = (xPos - x) / 18;
                        float yVel = (yPos - y) / 18;
                        // Calculates the bullet velocity

                        if (xVel > 50)
                            xVel = 50;
                        if (yVel > 50)
                            yVel = 50;
                        // Makes it so that the bullets wont go to fast

                        MainPage.bullets.Add(new DiDo.Bullet(x, y, xVel, yVel, currentWeapon.getDamage(), name));
                        // Adds bullets to the list

                        // Reduces the ammo

            if (this.direction == 0)
                Tile nextTile = level.getPlayerTile(this.x, this.y + 1, level.gekozenLevel); // Gets the information of the tile
                if (nextTile.CanWalk == true)                                                // Checks if the next tile can be walked on.
                    this.y += stepSize;
                    // Walk down
            else if (this.direction == 1)
                Tile nextTile = level.getPlayerTile(this.x + 1, this.y, level.gekozenLevel); // Gets the information of the tile
                if (nextTile.CanWalk == true)                                                // Checks if the next tile can be walked on.
                    this.x += stepSize;
                    // Walk to the right
            else if (this.direction == 2)
                Tile nextTile = level.getPlayerTile(this.x, this.y - 1, level.gekozenLevel); // Gets the information of the tile
                if (nextTile.CanWalk == true)                                                // Checks if the next tile can be walked on.
                    this.y -= stepSize;
                    // Walk up
                Tile nextTile = level.getPlayerTile(this.x - 1, this.y, level.gekozenLevel); // Gets the information of the tile
                if (nextTile.CanWalk == true)                                                // Checks if the next tile can be walked on.
                    this.x -= stepSize;
                    // Walk to the left
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void bulletHandling(ICanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasAnimatedDrawEventArgs args)
            List <Bullet> bulletsToRemove = new List <Bullet>();
            // Create a list for bullets to delete
            List <int> enemiesToRemove = new List <int>();

            // Create a list for enemies to delete

            // Show bullets
            foreach (Bullet bullet in bullets)
                bullet.x += bullet.velX;
                bullet.y += bullet.velY;
                // Move the bullets with choosen velocity
                args.DrawingSession.DrawImage(Bullets, bullet.x, bullet.y);

                if (levels.getPlayerTile(bullet.x, bullet.y, levels.gekozenLevel).TileType.Contains("wall") || // If the bullet hits a wall
                    levels.getPlayerTile(bullet.x, bullet.y, levels.gekozenLevel).TileType.Contains("tree"))    // If the bullet hits a tree
                    // Add the bullet to the list of bullets to remove

                if (bullet.y < 0f || bullet.y > 1080 || bullet.x > 1920f || bullet.x < 0f) // Als de kogel buiten beeld gaat
                    // Add the bullet to the list of bullets to remove

                int enemiesCount = 0;
                foreach (Enemy enemy in enemies)                                                                                                                         // Loop though all the enemies
                    if ((bullet.y > enemy.y - 16 && bullet.y < enemy.y + 16) && (bullet.x > enemy.x - 16 && bullet.x < enemy.x + 16) && (bullet.eigenaar != enemy.name)) // If the bullet isnt from yourself
                        // Give the enemy damage from the bullet
                        if (enemy.getHealth() <= 0)
                            // Drop the weapon
                            // Add the enemy to the enemies to delete
                        // Add the bullet to the list of bullets to remove
                    // Increase the enemiesCount

                if ((player.y > player.y - 16 && bullet.y < player.y + 16) && (bullet.x > player.x - 16 && bullet.x < player.x + 16) && (bullet.eigenaar != player.name)) // If the bullet hits the player
                    // Let the player take damage from the bullet
                    // Add the bullet to the list of bullets to remove

                    if (!player.alive)
                        Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>

            // Remove Bullets
            foreach (Bullet bullet in bulletsToRemove)
                // Remove bullet

            // Remove enemies
            foreach (int removeEnemy in enemiesToRemove)
                // Remove enemy

                // Check if there are enemies left. If not; game is finished
                if (enemies.Count == 0)
                    // Run on UI thread
                                                                            () =>
                        // Navigate to success page