Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override async Task ExecuteStatementAsync(StatementContext context)
            var roleManager = context.GetRoleManager();
            var userManager = context.GetUserManager();

            if (!await roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(RoleName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"The role '{RoleName}' does not exist.");
            if (!await userManager.UserExistsAsync(UserName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"The user '{UserName}' does not exist");

            if (await roleManager.IsUserInRoleAsync(UserName, RoleName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"User '{UserName}' is already in role '{RoleName}'");

            if (!await roleManager.AddUserToRoleAsync(UserName, RoleName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"It was not possible to assign the role '{RoleName}' to " +
                                                $"user '{UserName}' because of a system error");

            context.RaiseEvent(new RoleGrantedEvent(this, UserName, RoleName));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override async Task ExecuteStatementAsync(StatementContext context)
            var roleManager = context.GetRoleManager();
            var userManager = context.GetUserManager();

            if (!await roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(RoleName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"The role '{RoleName}' does not exist.");
            if (!await userManager.UserExistsAsync(UserName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"The user '{UserName}' does not exist");

            if (!await roleManager.IsUserInRoleAsync(UserName, RoleName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"The user '{UserName}' is not in the role '{RoleName}'");

            if (!await roleManager.RemoveUserFromRoleAsync(UserName, RoleName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"It was not possible to revoke the role '{RoleName}' from user '{UserName}'");

            context.RaiseEvent <RoleRevokedEvent>(UserName, RoleName);
        protected override async Task ExecuteStatementAsync(StatementContext context)
            var userManager = context.GetUserManager();

            if (!await userManager.UserExistsAsync(UserName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"User {UserName} does not exist");

            try {
                if (!await Action.AlterUserAsync(UserName, context))
                    throw new SqlStatementException($"The alter of the user {UserName} failed");
            } catch (SqlStatementException) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new SqlStatementException($"It was not possible to alter user {UserName} because of an error", ex);
        protected override async Task ExecuteStatementAsync(StatementContext context)
            if (!User.IsValidName(UserName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"The specified name '{UserName}' is invalid for a user");

            var userManager = context.GetUserManager();

            if (await userManager.UserExistsAsync(UserName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"A user named '{UserName}' already exists.");

            if (!await userManager.CreateUserAsync(UserName, IdentificationInfo))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"It was not possible to create the user '{UserName}' because of a system error.");

            context.RaiseEvent(new UserCreatedEvent(this, UserName));
        protected override async Task ExecuteStatementAsync(StatementContext context)
            var userManager = context.GetUserManager();
            var roleManager = context.GetRoleManager();

            if (!await userManager.UserExistsAsync(UserName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"A user named '{UserName}' does not exist.");

            if (!await RevokeAllGrantedPrivileges(context, userManager, roleManager))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"It was not possible to revoke the privileges granted by '{UserName}'.");

            if (!await userManager.DropUserAsync(UserName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"It was not possible to delete the user '{UserName}' because of a system error");

            context.RaiseEvent(new UserDroppedEvent(this, UserName));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected override async Task ExecuteStatementAsync(StatementContext context)
            if (!await context.ObjectExistsAsync(ObjectName))
                throw new SqlStatementException($"The object '{ObjectName}' is not defined in this scope");

            var userManager  = context.GetUserManager();
            var roleManager  = context.GetRoleManager();
            var grantManager = context.GetGrantManager();

            if (await userManager.UserExistsAsync(Grantee))
                if (!await grantManager.GrantToUserAsync(context.User().Name, Grantee, ObjectName, Privileges, WithGrantOption))
                    throw new SqlStatementException("It was not possible to grant to user because of a system error");
            else if (await roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(Grantee))
                if (WithGrantOption)
                    throw new SqlStatementException("Cannot set a grant option to a role");

                if (!await grantManager.GrantToRoleAsync(Grantee, ObjectName, Privileges))
                    throw new SqlStatementException("It was not possible to grant to role because of a system error");
                throw new SqlStatementException($"The grantee '{Grantee}' was not defined");

            context.RaiseEvent <ObjectPrivilegesGrantedEvent>(context.User().Name, Grantee, ObjectName, Privileges, WithGrantOption);
        async Task <bool> IAlterUserAction.AlterUserAsync(string userName, StatementContext context)
            var securityManager = context.GetUserManager();

            return(await securityManager.SetUserStatusAsync(userName, NewStatus));
        async Task <bool> IAlterUserAction.AlterUserAsync(string userName, StatementContext context)
            var securityManager = context.GetUserManager();

            return(await securityManager.SetIdentificationAsync(userName, new PasswordIdentificationInfo(NewPassword)));