Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal int CreateClassificationChainFromExtDB(int srcICNId, int srcParentNId, string srcICGid, string srcICName, ICType srcICType, string srcICInfo, bool isGlobal, DIQueries srcQueries, DIConnection srcDBConnection, DIQueries targetDBQueries, DIConnection targetDBConnection)
            int RetVal;
            //int TrgParentNId;
            //string TrgParentName;
            int NewParentNId;
            DataTable TempTable;
            IndicatorClassificationInfo ICInfo;
            IndicatorClassificationBuilder ClassificationBuilder = new IndicatorClassificationBuilder(targetDBConnection, targetDBQueries);

            // -- STEP 1: If the Parent NID is -1 then create the Classification at the root
            if (srcParentNId == -1)
                // -- Create the Classification

                // --------------------------------------------------------------
                // While importing the Classifications, if the NId of the Source Classification is _
                // the same as that of the one created, then the Duplicate check fails and a duplicate
                // classification getscreated. PASS -99 as the first parameter to the calling function
                // --------------------------------------------------------------
                ICInfo = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent.Nid = srcParentNId;
                ICInfo.Nid = srcICNId;
                ICInfo.Name = srcICName;
                ICInfo.ClassificationInfo = srcICInfo;
                ICInfo.GID = srcICGid;
                ICInfo.IsGlobal = isGlobal;
                ICInfo.Type = srcICType;

                RetVal = ClassificationBuilder.ImportIndicatorClassification(ICInfo, srcICNId, srcQueries, srcDBConnection);


                // -- STEP 2: If the Parent is not -1 then check for the existence of the Parent and then create the Classification
                // Classification can only be created if the parent exists
                // -- STEP 2.1: If the Parent Exists then create the Classification under that parent
                // -- STEP 2.2: If the Parent does not Exist then create the Parent first and then the Classification under that parent

                // -- STEP 2: Check the existence of the Parent in the Target Database
                // -- get the parent from the source database

                TempTable = srcDBConnection.ExecuteDataTable(srcQueries.IndicatorClassification.GetIC(FilterFieldType.NId, srcParentNId.ToString(), srcICType, FieldSelection.Heavy));

                    // --------------------------------------------------------------
                    // While importing the Classifications, if the NId of the Source Classification is _
                    // the same as that of the one created, then the Duplicate check fails and a duplicate
                    // classification getscreated. PASS -99 as the first parameter to the calling function
                    // --------------------------------------------------------------
                    DataRow Row;
                    string ClassificationInfo = string.Empty;
                    Row = TempTable.Rows[0];
                    ClassificationInfo = Convert.ToString(Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICInfo]);

                    NewParentNId = CreateClassificationChainFromExtDB(
                        ClassificationInfo, Convert.ToBoolean(Row[IndicatorClassifications.ICGlobal]), srcQueries, srcDBConnection, targetDBQueries, targetDBConnection); ;

                // -- Create the Child Now
                ICInfo = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent = new IndicatorClassificationInfo();
                ICInfo.Parent.Nid = NewParentNId;       // set new parent nid
                ICInfo.Nid = srcICNId;
                ICInfo.Name = srcICName;
                ICInfo.ClassificationInfo = srcICInfo;
                ICInfo.GID = srcICGid;
                ICInfo.IsGlobal = isGlobal;
                ICInfo.Type = srcICType;

                RetVal = ClassificationBuilder.ImportIndicatorClassification(ICInfo, srcICNId, srcQueries, srcDBConnection);


            //import ic and ius relationship into indicator_classification_IUS table
            ClassificationBuilder.ImportICAndIUSRelations(srcICNId, RetVal, ICInfo.Type, srcQueries, srcDBConnection);

            return RetVal;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Process Mapped IC Values 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importOnlyICIUS"></param>
        public void ProcessMappedIC(bool importOnlyICIUS)
            DIConnection SrcDBConnection = null;
            DIQueries SrcDBQueries = null;

            IndicatorClassificationBuilder TrgICBuilder = null;
            IndicatorClassificationInfo SrcICInfo = null;

            DataTable Table = null;
            string SourceFileWPath = string.Empty;
            int TrgICNid = 0;

            if (this.MappedTables.ContainsKey(TemplateMergeControlType.IndicatorClassification))
                TrgICBuilder = new IndicatorClassificationBuilder(this.DBConnection, this.DBQueries);

                foreach (MappedRowInfo RowInfo in this.MappedTables[TemplateMergeControlType.IndicatorClassification].MappedTable.MappedRows.Values)
                    TrgICNid = Convert.ToInt32(RowInfo.AvailableRow[ IndicatorClassifications.ICNId]);

                    SrcICInfo = this.GetIndicatorClassificationInfo(RowInfo.UnmatchedRow);

                    SourceFileWPath = Convert.ToString(RowInfo.UnmatchedRow[MergetTemplateConstants.Columns.COLUMN_SOURCEFILENAME]);
                        SrcDBConnection = new DIConnection(DIServerType.MsAccess, string.Empty, string.Empty, SourceFileWPath, string.Empty, string.Empty);
                        SrcDBQueries = DataExchange.GetDBQueries(SrcDBConnection);

                        // update IC in target only if importOnlyICIUS = false
                        if (importOnlyICIUS)
                            TrgICBuilder.ImportICFrmMappedIC(SrcICInfo, SrcICInfo.Nid, TrgICNid, SrcDBQueries, SrcDBConnection);

                        // update IC IUS relation in target file
                        TrgICBuilder.ImportICAndIUSRelations(SrcICInfo.Nid, TrgICNid, SrcICInfo.Type, SrcDBQueries, SrcDBConnection);
                        if (SrcDBConnection != null)
