Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool HasWorkSessionId(RedisConnection redisConnection, string workSessionId, RedisOfficeStateStorageSettings settings)
            var keyBunch = new KeyNameHelper(workSessionId);

            string[] keyArgs   = new string[] { keyBunch.StateKeyName };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { };

            string hasWorkSessionIdScript = @"
                local stateKeyName = KEYS[1]

                local status = redis.call('EXISTS', stateKeyName)
                local stateFound = status == 1

                local retValues = {} 
                retValues[1] = stateFound

                return retValues

            var results = (RedisResult[])(RedisResult)redisConnection.ScriptEvaluate(hasWorkSessionIdScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            bool stateFound = (bool)results[0];

#if DebugTest
            DiagnosticEvents.OnHasWorkSessionId(workSessionId, stateFound);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static bool Set(RedisConnection redisConnection, string key, string value, RedisOfficeStateStorageSettings settings)
            string[] keyArgs   = new string[] { key };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { value };

            string stringGetScript = @"
                local keyName = KEYS[1]
                local value = ARGV[1]

                local status = redis.call('SET', keyName, value)

                local retValues = {} 
                    retValues[1] = status
                return retValues

            var expireScript = ExpireHelper.GetExpireScript(settings);
            var script       = expireScript + stringGetScript;
            var results      = (RedisResult[])(RedisResult)redisConnection.ScriptEvaluate(script, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            string setStatus = (string)results[0];

            return(setStatus == "OK");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static string FindWorkSessionId(RedisConnection redisConnection, string documentId)
            var keyBunch = new KeyNameHelper("*", documentId);

            string[] keyArgs   = new string[] { keyBunch.DocumentIdToWorkSessionIdKeyName };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { };

            const string findScript = @"
                return getWorkSessionIdFromDocumentId(KEYS[1])
            var          results    = (RedisResult[])(RedisResult)redisConnection.ScriptEvaluate(getWorkSessionIdFromDocumentId + findScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            bool   workSessionIdFound = (bool)results[0];
            string workSessionId      = (string)results[1];

#if DebugTest
            DiagnosticEvents.OnFind(documentId, workSessionIdFound, workSessionId);

            if (workSessionIdFound)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static bool CheckOut(RedisConnection redisConnection, string lockerId, string workSessionId, RedisOfficeStateStorageSettings settings, out string state)
            var keyBunch = new KeyNameHelper(workSessionId);

            string[] keyArgs   = new string[] { keyBunch.LockerKeyName, keyBunch.StateKeyName };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { lockerId, settings.LockerTTL };

            string checkOutScript = @"
                local lockerKeyName = KEYS[1]
                local stateKeyName = KEYS[2]

                local lockerId = ARGV[1]
                local lockerTTL = ARGV[2]

                local wasLockedByAnother = false
                local state = ''


                if checkStateExists(stateKeyName) then

                    wasLockedByAnother = tryToLock(lockerKeyName, lockerId, lockerTTL)
                    if not wasLockedByAnother then
                        state = redis.call('GET', stateKeyName)


                local retValues = {} 
                retValues[1] = wasLockedByAnother
                retValues[2] = state
                return retValues

            var atimeUpdateScript = GetAccessTimeUpdateScript(settings);

            var results = (RedisResult[])(RedisResult)redisConnection.ScriptEvaluate(atimeUpdateScript + checkStateExists + tryToLock + checkOutScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            bool wasLockedByAnother = (bool)results[0];

            state = (string)results[1];
            if (state == "")
                state = null;

#if DebugTest
            DiagnosticEvents.OnCheckOut(workSessionId, lockerId, wasLockedByAnother);
            if (wasLockedByAnother)
                throw new CannotCheckoutStateCheckedOutByAnotherProcessException();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static bool UndoCheckOut(RedisConnection redisConnection, string lockerId, string workSessionId, RedisOfficeStateStorageSettings settings)
            var keyBunch = new KeyNameHelper(workSessionId);

            string[] keyArgs   = new string[] { keyBunch.LockerKeyName, keyBunch.StateKeyName };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { lockerId };

            string undoCheckOutScript = @"
                local locker_DeletedKeysCount = 0
                local lockerKeyName = KEYS[1]
                local stateKeyName = KEYS[2]
                local lockerId = ARGV[1]


                local wasLockedBy = redis.call('GET', lockerKeyName)
                local wasLockedByMe = wasLockedBy == lockerId
                if wasLockedByMe then
                    locker_DeletedKeysCount = redis.call('DEL', lockerKeyName)

                local retValues = {} 
                    retValues[1] = locker_DeletedKeysCount
                return retValues

            var accesstimeUpdateScript = GetAccessTimeUpdateScript(settings);

            var results = (RedisResult[])(RedisResult)redisConnection.ScriptEvaluate(accesstimeUpdateScript + undoCheckOutScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);
            int locker_DeletedKeysCount = (int)results[0];

#if DebugTest
            DiagnosticEvents.OnUndoCheckOut(workSessionId, lockerId, locker_DeletedKeysCount);
            var success = locker_DeletedKeysCount == 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static bool CheckIn(RedisConnection redisConnection, string lockerId, string workSessionId, string documentId, string state, RedisOfficeStateStorageSettings settings)
            var keyBunch = new KeyNameHelper(workSessionId, documentId);

            string[] keyArgs   = new string[] { keyBunch.LockerKeyName, keyBunch.StateKeyName, keyBunch.DocumentIdToWorkSessionIdKeyName, keyBunch.WorkSessionIdToDocumentIdKeyName };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { lockerId, state, workSessionId, documentId };

            string checkInScript = @"
                local lockerKeyName = KEYS[1]
                local stateKeyName = KEYS[2]
                local documentIdToWorkSessionIdKeyName = KEYS[3]
                local workSessionIdToDocumentIdKeyName= KEYS[4]

                local lockerId = ARGV[1]
                local state = ARGV[2]
                local workSessionId = ARGV[3]
                local documentId = ARGV[4]

                local stateUpdateStatus = 'failed'
                local docIdToStateIdUpdateStatus = 'failed'
                local stateIdToDocIdUpdateStatus  = 'failed'
                local locker_DeletedKeysCount = 0

                local wasLockedBy = redis.call('GET', lockerKeyName)
                local lockerWasNotFound = type(wasLockedBy) == 'boolean' and not wasLockedBy
                local wasLocked = not lockerWasNotFound

                local wasLockedByMe = wasLockedBy == lockerId
                local wasLockedByAnother = wasLocked and not wasLockedByMe
                if not wasLockedByAnother then
                    stateUpdateStatus = redis.call('SET', stateKeyName, state)
                    if not (documentId == nil or documentId == '') then
                        docIdToStateIdUpdateStatus = redis.call('SET', documentIdToWorkSessionIdKeyName, workSessionId)
                        stateIdToDocIdUpdateStatus = redis.call('SET', workSessionIdToDocumentIdKeyName, documentId)
                if wasLockedByMe then
                    locker_DeletedKeysCount = redis.call('DEL', KEYS[1])

                local retValues = {} 
                retValues[1] = stateUpdateStatus
                retValues[2] = locker_DeletedKeysCount
                retValues[3] = wasLockedByMe
                retValues[4] = wasLocked

                return retValues

            var expireScript      = ExpireHelper.GetExpireScript(settings);
            var atimeUpdateScript = GetAccessTimeUpdateScript(settings);
            var script            = expireScript + atimeUpdateScript + checkInScript;
            var results           = (RedisResult[])(RedisResult)redisConnection.ScriptEvaluate(script, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            string stateUpdateStatus = (string)results[0];

#if DebugTest
            int  locker_DeletedKeysCount = (int)results[1];
            bool wasLockedByMe           = (bool)results[2];
            bool wasLocked = (bool)results[3];

            DiagnosticEvents.OnCheckIn(workSessionId, documentId, lockerId, stateUpdateStatus, locker_DeletedKeysCount, wasLockedByMe, wasLocked);
            bool success = stateUpdateStatus == "OK";

Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static bool Remove(RedisConnection redisConnection, string lockerId, string workSessionId, RedisOfficeStateStorageSettings settings)
            var keyBunch = new KeyNameHelper(workSessionId);

            string[] keyArgs   = new string[] { keyBunch.LockerKeyName, keyBunch.StateKeyName };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { lockerId, workSessionId };

            const string removeScriptTemplate = @"
                local lockerKeyName = KEYS[1]
                local stateKeyName = KEYS[2]

                local lockerId = ARGV[1]
                local workSessionId = ARGV[2]
                local lockerTTL = 1

                local wasLockedByAnother = tryToLock(lockerKeyName, lockerId, lockerTTL)

                local state_DeletedKeysCount = 0
                local stateToDoc_DeletedKeysCount = 0
                local docToState_DeletedKeysCount = 0
                local locker_DeletedKeysCount = 0

                if not wasLockedByAnother then
                    state_DeletedKeysCount = redis.call('DEL', stateKeyName)

                    local stateToDocKeyName = workSessionId .. '{0}'
                    local docId = redis.call('GET', stateToDocKeyName)
                    local docIdFound = not (type(docId) == 'boolean' and not docId)

                    stateToDoc_DeletedKeysCount = redis.call('DEL', stateToDocKeyName)
                    if docIdFound then
                        local docToStateKeyName = docId .. '{1}'
                        docToState_DeletedKeysCount = redis.call('DEL', docToStateKeyName)

                    locker_DeletedKeysCount = redis.call('DEL', lockerKeyName)

                local retValues = {{}} 
                retValues[1] = wasLockedByAnother
                retValues[2] = state_DeletedKeysCount
                retValues[3] = stateToDoc_DeletedKeysCount
                retValues[4] = docToState_DeletedKeysCount
                retValues[5] = locker_DeletedKeysCount
                return retValues
            var          atimeRemoveScript    = GetAccessTimeUpdateScript(settings);

            string removeScript = string.Format(atimeRemoveScript + tryToLock + removeScriptTemplate, KeyNameHelper.WSToDocPostfix, KeyNameHelper.DocToWSPostfix);

            var results = (RedisResult[])(RedisResult)redisConnection.ScriptEvaluate(removeScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            var wasLockedByAnother     = (bool)results[0];
            var state_DeletedKeysCount = (int)results[1];

#if DebugTest
            var stateToDoc_DeletedKeysCount = (int)results[2];
            var docToState_DeletedKeysCount = (int)results[3];
            var locker_DeletedKeysCount     = (int)results[4];
            DiagnosticEvents.OnRemove(workSessionId, lockerId, wasLockedByAnother, state_DeletedKeysCount, stateToDoc_DeletedKeysCount, docToState_DeletedKeysCount, locker_DeletedKeysCount);
            if (wasLockedByAnother)
                throw new CannotRemoveStateCheckedOutByAnotherProcessException();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal static bool AddCheckedOut(RedisConnection redisConnection, string lockerId, string workSessionId, string documentId, RedisOfficeStateStorageSettings settings)
            var keyBunch = new KeyNameHelper(workSessionId, documentId);

            string[] keyArgs   = new string[] { keyBunch.LockerKeyName, keyBunch.StateKeyName, keyBunch.DocumentIdToWorkSessionIdKeyName, keyBunch.WorkSessionIdToDocumentIdKeyName };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { lockerId, workSessionId, documentId, settings.LockerTTL };

            string addCheckedOutScript = @"
                local lockerKeyName = KEYS[1]
                local stateKeyName = KEYS[2]
                local documentIdToWorkSessionIdKeyName = KEYS[3]
                local workSessionIdToDocumentIdKeyName = KEYS[4]

                local lockerId = ARGV[1]
                local workSessionId = ARGV[2]
                local documentId = ARGV[3]
                local lockerTTL = ARGV[4]

                local stateUpdateStatus = 'failed'
                local docIdToStateIdUpdateStatus = 'failed'
                local stateIdToDocIdUpdateStatus  = 'failed'
                local wasLockedByAnother = false


                local documentIdSearch = getWorkSessionIdFromDocumentId(documentIdToWorkSessionIdKeyName)
                local sessionForThisDocumentIdFound = documentIdSearch[1];
                if not sessionForThisDocumentIdFound then

                    wasLockedByAnother = tryToLock(lockerKeyName, lockerId, lockerTTL)

                    local state = ''
                    if not wasLockedByAnother then
                        stateUpdateStatus = redis.call('SET', stateKeyName, state)
                        if not (documentId == nil or documentId == '') then
                            docIdToStateIdUpdateStatus = redis.call('SET', documentIdToWorkSessionIdKeyName, workSessionId)
                            stateIdToDocIdUpdateStatus = redis.call('SET', workSessionIdToDocumentIdKeyName, documentId)

                local retValues = {} 
                retValues[1] = sessionForThisDocumentIdFound
                retValues[2] = wasLockedByAnother

                retValues[3] = stateUpdateStatus
                retValues[4] = docIdToStateIdUpdateStatus
                retValues[5] = stateIdToDocIdUpdateStatus

                return retValues

            var expireScript      = ExpireHelper.GetExpireScript(settings);
            var atimeUpdateScript = GetAccessTimeUpdateScript(settings);
            var script            = expireScript + atimeUpdateScript + getWorkSessionIdFromDocumentId + tryToLock + addCheckedOutScript;
            var results           = (RedisResult[])(RedisResult)redisConnection.ScriptEvaluate(script, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            var sessionForThisDocumentIdFound = (bool)results[0];
            var wasLockedByAnother            = (bool)results[1];

            string stateUpdateStatus = (string)results[2];

#if DebugTest
            var docIdToStateIdUpdateStatus = (string)results[3];
            var stateIdToDocIdUpdateStatus = (string)results[4];

            DiagnosticEvents.OnAddCheckOut(workSessionId, documentId, lockerId, stateUpdateStatus, sessionForThisDocumentIdFound, wasLockedByAnother, docIdToStateIdUpdateStatus, stateIdToDocIdUpdateStatus);
            bool success = stateUpdateStatus == "OK";

            if (sessionForThisDocumentIdFound)
                throw new CannotAddWorkSessionThatAlreadyExistsException();
