PreProcess() public method

Must be called before any categorizations are done. Should be overridden to perform any necessary database analysis or other preparation. After this is called, no configuration options should be changed before using CategorizeGame.
public PreProcess ( GameList games, Depressurizer.GameDB db ) : void
games GameList
db Depressurizer.GameDB
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Autocategorize( bool selectedOnly, AutoCat autoCat )
            if( autoCat == null ) return;

            // Get a list of games to update
            List<GameInfo> gamesToUpdate = new List<GameInfo>();

            if( selectedOnly ) {
                foreach( ListViewItem item in lstGames.SelectedItems ) {
                    GameInfo g = item.Tag as GameInfo;
                    if( ( g != null ) && ( g.Id > 0 ) ) {
                        gamesToUpdate.Add( g );
            } else {
                foreach( GameInfo g in gameData.Games.Values ) {
                    if( ( g != null ) && ( g.Id > 0 ) ) {
                        gamesToUpdate.Add( g );

            int updated = 0;

            // List of games not found in database, so we can try to scrape data for them
            List<GameInfo> notFound = new List<GameInfo>();

            autoCat.PreProcess( currentProfile.GameData, Program.GameDB );

            foreach( GameInfo g in gamesToUpdate ) {
                AutoCatResult res = autoCat.CategorizeGame( g );
                if( res == AutoCatResult.Success ) {
                } else if( res == AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase ) {
                    notFound.Add( g );

            if( notFound.Count > 0 ) {
                if( MessageBox.Show( string.Format( GlobalStrings.MainForm_GamesNotFoundInGameDB, notFound.Count ), GlobalStrings.DBEditDlg_Confirm, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1 )
                        == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes ) {

                    Queue<int> jobs = new Queue<int>();
                    foreach( GameInfo g in notFound ) jobs.Enqueue( g.Id );

                    DbScrapeDlg scrapeDlg = new DbScrapeDlg( jobs );
                    DialogResult scrapeRes = scrapeDlg.ShowDialog();

                    if( scrapeRes == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel ) {
                        AddStatus( string.Format( GlobalStrings.MainForm_CanceledDatabaseUpdate ) );
                    } else {
                        AddStatus( string.Format( GlobalStrings.MainForm_UpdatedDatabaseEntries, scrapeDlg.JobsCompleted ) );
                        foreach( GameInfo g in notFound ) {
                            AutoCatResult res = autoCat.CategorizeGame( g );
                            if( res == AutoCatResult.Success ) {
            AddStatus( string.Format( GlobalStrings.MainForm_UpdatedCategories, updated ) );
            if( gamesToUpdate.Count > updated ) AddStatus( string.Format( GlobalStrings.MainForm_FailedToUpdate, gamesToUpdate.Count - updated ) );
            if( updated > 0 ) MakeChange( true );
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Autocategorizes a set of games.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedOnly">If true, runs on the selected games, otherwise, runs on all games.</param>
        /// <param name="autoCat">The autocat object to use.</param>
        private void Autocategorize(bool selectedOnly, AutoCat autoCat, bool scrape = true, bool refresh = true)
            if (autoCat == null) return;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            // Get a list of games to update
            List<GameInfo> gamesToUpdate = new List<GameInfo>();

            if (selectedOnly && (autoCat.Filter == null))
                foreach (GameInfo g in tlstGames.SelectedObjects)
                    if (g.Id > 0)
            else if ((tlstGames.Objects.Count > 0) && (autoCat.Filter == null))
                foreach (GameInfo g in tlstGames.Objects)
                    if (g.Id > 0)
                foreach (GameInfo g in currentProfile.GameData.Games.Values)
                    if ((g != null) && (g.Id > 0))

            int updated = 0;

            // List of games not found in database, so we can try to scrape data for them
            Queue<int> notInDb = new Queue<int>();
            foreach (GameInfo game in gamesToUpdate)
                if (game.Id > 0 && (!Program.GameDB.Contains(game.Id) || Program.GameDB.Games[game.Id].LastStoreScrape == 0))

            if ((notInDb.Count > 0) && scrape)
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format(GlobalStrings.MainForm_GamesNotFoundInGameDB, notInDb.Count), GlobalStrings.DBEditDlg_Confirm, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
                        == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)

                    DbScrapeDlg scrapeDlg = new DbScrapeDlg(notInDb);
                    DialogResult scrapeRes = scrapeDlg.ShowDialog();

                    if (scrapeRes == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)
                        AddStatus(string.Format(GlobalStrings.MainForm_UpdatedDatabaseEntries, scrapeDlg.JobsCompleted));
                        if (scrapeDlg.JobsCompleted > 0 && Settings.Instance.AutosaveDB)
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            autoCat.PreProcess(currentProfile.GameData, Program.GameDB);

            foreach (GameInfo g in gamesToUpdate)
                AutoCatResult res = autoCat.CategorizeGame(g, currentProfile.GameData.GetFilter(autoCat.Filter));
                if (res == AutoCatResult.Success)

            AddStatus(string.Format(GlobalStrings.MainForm_UpdatedCategories, updated));
            if (gamesToUpdate.Count > updated) AddStatus(string.Format(GlobalStrings.MainForm_FailedToUpdate, gamesToUpdate.Count - updated));
            if (updated > 0) MakeChange(true);
            if (refresh)

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;