Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void bt_valid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string  mtt  = mttpaye.Text.Trim();
            decimal dmtt = 0;

            decimal.TryParse(mtt, out dmtt);
            string postbanq = "1";

            if (ck_banque.Checked)
                postbanq = "2";
            if (dmtt <= 0)
                uf.message_info("Veuillez saisir le montant payé !");
            int    numfolio      = int.Parse(Fmain.Maxsuivant(Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_mouvement", "numfolio", "year(datemouvement) = " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()));
            string idcomptedebit = uf.ValeurParCond(comrech, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_compte", "idcompte, codecompte", "idcompte", "codecompte = " + Fmain.comptedebit);
            string idcompteb     = uf.ValeurParCond(comrech, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_compte", "idcompte, codecompte", "idcompte", "codecompte = " + Fmain.compteb);

            string typetrans = "0";     //tft banque

            if (typetransfert.SelectedIndex == 1)
                typetrans = "1";
            string textedeb = coordpayeur.Text.Trim();
            string datyp    = uf.getDateSQL(datepaiement.Value);
            string newid = uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_mouvement", "numfolio,datesaisie,datemouvement,typeecriture,idcompte,codecompte,idcomptec,codecomptec,libelledetail,entree,sortie",
                                         numfolio.ToString() + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + "1" + "$" + idcompteb + "$" + Fmain.compteb + "$" + idcomptedebit + "$" + Fmain.comptedebit + "$" + "Paiement " + numfact + "-" + textedeb + "-" + comptepayeur.Text.Trim() + "$" + dmtt.ToString() + "$" + "0", 2, "");

            string champ  = "typepaiement, postebanque, datesaisie, datepaiement, identreprise, idclient, numfacture, montant, refpaiement, coordpayeur, comptepaiement, typetransfert, idmouvementpaye";
            string valeur = typepaiement.SelectedIndex.ToString() + "$" + postbanq + "$" + uf.getDateSQL(datesaisie.Value) + "$" + uf.getDateSQL(datepaiement.Value) + "$" +
                            Fmain.identreprisesel + "$" + int.Parse(numfact.Substring(4, 2)).ToString() + "$" + numfact + "$" + dmtt.ToString() + "$" + refpaiement.Text.Trim() + "$" + textedeb + "$" + comptepayeur.Text.Trim() + "$" + typetrans + "$" + newid;

            if (typemod == 2) //modif
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_paiement", champ, valeur, 1, "idpaiement = " + gv_listepaiement.CurrentRow.Cells["g_idpaiement"].FormattedValue.ToString());
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_paiement", champ, valeur, 2, "");
                //Si solde = 0
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_facturation", "rappel", "0", 2, "reffacturedeltareal='" + numfact + "'");

                DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void bt_valideretat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /*SELECT '' as dateecriture, '' as numecriture, 0 as idmouvement, 0 as idcompte, '' as codecompte, 0 as idcomptec, '' as codecomptec, '' as libelle, 0.00 as entree, 0.00 as sortie from fact_facturation*/
            string tri = "";

            Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource dd = null;
            reportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Fact_modele\\fact_recapfacture.rdlc";
            dd  = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource("FactDataSet");
            tri = "SELECT mouv.numfolio as numecriture, date_format(mouv.datemouvement, '%d.%m.%y') as dateecriture, mouv.idmouvement, mouv.idcompte, mouv.codecompte, mouv.idcomptec, mouv.codecomptec, mouv.libelledetail as libelle, mouv.entree, mouv.sortie, fact.identreprise ";
            if (ck_envoye.Checked)
                tri += " FROM fact_facturation fact INNER JOIN " + Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_mouvement mouv ON mouv.idmouvement = fact.idmouvementenvoye AND fact.identreprise = " + Fmain.identreprisesel + " AND mouv.datesaisie BETWEEN '" + uf.getDateSQL(datedeb.Value) + "' AND '" + uf.getDateSQL(datefin.Value) + "' group by fact.reffacturedeltareal ORDER BY mouv.numfolio desc";
                tri += " FROM fact_paiement fact INNER JOIN " + Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_mouvement mouv ON mouv.idmouvement = fact.idmouvementpaye AND fact.identreprise = " + Fmain.identreprisesel + " AND mouv.datesaisie BETWEEN '" + uf.getDateSQL(datedeb.Value) + "' AND '" + uf.getDateSQL(datefin.Value) + "' group by mouv.numfolio ORDER BY mouv.numfolio desc";

            realvistaDataSetTableAdapters.recapfactureTableAdapter recapfacture = new realvistaDataSetTableAdapters.recapfactureTableAdapter();
            recapfacture.ClearBeforeFill   = true;
            clientBindingSource.DataMember = "recapfacture";
            string txt = " du " + string.Format("{0:dd.MM.yyyy}", datedeb.Value);

            if (datedeb.Value != datefin.Value)
                txt = txt + " au " + string.Format("{0:dd.MM.yyyy}", datefin.Value);
            if (ck_envoye.Checked)
                reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("typereport", "ENVOYEES" + txt));
                reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("typereport", "PAYEES" + txt));
            reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources[0].Value = clientBindingSource;
            recapfacture.Fill(realvistaDataSet.recapfacture, tri);
            if (clientBindingSource.Position == -1)
                uf.message_info("Il n'y a pas de données !");
            this.Top         = this.Owner.Top;
            this.Left        = this.Owner.Left;
            pboutons.Visible = false;
            this.Width       = 1376;
            this.Height      = 846;
            reportViewer1.Visible = true;
            reportViewer1.ZoomMode    = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ZoomMode.Percent;
            reportViewer1.ZoomPercent = 100;