Ejemplo n.º 1
        //This attacks a single XOR APUF with parallelization done on a single run 
        //Note we DO NOT have recovery for this type of attack
        private void xorAttackBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string mainDirectory = "C:\\Users\\Windows\\Desktop\\Kaleel\\PUF Work\\Data64-4XOR";

            string trainDir = mainDirectory + "\\Training";
            string testDir = mainDirectory + "\\Testing";
            int bitNumber = 64;
            int NumPUFX = 3;
            int NumPUFY = 3;
            int numXORs = 4;
            double MeanForAPUF = 0.0;
            double VarianceForAPUF = 1.0;

            //IPUF iPUF = new IPUF(NumPUFX, NumPUFY, bitNumber, MeanForAPUF, VarianceForAPUF);
            XORArbiterPUF xPUF = new XORArbiterPUF(numXORs, bitNumber, MeanForAPUF, VarianceForAPUF);
            DataGeneration.GenerateIPUFDataForKeras(xPUF, AppConstants.TrainingSize, trainDir);
            DataGeneration.GenerateIPUFDataForKeras(xPUF, AppConstants.TestingSize, testDir);
            MessageBox.Show("Data has been generated and saved successfully.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Takes a binary challenge as input, each arbiter PUF converts the response to a phi vector and computes a binary output
        public override sbyte ComputeResponse(sbyte[] phiChallengeForUpperPUFs)
            int resultX = 0; //this will be the output from the XOR operation on all the outputs from the X PUFs

            //sbyte[] phiChallengeForUpperPUFs = DataGeneration.ConvertBinaryChallengeToPhi(binaryChallenge);
            for (int i = 0; i < NumPUFX; i++)
                int currentResult = ArbiterPUFArrayX[i].ComputeResponse(phiChallengeForUpperPUFs);
                resultX = resultX ^ currentResult;
            //create the challenge for the Y PUFs
            sbyte[] binaryChallenge           = DataGeneration.ConvertPhiToBinaryChallenge(phiChallengeForUpperPUFs); //Get the original binary challenge from the input phi
            sbyte[] binaryChallengeSupplement = new sbyte[BitNumber + 1];
            int     bitInsertIndex            = (int)(BitNumber / 2);                                                 //choose the index to insert the extra bit
            int     originalIndexer           = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < binaryChallengeSupplement.Length; i++)
                if (i == bitInsertIndex)
                    binaryChallengeSupplement[i] = (sbyte)resultX;
                    binaryChallengeSupplement[i] = binaryChallenge[originalIndexer];

            //Give the modified challenge to the lower PUFs
            int resultY = 0; //this will be the output from the XOR operation on all the outputs from the Y PUFs

            sbyte[] phiChallengeForLowerPUFs = DataGeneration.ConvertBinaryChallengeToPhi(binaryChallengeSupplement);
            for (int i = 0; i < NumPUFY; i++)
                int currentResult = ArbiterPUFArrayY[i].ComputeResponse(phiChallengeForLowerPUFs);
                resultY = resultY ^ currentResult;
            sbyte finalResult = (sbyte)resultY;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        //Attack different XOR APUFs (same type) in parallel
        //public static void RepeatAttackOnePUFType()
        //    int attackNumber = 40;

        //    double[] currentAccuracies = ClassicalAttackXORAPUFMulti(bitNumber, xorNumber, AppConstants.CoreNumber);

        //int bitNumber = 128;
        //int xorNumber = 4;
        //Runs attack multiple times, each time it is on a DIFFERENT XOR APUF
        public static double[] ClassicalAttackXORAPUFMulti(int bitNumber, int numXOR, int attackRepeatNumber)
            //Generate a PUF
            double aPUFMean      = 0.0;
            double aPUFVar       = 1.0;
            double aPUFMeanNoise = 0.0;
            double aPUFNoiseVar  = 0.0;

            //Create the XOR APUF for parallel runs
            XORArbiterPUF xPUF = new XORArbiterPUF(numXOR, bitNumber, aPUFMean, aPUFVar, aPUFMeanNoise, aPUFNoiseVar);

            XORArbiterPUF[] xArray = new XORArbiterPUF[attackRepeatNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < xArray.Length; i++)
                xArray[i] = new XORArbiterPUF(numXOR, bitNumber, aPUFMean, aPUFVar, aPUFMeanNoise, aPUFNoiseVar);

            sbyte[][] trainingData         = new sbyte[AppConstants.TrainingSize][]; //these will be phi vectors
            sbyte[][] allTrainingResponses = new sbyte[attackRepeatNumber][];        //first index PUF, second index sample

            for (int i = 0; i < attackRepeatNumber; i++)
                allTrainingResponses[i] = new sbyte[AppConstants.TrainingSize];
            Random[] rGenArray = new Random[AppConstants.CoreNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < AppConstants.CoreNumber; i++)
                rGenArray[i] = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); //prevent the random number generators from being the same
            DataGeneration.GenerateTrainingDataParallel(xArray, trainingData, allTrainingResponses, rGenArray);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Data Generation Complete.");

            //create the objective function for parallel runs
            ObjectiveFunctionResponseXOR[] rObjArray = new ObjectiveFunctionResponseXOR[attackRepeatNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < rObjArray.Length; i++)
                rObjArray[i] = new ObjectiveFunctionResponseXOR();
            double[][] solutionList = new double[attackRepeatNumber][];

            Random[] randomGeneratorArray = new Random[attackRepeatNumber];
            for (int r = 0; r < attackRepeatNumber; r++)
                randomGeneratorArray[r] = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); //prevent the random number generators from being the same

            //time to save the invariant data
            //if (AppConstants.IsLargeData == false)
            InvariantData invD      = new InvariantData(trainingData, allTrainingResponses, xArray);
            string        dayString = System.DateTime.Today.ToString();

            dayString = dayString.Replace(@"/", "-");
            dayString = dayString.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
            dayString = dayString.Replace(":", string.Empty);
            string          invariantDataFileName = "InvariantData" + dayString;
            string          fName = AppConstants.SaveDir + invariantDataFileName;
            FileInfo        fi    = new FileInfo(fName);
            Stream          str   = fi.Open(FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
            BinaryFormatter bf    = new BinaryFormatter();

            invD.Serialize(bf, str);

            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Parallel.For(0, attackRepeatNumber, a =>
                Random randomGenerator   = randomGeneratorArray[a];                 //remove the dependences for parallelization
                int dimensionNumber      = (bitNumber + 1) * xArray[a].GetPUFNum(); //the weights of all the XOR APUFs
                sbyte[] trainingResponse = allTrainingResponses[a];
                //Generate the first solution randomly for CMA-ES
                double[] firstSolution = new double[dimensionNumber];
                for (int i = 0; i < firstSolution.Length; i++)
                    firstSolution[i] = randomGenerator.NextDouble();
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Beginning CMA-ES run # " + a.ToString());
                //CMAESCandidate solutionCMAES = CMAESMethods.ComputeCMAES(dimensionNumber, rObjArray[a], trainingData, trainingResponse, firstSolution, randomGenerator);
                CMAESCandidate solutionCMAES = CMAESMethods.ComputeCMAESRecoverable(dimensionNumber, rObjArray[a], trainingData, trainingResponse, firstSolution, randomGenerator, a);
                double solutionVal           = solutionCMAES.GetObjectiveFunctionValue();
                solutionList[a] = solutionCMAES.GetWeightVector(); //store the solution in independent memory
                Console.Out.WriteLine("CMA-ES on core " + a.ToString() + " finished.");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Elapsed Time is " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());

            //measure the accuracy
            Random randomGenerator2 = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            double averageAccuracy  = 0;

            double[] solutionAccuracies = new double[attackRepeatNumber];
            for (int a = 0; a < solutionList.Length; a++)
                sbyte[][] testingData     = new sbyte[AppConstants.TestingSize][]; //these will be phi vectors
                sbyte[]   testingResponse = new sbyte[AppConstants.TestingSize];
                DataGeneration.GenerateTrainingData(xArray[a], testingData, testingResponse, randomGenerator2);
                double accMeasures = rObjArray[0].ObjFunValue(solutionList[a], testingData, testingResponse);
                solutionAccuracies[a] = accMeasures;
                averageAccuracy       = averageAccuracy + accMeasures;
            averageAccuracy = averageAccuracy / (double)attackRepeatNumber;
            Console.Out.WriteLine("The average accuracy for the XOR APUF is " + averageAccuracy.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //Runs the attack on one PUF model, the cores are used to evaluate the CRPs of one model (in parallel) so the method will run as fast as possible
        public static double ClassicalAttackXORAPUFSingle(int bitNumber, int numXOR)
            //Generate a PUF
            double aPUFMean      = 0.0;
            double aPUFVar       = 1.0;
            double aPUFMeanNoise = 0.0;
            double aPUFNoiseVar  = 0.0;

            //Create the XOR APUF
            XORArbiterPUF xPUF = new XORArbiterPUF(numXOR, bitNumber, aPUFMean, aPUFVar, aPUFMeanNoise, aPUFNoiseVar);

            //Arrays for storing the training data
            sbyte[][] trainingData         = new sbyte[AppConstants.TrainingSize][]; //these will be phi vectors
            sbyte[][] allTrainingResponses = new sbyte[1][];                         //first index PUF, second index sample
            allTrainingResponses[0] = new sbyte[AppConstants.TrainingSize];

            Random[] rGenArray = new Random[AppConstants.CoreNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < AppConstants.CoreNumber; i++)
                rGenArray[i] = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); //prevent the random number generators from being the same
            DataGeneration.GenerateTrainingDataParallel(xPUF, trainingData, allTrainingResponses, rGenArray);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Data Generation Complete.");

            //create the objective function for parallel runs
            ObjectiveFunctionResponseXOR rObj = new ObjectiveFunctionResponseXOR();

            //Start the attack run
            var    watch           = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            Random randomGenerator = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);;
            int    dimensionNumber = (bitNumber + 1) * xPUF.GetPUFNum(); //the weights of all the XOR APUFs

            sbyte[] trainingResponse = allTrainingResponses[0];
            //Generate the first solution randomly for CMA-ES
            double[] firstSolution = new double[dimensionNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < firstSolution.Length; i++)
                firstSolution[i] = randomGenerator.NextDouble();
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Beginning CMA-ES");
            //The next line uses maximum parallelism on a single run
            CMAESCandidate solutionCMAES = CMAESMethods.ComputeCMAES(dimensionNumber, rObj, trainingData, trainingResponse, firstSolution, randomGenerator);
            double         solutionVal   = solutionCMAES.GetObjectiveFunctionValue();

            double[] computedSolution = solutionCMAES.GetWeightVector(); //store the solution in independent memory
            Console.Out.WriteLine("CMA-ES finished.");
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Elapsed Time is " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());

            //turn off parallelism
            AppConstants.UseParallelismOnSingleCMAES = false;

            //measure the accuracy
            Random randomGenerator2 = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            sbyte[][] testingData     = new sbyte[AppConstants.TestingSize][]; //these will be phi vectors
            sbyte[]   testingResponse = new sbyte[AppConstants.TestingSize];
            DataGeneration.GenerateTrainingData(xPUF, testingData, testingResponse, randomGenerator2);
            double accMeasure = rObj.ObjFunValue(computedSolution, testingData, testingResponse);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("The accuracy for the XOR APUF is " + accMeasure.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static double[] ClassicalAttackXORAPUFMultiRecovered(int bitNumber, int attackRepeatNumber, InvariantData invData, VariantData[] variantDataArray)
            //Create the XOR APUF for parallel runs
            XORArbiterPUF[] xArray = new XORArbiterPUF[attackRepeatNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < xArray.Length; i++)
                xArray[i] = (XORArbiterPUF)invData.GetPUFatIndex(i);

            sbyte[][] trainingData         = invData.GetTrainingData();        //these will be phi vectors
            sbyte[][] allTrainingResponses = invData.GetTrainingResponseAll(); //first index PUF, second index sample

            //create the objective function for parallel runs
            ObjectiveFunctionResponseXOR[] rObjArray = new ObjectiveFunctionResponseXOR[attackRepeatNumber];
            for (int i = 0; i < rObjArray.Length; i++)
                rObjArray[i] = new ObjectiveFunctionResponseXOR();
            double[][] solutionList = new double[attackRepeatNumber][];

            Random[] randomGeneratorArray = new Random[attackRepeatNumber];
            for (int r = 0; r < attackRepeatNumber; r++)
                randomGeneratorArray[r] = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); //prevent the random number generators from being the same

            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Parallel.For(0, attackRepeatNumber, a =>
                Random randomGenerator   = randomGeneratorArray[a];                 //remove the dependences for parallelization
                int dimensionNumber      = (bitNumber + 1) * xArray[a].GetPUFNum(); //the weights of all the XOR APUFs
                sbyte[] trainingResponse = allTrainingResponses[a];
                //Generate the first solution randomly for CMA-ES
                double[] firstSolution = new double[dimensionNumber];
                for (int i = 0; i < firstSolution.Length; i++)
                    firstSolution[i] = randomGenerator.NextDouble();
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Beginning CMA-ES run # " + a.ToString());
                //CMAESCandidate solutionCMAES = CMAESMethods.ComputeCMAES(dimensionNumber, rObjArray[a], trainingData, trainingResponse, firstSolution, randomGenerator);
                CMAESCandidate solutionCMAES = CMAESMethods.RecoveredCMAES(randomGenerator, a, rObjArray[a], invData, variantDataArray[a]);
                double solutionVal           = solutionCMAES.GetObjectiveFunctionValue();
                solutionList[a] = solutionCMAES.GetWeightVector(); //store the solution in independent memory
                Console.Out.WriteLine("CMA-ES on core " + a.ToString() + " finished.");
                //Console.Out.WriteLine("Final training value is "+solutionVal.ToString());
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Elapsed Time is " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());

            //measure the accuracy
            Random randomGenerator2 = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            double averageAccuracy  = 0;

            double[] solutionAccuracies = new double[attackRepeatNumber];
            for (int a = 0; a < solutionList.Length; a++)
                sbyte[][] testingData     = new sbyte[AppConstants.TestingSize][]; //these will be phi vectors
                sbyte[]   testingResponse = new sbyte[AppConstants.TestingSize];
                DataGeneration.GenerateTrainingData(xArray[a], testingData, testingResponse, randomGenerator2);
                double accMeasures = rObjArray[0].ObjFunValue(solutionList[a], testingData, testingResponse);
                solutionAccuracies[a] = accMeasures;
                averageAccuracy       = averageAccuracy + accMeasures;
            averageAccuracy = averageAccuracy / (double)attackRepeatNumber;
            Console.Out.WriteLine("The average accuracy for the XOR APUF is " + averageAccuracy.ToString());