Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal TypePartialMetaInfo(NamedTypeMetaInfo source, ITypeSymbolProvider analysis, SyntaxModelPair syntaxPair, Func <ISymbol, bool>?memberPredicate, CancellationToken ct)
            var attributeListing = syntaxPair.Syntax.GetAttributes(source.Symbol);

            _attributeLookup = attributeListing.Locations;

            Full       = source;
            Location   = syntaxPair.Syntax.GetLocation();
            Attributes = attributeListing.Lists;
            Members    = GetUnderlyingMembers();

            IReadOnlyList <MemberMetaInfo> GetUnderlyingMembers()
                var members = new List <MemberMetaInfo>();

                foreach (var member in syntaxPair.Syntax.Members)
                    var symbol = syntaxPair.Model.GetDeclaredSymbol(member, ct);
                    // Filter out null symbols and symbols that are not enlisted for interest
                    if (symbol is null || !(memberPredicate?.Invoke(symbol) ?? true))
                    // We don't support partial method, so we ignore symbols that are not impl.
                    // In future versions when we have use cases that can benefit from partial, then we should consider adding Attributes to the DefinitionPart
                    // Adding to the commented "DeclaringAttribute" part
                    if (symbol is IMethodSymbol method && method.PartialImplementationPart != null && method.PartialDefinitionPart is null && member.Modifiers.Any(SyntaxKind.PartialKeyword))
                    members.Add(new MemberMetaInfo(this, member, analysis, symbol));
        private NamedTypeMetaInfo(NamedTypeMetaInfo source, INamedTypeSymbol newSymbol)
            _analysis = source._analysis;

            Symbol        = newSymbol;
            IsPartial     = source.IsPartial;
            FirstLocation = source.FirstLocation;
            Attributes    = source.Attributes;

            Declarations = source.Declarations.Select(x => new TypePartialMetaInfo(this, x, newSymbol)).ToList();
            Members      = Declarations.SelectMany(x => x.Members).ToList();

            GenericDefinition = source;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal TypePartialMetaInfo(NamedTypeMetaInfo parent, TypePartialMetaInfo source, INamedTypeSymbol newSymbol)
            if (!newSymbol.ConstructedFrom.Equals(source.Full.Symbol, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default))
                throw new ArgumentException($"New symbol '{newSymbol}' is not a construction of the generic definition from the source symbol '{source.Full.Symbol}'", nameof(newSymbol));
            var memberLookup = newSymbol.GetMembers().ToDictionary(x => x.OriginalDefinition, x => x, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default);

            _attributeLookup = source._attributeLookup;

            Full       = parent;
            Location   = source.Location;
            Attributes = source.Attributes;
            Members    = source.Members.Select(x => new MemberMetaInfo(this, x, memberLookup[x.Symbol])).ToList();
 public bool Equals(NamedTypeMetaInfo other) => other.Symbol.Equals(Symbol, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default);