Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets hypotenuse from a known side and the angle adjacent to that side.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="side">Length of the known side.</param>
 /// <param name="angleAdjacentToSide">The angle adjacent to the known side in degrees.</param>
 public static decimal GetHypFromSideAdjAngle(decimal side, decimal angleAdjacentToSide)
     // cos(a) = s / h
     // h * cos(a) = s
     // h = s / cos(a)
     return(side / DecimalEx.Cos(DecimalEx.ToRad(angleAdjacentToSide)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Y values for which the equation of the circle yields the given X.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The X value.</param>
        public         decimal[] SolveForY(ref decimal x)
            // Alternative calculations. May be faster/more accurate, but need to be tested.
            //Dim absDiff = Math.Abs(x - _center.X)
            //Select Case absDiff
            //    Case Is > _radius
            //        Return New Decimal() {}
            //    Case _radius
            //        Return New Decimal() {_center.Y}
            //    Case 0
            //        Return New Decimal() {_center.Y + _radius, _center.Y - _radius}
            //    Case Else
            //        Dim height = RightTriangle.GetSideFromSideHyp(absDiff, _radius)
            //        Return New Decimal() {_center.Y + height, _center.Y - height}
            //End Select

            decimal aCoeff = 0m;
            decimal bCoeff = 0m;
            decimal cCoeff = 0m;

            // Solve for y
            //  (x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2
            // simplifies to
            //  y^2 - 2 * k * y + k^2 + (x - h)^2 - r^2 = 0

            aCoeff = 1;
            bCoeff = -2 * _center.Y;
            cCoeff = _center.Y * _center.Y + (x - _center.X) * (x - _center.X) - _radius * _radius;

            return(DecimalEx.SolveQuadratic(aCoeff, bCoeff, cCoeff));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public decimal DistanceTo(decimal x, decimal y)
            var xDist = this.X - x;
            var yDist = this.Y - y;

            return(DecimalEx.Sqrt(xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the angle in degrees for a ray that extends from the center
        /// of the circle through the given point. An exception will occur,
        /// however, if the point specified is the same point as the center
        /// of the circle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">The point.</param>
        public decimal AngleThroughPoint(Point2D pt)
            decimal a = 0m;

            // Shift point so it's relative to the origin.
            pt += new Vector2D(-Center.X, -Center.Y);

            // Do check here after we've translated the point
            // to account for small precision rounding.
            if (pt == Point2D.Origin)
                throw new Exception("No angle through given point since point is at center of circle!");

            // Special case for 0 and 180 where we would get
            // a divide by zero below.
            if (pt.Y == 0)
                if (pt.X > 0)

            // Special case for 90 and 270 where we can't
            // determine quadrant below.
            if (pt.X == 0)
                if (pt.Y > 0)

            a = DecimalEx.ToDeg(DecimalEx.ATan(pt.X / pt.Y));
            switch (pt.Quadrant)
            case 1:
            case 2:
                a = 90 - a;

            case 3:
            case 4:
                a = 270 - a;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the angle in degrees between this vector and another.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The other vector to get the angle to.</param>
        /// <remarks>See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product</remarks>
        public decimal AngleTo(Vector2D other)
            if (this.IsNull || other.IsNull)
                throw new Exception("Can't find angle when one or both vectors are null vectors!");

            // Cos(theta) = DotProduct(v1,v2) / (length(v1) * length(v2))
            // aka theta = acos(v.normalize.dot(other.normalize)), however, the equation
            //   used gives us better precision
            return(DecimalEx.ToDeg(DecimalEx.ACos(this.Dot(other) / (this.Magnitude * other.Magnitude))));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a side from a known side and the hypotenuse.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="side">Length of the known side.</param>
        /// <param name="hypotenuse">Length of the hypotenuse.</param>
        public static decimal GetSideFromSideHyp(decimal side, decimal hypotenuse)
            // a^2 + b^2 = c^2
            // a^2 = c^2 - b^2
            // a = sqrt(c^2 - b^2)
            decimal sideSquared = hypotenuse * hypotenuse - side * side;

            if (sideSquared < 0)
                throw new Exception("Error finding side from other side and hypotenuse! Side and hypotenuse swapped or invalid right triangle.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether or not the given angle lies on the arc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="angle">The angle in question.</param>
        public bool IsAngleOnArc(decimal angle)
            angle = DecimalEx.NormalizeAngleDeg(angle);

            if (_startAngle <= _endAngle)
                return((_startAngle <= angle) && (angle <= _endAngle));
                return((angle > _startAngle) || (angle < _endAngle));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the X values for which the equation of the circle yields the given Y.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="y">The Y value.</param>
        public         decimal[] SolveForX(decimal y)
            decimal aCoeff = 0m;
            decimal bCoeff = 0m;
            decimal cCoeff = 0m;

            // Solve for x
            //  (x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2
            // simplifies to
            //  x^2 - 2 * h * x + h^2 + (y - k)^2 - r^2 = 0

            aCoeff = 1;
            bCoeff = -2 * _center.X;
            cCoeff = _center.X * _center.X + (y - _center.Y) * (y - _center.Y) - _radius * _radius;

            return(DecimalEx.SolveQuadratic(aCoeff, bCoeff, cCoeff));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a line segment of length 1 starting at the point on the circle
        /// and extending either clockwise or counterclockwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="degrees">An angle.</param>
        public LineSeg2D TangentAt(decimal degrees, decimal length, bool clockwise)
            var       r   = RightTriangleAbstract.FromTwoSides(_radius, length);
            decimal   rad = DecimalEx.ToRad(degrees + r.AngleA);
            LineSeg2D ret = default(LineSeg2D);

            Debug.Assert(r.AngleA == RightTriangle.GetAngleFromSides(length, _radius));
            Debug.Assert(r.Hypotenuse == RightTriangle.GetHypFromSides(length, _radius));

            ret.Pt1 = PointAt(degrees);
            if (!clockwise)
                ret.Pt2 = new Point2D(_center.X + r.Hypotenuse * DecimalEx.Cos(rad), _center.Y + r.Hypotenuse * DecimalEx.Sin(rad));
                ret.Pt2 = new Point2D(ret.Pt1.X - (_center.X + r.Hypotenuse * DecimalEx.Cos(rad) - ret.Pt1.X), ret.Pt1.Y - (_center.Y + r.Hypotenuse * DecimalEx.Sin(rad) - ret.Pt1.Y));

Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a side from the opposite angle and the length of the hypotenuse.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oppositeAngle">Angle opposite to the side to calculate in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="hypotenuse">Length of the hypotenuse.</param>
 public static decimal GetSideFromOppAngleHyp(decimal oppositeAngle, decimal hypotenuse)
     // sin(oppositeAngle) = x / hypotenuse
     // x = hypotenuse * sin(oppositeAngle)
     return(hypotenuse * Convert.ToDecimal(DecimalEx.Sin(DecimalEx.ToRad(oppositeAngle))));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets angle in degrees from the opposite side and the hypotenuse.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oppositeSide">Length of the known side opposite the angle.</param>
 /// <param name="hypotenuse">Length of the hypotenuse.</param>
 public static decimal GetAngleFromOppSideHyp(decimal oppositeSide, decimal hypotenuse)
     // sin(a) = oppositeSide / hypotenuse
     // a = asin(oppositeSide / hypotenuse)
     return(DecimalEx.ToDeg(DecimalEx.ASin(oppositeSide / hypotenuse)));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the angle of the vector in degrees from the X+ axis. Will return result in the range
 /// -180 to +180. Will return 0 for null vector.
 /// </summary>
 public decimal Angle()
     return(DecimalEx.ToDeg(DecimalEx.ATan2(Y, X)));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets angle in degrees from the adjacent side and the hypotenuse.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adjacentSide">Length of the known side adjacent to the angle.</param>
 /// <param name="hypotenuse">Length of the hypotenuse.</param>
 public static decimal GetAngleFromAdjSideHyp(decimal adjacentSide, decimal hypotenuse)
     // cos(a) = adjacentSide / hypotenuse
     // a = acos(adjacentSide / hypotenuse)
     return(DecimalEx.ToDeg(DecimalEx.ACos(adjacentSide / hypotenuse)));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the points of intersection between this circle and the line which
        /// contains the given line segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="l">Line segment used to determine line equation.</param>
        public Point2D[] GetIntersectFast(ref LineSeg2D l)
            decimal[] x      = new decimal[2];
            decimal   m      = 0m;
            decimal   b      = 0m;
            decimal   aCoeff = 0m;
            decimal   bCoeff = 0m;
            decimal   cCoeff = 0m;
            decimal   lineX  = 0m;
            decimal   t      = 0m;
            decimal   p      = 0m;
            decimal   q      = 0m;

            Point2D[] pts = null;

            if (!l.IsVertical)
                // Circle    (x - h) ^ 2 + (y - k) ^ 2 = r ^ 2
                //   Center: (h, k)
                //   Radius: r
                // Line      y = m * x + b

                // (x - h) ^ 2 + (m * x + b - k) ^ 2 = r ^ 2
                // (x - h) * (x - h) + (m * x + b - k) * (m * x + b - k) = r^2
                // (x^2 - 2 * h * x + h^2) + (m^2 * x^2 + 2 * (b - k) * m * x + (b - k)^2 = r^2
                // (m^2 + 1) * x^2 + (2 * (b - k) * m - 2 * h) * x + (h^2 + (b - k)^2 - r^2) = 0

                m = l.Slope;
                b = l.YIntersect;

                aCoeff = DecimalEx.Pow(m, 2) + 1;
                bCoeff = 2 * (b - _center.Y) * m - 2 * _center.X;
                cCoeff = DecimalEx.Pow(_center.X, 2) + DecimalEx.Pow(b - _center.Y, 2) - DecimalEx.Pow(_radius, 2);

                x = DecimalEx.SolveQuadratic(aCoeff, bCoeff, cCoeff);

                if (x.Length == 0)
                    return new Point2D[] { }

                pts = new Point2D[x.Length];

                for (var i = 0; i <= x.Length - 1; i++)
                    pts[i] = new Point2D(x[i], m * x[i] + b);
                // Circle    (x - h) ^ 2 + (y - k) ^ 2 = r ^ 2
                //   Center: (h, k)
                //   Radius: r
                // Line      x = lineX

                // Got the following from
                //  http://www.sonoma.edu/users/w/wilsonst/Papers/Geometry/circles/T1--2/T1-3-2.html
                //  http://www.sonoma.edu/users/w/wilsonst/Papers/Geometry/circles/default.html

                lineX = l.Pt1.X;
                t     = _radius * _radius - (lineX - _center.X) * (lineX - _center.X);

                if (t < 0)
                    return(new Point2D[] { });
                    p = _center.Y + DecimalEx.Sqrt(t);
                    q = _center.Y - DecimalEx.Sqrt(t);

                    pts    = new Point2D[1];
                    pts[0] = new Point2D(lineX, p);

                    // NOTE that P=Q when t=0
                    if (p != q)
                        Array.Resize(ref pts, 2);
                        pts[1] = new Point2D(lineX, q);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the points of intersection between this circle and the line which
        /// contains the given line segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="l">Line segment used to determine line equation.</param>
        /// <param name="decimals">Determines rounding that should be performed when determining
        /// if line intersection happens on zero, one, or two points. Default is -1 for
        /// no rounding.</param>
        public Point2D[] GetIntersect(LineSeg2D l, int decimals = -1)
            LineSeg2D centToLine              = default(LineSeg2D);
            decimal   centToLineLength        = 0m;
            decimal   centToLineLengthForComp = 0m;
            decimal   radiusForComp           = 0m;

            if (l.IsHorizontal)
                // The center to any horizontal line is a vertical line through
                // the center of the circle.
                centToLine = new LineSeg2D(this.Center, this.Center + new Vector2D(0, 1));
                centToLine = LineSeg2D.FromPointSlope(this.Center, l.PerpendicularSlope);
            centToLine.Pt2   = l.GetIntersect(centToLine, true).Value;
            centToLineLength = centToLine.Length;

            // Get numbers for comparison, rounding if necessary
            centToLineLengthForComp = centToLineLength;
            radiusForComp           = _radius;
            if (decimals >= 0)
                centToLineLengthForComp = centToLineLengthForComp.RoundFromZero(decimals);
                radiusForComp           = radiusForComp.RoundFromZero(decimals);

            // See if line is outside of circle
            if (centToLineLengthForComp > radiusForComp)
                return(new Point2D[] { });

            // See if line is tangent to circle
            if (centToLineLengthForComp == radiusForComp)
                return(new Point2D[] { centToLine.Pt2 });

            // Line must intersect in two places
            Vector2D vCentToChord = default(Vector2D);
            decimal  halfChord    = 0m;

            // Get a vector from the center to the intersecting chord
            vCentToChord = centToLine.GetVectorP1toP2();

            if (vCentToChord.Magnitude == 0)
                Vector2D offsetVector = default(Vector2D);

                // Line goes through circle center

                if (l.IsVertical)
                    // Slope undefined so just go up the length of the radius
                    offsetVector = new Vector2D(0, _radius);
                    offsetVector = new Vector2D(_radius * DecimalEx.Cos(DecimalEx.ATan(l.Slope)), _radius * DecimalEx.Sin(DecimalEx.ATan(l.Slope)));

                return(new Point2D[] {
                    this.Center + offsetVector,
                    this.Center - offsetVector
                Vector2D vChord = default(Vector2D);

                // Get a vector along the chord
                vChord = vCentToChord.GetPerpendicular();

                // Determine the length of half the chord
                halfChord = RightTriangle.GetSideFromSideHyp(centToLineLength, _radius);

                // Set the magnitude of the vector along the chord
                // to be half the chord length
                vChord.Magnitude = halfChord;

                // The two intersecting points are points translated
                // from the center of the circle to the chord (+vCentToChord)
                // and then translated to the ends of the chord (+-vChord)
                return(new Point2D[] {
                    this.Center + vCentToChord + vChord,
                    this.Center + vCentToChord - vChord
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the hypotenuse from the two other sides.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sideA">Length of one side.</param>
 /// <param name="sideB">Length of other side.</param>
 public static decimal GetHypFromSides(decimal sideA, decimal sideB)
     // a^2 + b^2 = c^2
     // c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
     return(DecimalEx.Sqrt(sideA * sideA + sideB * sideB));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the radius of a circle given a chord length and the chord's sagitta.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chordLength">Length of the chord.</param>
 /// <param name="sagitta">Sagitta.</param>
 /// <remarks> http://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=2069646&postcount=2 </remarks>
 public static decimal GetRadiusFromChordLengthSagitta(decimal chordLength, decimal sagitta)
     return((DecimalEx.Pow(sagitta, 2) + 0.25m * DecimalEx.Pow(chordLength, 2)) / (2 * sagitta));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets hypotenuse from a known side and the angle opposite to it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="side">Length of the known side.</param>
 /// <param name="angleOppositeToSide">Angle opposite to the known side in degrees.</param>
 public static decimal GetHypFromSideOppAngle(decimal side, decimal angleOppositeToSide)
     // sin(a) = s / h
     // h = s / sin(a)
     return(side / DecimalEx.Sin(DecimalEx.ToRad(angleOppositeToSide)));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the coordinates of the point on the circle at the given angle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="degrees">The angle in degrees.</param>
        public Point2D PointAt(decimal degrees)
            decimal rad = DecimalEx.ToRad(degrees);

            return(new Point2D(_center.X + _radius * DecimalEx.Cos(rad), _center.Y + _radius * DecimalEx.Sin(rad)));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets angle in degrees from the two known sides.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oppositeSide">Length of the known side opposite the angle.</param>
 /// <param name="adjacentSide">Length of the known side adjacent to the angle.</param>
 public static decimal GetAngleFromSides(decimal oppositeSide, decimal adjacentSide)
     // tan(a) = opposideSide / adjacentSide
     // a = atan(opposideSide / adjacentSide)
     return(DecimalEx.ToDeg(DecimalEx.ATan(oppositeSide / adjacentSide)));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the points of intersection between this circle and another circle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The other circle.</param>
        /// <param name="decimals">Determines rounding that should be performed when determining
        /// if line intersection happens on zero, one, or two points. Default is -1 for
        /// no rounding.</param>
        /// <param name="impreciseResult">Which value to return for an imprecise result,
        /// i.e. tangency determined by rounding. If positive, returns the point on the larger circle. If
        /// negative, returns the point on the smaller circle. If 0, returns the midpoint between these
        /// two points.</param>
        public Point2D[] GetIntersect(Circle2D other, int decimals = -1, int impreciseResult = 0)
            Vector2D meToOtherVector = default(Vector2D);

            meToOtherVector = this.Center.GetVectorTo(other.Center);

            if (decimals >= 0)
                // The only intersection decision that can be made to a given precision is whether
                // the two circles are tangent to each other, either internally or externally.

                if (this.IsTangentTo(other, decimals))
                    // If the smaller circle is inside the other, then the smaller is
                    // considered internally tangent to the larger.

                    if ((this.Radius < other.Radius && this.IsInside(other, decimals)) || (other.Radius < this.Radius && other.IsInside(this, decimals)))
                        // Internal tangent

                        Point2D pointOnLargeCircle = default(Point2D);
                        Point2D pointOnSmallCircle = default(Point2D);

                        // Vectors to the two tangent points are both pointing in the same
                        // direction--from the center of the larger circle towards the
                        // center of the smaller circle. Their magnitude is the same as the
                        // radius of the circle whose center they start from.

                        if (this.Radius > other.Radius)
                            // Go from center of larger circle, Me, to smaller circle, other.
                            pointOnLargeCircle = this.Center + new Vector2D(meToOtherVector, this.Radius);
                            pointOnSmallCircle = other.Center + new Vector2D(meToOtherVector, other.Radius);
                            // Go from center of larger circle, other, to smaller circle, Me.
                            pointOnLargeCircle = other.Center - new Vector2D(meToOtherVector, other.Radius);
                            pointOnSmallCircle = this.Center - new Vector2D(meToOtherVector, this.Radius);

                        if (impreciseResult > 0)
                            // Point on larger
                            return(new Point2D[] { pointOnLargeCircle });
                        else if (impreciseResult < 0)
                            // Point on smaller
                            return(new Point2D[] { pointOnSmallCircle });
                            // Split difference
                            LineSeg2D l = new LineSeg2D(pointOnLargeCircle, pointOnSmallCircle);
                            return(new Point2D[] { l.MidPoint });
                        // External tangent

                        Point2D pointOnMe    = default(Point2D);
                        Point2D pointOnOther = default(Point2D);

                        // Vectors to the two tangent points are simply pointing at the other
                        // circle's center with a magnitude of the radius of the circle whose
                        // center it originates in.
                        pointOnMe    = this.Center + new Vector2D(meToOtherVector, this.Radius);
                        pointOnOther = other.Center - new Vector2D(meToOtherVector, other.Radius);

                        if (impreciseResult > 0)
                            // Point on larger
                            return(new Point2D[] { (this.Radius > other.Radius ? pointOnMe : pointOnOther) });
                        else if (impreciseResult < 0)
                            // Point on smaller
                            return(new Point2D[] { (this.Radius < other.Radius ? pointOnMe : pointOnOther) });
                            if (pointOnMe == pointOnOther)
                                return(new Point2D[] { pointOnMe });
                                // Split difference
                                return(new Point2D[] { new LineSeg2D(pointOnMe, pointOnOther).MidPoint });

            // Detect situations where two points touch
            decimal  a                 = 0m;
            decimal  h                 = 0m;
            decimal  r2mina2           = 0m;
            Vector2D vToIntersectMidPt = default(Vector2D);
            Vector2D vToIntersect1     = default(Vector2D);

            // The following two equations are from:
            //   http://paulbourke.net/geometry/2circle/
            a = (DecimalEx.Pow(meToOtherVector.Magnitude, 2) - DecimalEx.Pow(other.Radius, 2) + DecimalEx.Pow(this.Radius, 2)) / (2 * meToOtherVector.Magnitude);

            r2mina2 = DecimalEx.Pow(this.Radius, 2) - DecimalEx.Pow(a, 2);

            // No intersection points -- one circle is inside or outside the other
            if (r2mina2 < 0)
                return new Point2D[] { }

            vToIntersectMidPt           = new Vector2D(this.Center, other.Center);
            vToIntersectMidPt.Magnitude = a;

            if (r2mina2 == 0)
                // Only one intersection point
                return(new Point2D[] { this.Center + vToIntersectMidPt });

            h                       = DecimalEx.Sqrt(r2mina2);
            vToIntersect1           = vToIntersectMidPt.GetPerpendicular();
            vToIntersect1.Magnitude = h;

            return(new Point2D[] {
                this.Center + vToIntersectMidPt + vToIntersect1,
                this.Center + vToIntersectMidPt - vToIntersect1
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a side from the adjacent angle and the length of the hypotenuse.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adjacentAngle">Angle adjacent to the side to calculate in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="hypotenuse">Length of the hypotenuse.</param>
 public static decimal GetSideFromAdjAngleHyp(decimal adjacentAngle, decimal hypotenuse)
     // cos(adjacentAngle) = x / hypotenuse
     // x = hypotenuse * cos(adjacentAngle)
     return(hypotenuse * Convert.ToDecimal(DecimalEx.Cos(DecimalEx.ToRad(adjacentAngle))));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a side from the opposite angle and the length of the opposite side.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oppositeAngle">Angle opposite the side to calculate in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="oppositeSide">Length of the opposite side.</param>
 public static decimal GetSideFromOppAngleOppSide(decimal oppositeAngle, decimal oppositeSide)
     // tan(oppositeAngle) = x / oppositeSide
     // x = oppositeSide * tan(oppositeAngle)
     return(oppositeSide * Convert.ToDecimal(DecimalEx.Tan(DecimalEx.ToRad(oppositeAngle))));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a side from the adjacent angle and the length of the opposite side.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adjacentAngle">Angle adjacent to the side to calculate in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="oppositeSide">Length of the opposite side.</param>
 public static decimal GetSideFromAdjAngleOppSide(decimal adjacentAngle, decimal oppositeSide)
     // tan(adjacentAngle) = oppositeSide / x
     // x = oppositeSide / tan(adjacentAngle)
     return(oppositeSide / Convert.ToDecimal(DecimalEx.Tan(DecimalEx.ToRad(adjacentAngle))));