Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to inject the prop
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Span context to propagate</param>
        /// <param name="message">The duck-typed Kafka Message object</param>
        /// <typeparam name="TTopicPartitionMarker">The TopicPartition type (used  optimisation purposes)</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TMessage">The type of the duck-type proxy</typeparam>
        internal static void TryInjectHeaders <TTopicPartitionMarker, TMessage>(SpanContext context, TMessage message)
            where TMessage : IMessage
            if (!_headersInjectionEnabled)

                if (message.Headers is null)
                    message.Headers = CachedMessageHeadersHelper <TTopicPartitionMarker> .CreateHeaders();

                var adapter = new KafkaHeadersCollectionAdapter(message.Headers);

                SpanContextPropagator.Instance.Inject(context, adapter);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // don't keep trying if we run into problems
                _headersInjectionEnabled = false;
                Log.Warning(ex, "There was a problem injecting headers into the Kafka record. Disabling Headers injection");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static Scope CreateConsumerScope(
            Tracer tracer,
            string topic,
            IMessage message)
            Scope scope = null;

                if (!tracer.Settings.IsIntegrationEnabled(KafkaConstants.IntegrationId))
                    // integration disabled, don't create a scope/span, skip this trace

                var parent = tracer.ActiveScope?.Span;
                if (parent is not null &&
                    parent.OperationName == KafkaConstants.ConsumeOperationName &&
                    parent.GetTag(Tags.InstrumentationName) != null)

                SpanContext propagatedContext = null;
                // Try to extract propagated context from headers
                if (message is not null && message.Headers is not null)
                    var headers = new KafkaHeadersCollectionAdapter(message.Headers);

                        propagatedContext = SpanContextPropagator.Instance.Extract(headers);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Error(ex, "Error extracting propagated headers from Kafka message");

                string serviceName = tracer.Settings.GetServiceName(tracer, KafkaConstants.ServiceName);

                var tags = new KafkaTags(SpanKinds.Consumer);

                scope = tracer.StartActiveInternal(KafkaConstants.ConsumeOperationName, parent: propagatedContext, tags: tags, serviceName: serviceName);

                string resourceName = $"Consume Topic {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic) ? "kafka" : topic)}";

                var span = scope.Span;
                span.Type         = SpanTypes.Queue;
                span.ResourceName = resourceName;

                if (partition is not null)
                    tags.Partition = partition.ToString();

                if (offset is not null)
                    tags.Offset = offset.ToString();

                if (message is not null && message.Timestamp.Type != 0)
                    var consumeTime = span.StartTime.UtcDateTime;
                    var produceTime = message.Timestamp.UtcDateTime;
                    tags.MessageQueueTimeMs = Math.Max(0, (consumeTime - produceTime).TotalMilliseconds);

                if (message is not null && message.Value is null)
                    tags.Tombstone = "true";

                // Consumer spans should always be measured
                span.SetTag(Tags.Measured, "1");

                tags.SetAnalyticsSampleRate(KafkaConstants.IntegrationId, tracer.Settings, enabledWithGlobalSetting: false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, "Error creating or populating scope.");
