Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task ProcessRequestUser(uint requestId)
            // this method simulates user code of processing a service request.

            // Construct a moniker for displaying:
            const string Indent         = "    ";
            string       requestMoniker = $"{Indent}[requestTraceId={requestId}]";

            for (int i = 0; i < requestId; i++)
                requestMoniker = Indent + requestMoniker;

            // Simulate work with several async transitions like one would expect for I/O/
            for (int i = 100; i < 110; i++)
                // This simulates either manual or automatic tracing. I.e., a sub-span is created.
                MockSpan prevSpan = _currentSpan.Value;
                _currentSpan.Value = new MockSpan(prevSpan.TraceId, (ulong)i);

                    Console.WriteLine($"\n{requestMoniker} [i={i}]"
                                      + $" asLoc=\"{_currentSpan.Value}\";"
                                      // + $" ThrdInfo.State=\"{CurrentThreadInfo.CurrentState}\";"
                                      // + $" ThrdInfo.IsInit={CurrentThreadInfo.IsInitialized};"
                                      + $" Before Delay: ThreadId={Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}.");

                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));

                    Console.WriteLine($"\n{requestMoniker} [i={i}]"
                                      + $" asLoc=\"{_currentSpan.Value}\";"
                                      // + $" ThrdInfo.State=\"{CurrentThreadInfo.CurrentState}\";"
                                      // + $" ThrdInfo.IsInit={CurrentThreadInfo.IsInitialized};"
                                      + $" After Delay: ThreadId={Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}.");
                    _currentSpan.Value = prevSpan;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task ProcessRequestSystem(uint requestId)
            // This method simulates stuff in the app server..

            ulong    traceId  = requestId; // In reality, obtain traceId from propagated context.
            MockSpan rootSpan = new MockSpan(traceId, 0);

            MockSpan prevSpanInfo = _currentSpan.Value;

            _currentSpan.Value = rootSpan;

                await ProcessRequestUser(requestId);
                _currentSpan.Value = prevSpanInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Ths callback is invoked by AsyncLocal each time the values changed for an underlying physical managed tread.
        /// The tracer must use a collback timilar to this.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="changeInfo"></param>
        private static void OnAsyncLocalValueChanged(AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs <MockSpan> changeInfo)
            MockSpan currenActiveSpan = changeInfo.CurrentValue;

            Console.WriteLine($"\n* AsyncLocalValueChanged."
                              + $" PrevVal=\"{changeInfo.PreviousValue}\","
                              + $" CurrVal=\"{currenActiveSpan}\","
                              + $" CtxChange={changeInfo.ThreadContextChanged},"
                              + $" ThreadId={Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}.");

            if (TraceContextTrackerFactory.SingletonInstance.TryGetOrCreateTraceContextTrackerForCurrentThread(out TraceContextTracker tracker))
                if (currenActiveSpan != null)
                    tracker.TrySetTraceContextInfoForCurrentThread(SpanInfo.ForSpan(currenActiveSpan.TraceId, currenActiveSpan.SpanId));