Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Test()
            using (TerembeosztoEntitasok ctx = new TerembeosztoEntitasok())
                var terem = new Terem();
                terem.Nev             = "V2.637";
                terem.Gepek_szama     = 20;
                terem.Ulohelyek_szama = 25;

        public void Test()
            using (TerembeosztoEntitasok ctx = new TerembeosztoEntitasok())
            var terem = new Terem();
            terem.Nev = "V2.637";
            terem.Gepek_szama = 20;
            terem.Ulohelyek_szama = 25;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient();

              using (TerembeosztoEntitasok context = new TerembeosztoEntitasok())
            Hallgato h = client.GetHallgato();
            h.Nev = "Gipsz Jakab";
            h.Neptun = "ABC123";


              Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to terminate client.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestImport()
            String path      = @"C:\worksheet.xlsx";
            String name      = "név";
            String neptun    = "neptun kód";
            int?   nameCol   = null;
            int?   neptunCol = null;

            // open an Excel application
            Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application();
            excelApp.Visible = false;

            // open the workbook in read-only mode
            Excel.Workbook  workbook  = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(path, Type.Missing, true);
            Excel.Worksheet worksheet = excelApp.ActiveSheet;

            Excel.Range usedRange = worksheet.UsedRange;

            // scan through the first row to get the column indices
            for (int j = 1; j <= worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; j++)
                Excel.Range cell = usedRange.Cells[1, j];
                if (cell.Value != null)
                    String cellValue = cell.Value.ToString();

                    if (cellValue.ToLower() == name.ToLower())
                        nameCol = j;

                    if (cellValue.ToLower() == neptun.ToLower())
                        neptunCol = j;

            // throw exception if a required a column does not exist
            if (nameCol == null || neptunCol == null)
                throw new Exception("Nem találhatók a szükséges oszlopok.");

            using (TerembeosztoEntitasok ctx = new TerembeosztoEntitasok())
                // scan through the rows from the second row
                for (int i = 2; i <= usedRange.Rows.Count; i++)
                    String aktNev    = usedRange.Cells[i, nameCol].Value.ToString();
                    String aktNeptun = usedRange.Cells[i, neptunCol].Value.ToString();

                    Hallgato hallgato = new Hallgato();
                    hallgato.Felev   = "";
                    hallgato.Nev     = aktNev;
                    hallgato.Neptun  = aktNeptun;
                    hallgato.Kurzus  = null;
                    hallgato.Csoport = null;


                    Console.WriteLine("#" + (i - 1));
                    Console.WriteLine("    név:    " + aktNev);
                    Console.WriteLine("    neptun: " + aktNeptun);

        public void TestImport()
            String path = @"C:\worksheet.xlsx";
              String name = "név";
              String neptun = "neptun kód";
              int? nameCol = null;
              int? neptunCol = null;

              // open an Excel application
              Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application();
              excelApp.Visible = false;

              // open the workbook in read-only mode
              Excel.Workbook workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(path, Type.Missing, true);
              Excel.Worksheet worksheet = excelApp.ActiveSheet;

              Excel.Range usedRange = worksheet.UsedRange;

              // scan through the first row to get the column indices
              for (int j = 1; j <= worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; j++)
            Excel.Range cell = usedRange.Cells[1, j];
            if (cell.Value != null)
              String cellValue = cell.Value.ToString();

              if (cellValue.ToLower() == name.ToLower())
            nameCol = j;

              if (cellValue.ToLower() == neptun.ToLower())
            neptunCol = j;

              // throw exception if a required a column does not exist
              if (nameCol == null || neptunCol == null)
            throw new Exception("Nem találhatók a szükséges oszlopok.");

              using (TerembeosztoEntitasok ctx = new TerembeosztoEntitasok())

            // scan through the rows from the second row
            for (int i = 2; i <= usedRange.Rows.Count; i++)
              String aktNev = usedRange.Cells[i, nameCol].Value.ToString();
              String aktNeptun = usedRange.Cells[i, neptunCol].Value.ToString();

              Hallgato hallgato = new Hallgato();
              hallgato.Felev = "";
              hallgato.Nev = aktNev;
              hallgato.Neptun = aktNeptun;
              hallgato.Kurzus = null;
              hallgato.Csoport = null;


              Console.WriteLine("#" + (i - 1));
              Console.WriteLine("    név:    " + aktNev);
              Console.WriteLine("    neptun: " + aktNeptun);
