Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Adds and drops classes from 'Curr_Stud'
        private void add_drop_btn(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Button pressed = (Button)sender;

            //if button is for dropping classes
            if (pressed.Name == "drop_btn")
                List <Classes> drop = Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Registered;

                foreach (var course in drop)
                    if (course.IsChecked == true)
                        string url = "http://cs1/whitnetacess/runSQLMSSQL.php?switchcontrol=6&id=" + Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.ID;
                        url += "&dept=" + course.Department + "&class_num=" + course.Class_number + "&sect=" + course.Section;

                        using (var wc = new WebClient())
                            var result = wc.DownloadString(url);

                            if (result != "Complete")
                                MessageBox.Show("*****ERROR***** \nFailed to drop: " + course.Name);

                //Reload page with new info
                tabControl.SelectedIndex = 1;
                tabControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
            //if button is for adding classes
            if (pressed.Name == "add_btn")
                //Add classes to student's registered classes
                foreach (var course in Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_search)
                    if (course.IsChecked == true) //Update to not allow them to register past 18 credits~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                        course.IsChecked = false;
                        string url = "http://cs1/whitnetacess/runSQLMSSQL.php?switchcontrol=4&id=" + Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.ID + "&dept=" + course.Department;
                        url += "&class_num=" + course.Class_number + "&sect=" + course.Section;

                        using (var wc = new WebClient())
                            var output = wc.DownloadString(url);

                            //check for successful insertion
                            if (output == "Credit limit reached")
                                MessageBox.Show("*****WARNING***** \nYou are already registered for more than 17 credits. Please see your advisor to take more.");
                            else if (output == "Already Registered")
                                MessageBox.Show("You are already registered for another section of: " + course.Name);
                            else if (output != "Complete")
                                MessageBox.Show("*****ERROR***** \nFailed to register for course: " + course.Name);

                //Resets checkboxes in search tab
                Button update = seach_classes_btn;
                update.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(Button.ClickEvent));

                tabControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Detects when tabs change and updates items in selected tab
        private void tabControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            TabControl item     = sender as TabControl;
            TabItem    selected = item.SelectedItem as TabItem;

            //updates 'registered classes' tab
            if ("update_reg_class" == selected.Name)
                //Generate query link to get courses we are in
                string url = "http://cs1/whitnetacess/runSQLMSSQL.php?switchcontrol=5&id=" + Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.ID;

                //create object for each course
                List <Classes> registered = new List <Classes>();
                int            num_class  = 0;
                int            num_cred   = 0;

                using (var wc = new WebClient())
                    var json = wc.DownloadString(url);

                    //If not registered for any courses do nothing
                    if (json == "[]" || json == "null" || json == null)
                        //Decode JSON to populate registered courses

                        dynamic result = JArray.Parse(json);

                        foreach (dynamic tuple in result)
                            string dept   = tuple.Department;
                            int    cnum   = tuple.Course_Number;
                            int    sect   = tuple.Section_Number;
                            string cname  = tuple.Course_Name;
                            int    cred   = tuple.Credits;
                            string pfname = (tuple.First_Name == null) ? "Whitworth" : tuple.First_Name;
                            string plname = (tuple.Last_Name == null) ? "Staff" : tuple.Last_Name;

                            registered.Add(new Classes(dept, cnum, sect, cname, cred, pfname, plname, 0));

                            num_cred += cred;

                Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Registered = registered;

                //push courses into list and make that list get shown (see below)
                registered_class_list_view.ItemsSource = registered;
                CollectionView view = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(registered_class_list_view.ItemsSource);

                //Sort first by 'Class_type' then by 'Class_num'
                view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Department", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
                view.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Class_number", ListSortDirection.Ascending));

                credits_reg_for.Text   = string.Format("{0}", num_cred);
                num_class_reg_for.Text = string.Format("{0}", num_class);
            else if ("edit_acc_info_tab" == selected.Name)
                //display proper information
                display_f_name.Text  = Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.F_name;
                display_l_name.Text  = Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.L_name;
                display_id.Text      = string.Format("{0}", Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.ID);
                change_major.Text    = Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Major;
                change_phone.Text    = string.Format("{0}", Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Phone_Number);
                change_address.Text  = Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Address;
                change_username.Text = Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Username;
                update_success.Text  = "";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //Updates 'Curr_Stud' to changed account info
        private void update_acc_btn(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //push changes to database
            string url = "http://cs1/whitnetacess/runSQLMSSQL.php?switchcontrol=7&id=" + Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.ID + "&user="******"&pass="******"&major=" + change_major.Text + "&address=" + change_address.Text + "&phone=" + change_phone.Text;

            using (var wc = new WebClient())
                var output = wc.DownloadString(url);

                if (output != "Complete")
                    MessageBox.Show("*****ERROR***** \nCould not update account information");
                    //Keep changes in memory so we do not have to run another query
                    Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Username = change_username.Text;
                    Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Address = change_address.Text;
                    Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Phone_Number = long.Parse(change_phone.Text);
                    Registrar.get_shared_instance().Curr_Stud.Major = change_major.Text;

                    update_success.Text = "Updated";