/// <summary>
        /// It builds this part of insert command: (attribute_name1, attribute_name2...) VALUES (value1,value2...)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName">Name of table in which record is inserted</param>
        /// <param name="modelEntity">Entity (record) that is being inserted</param>
        /// <returns>Part of INSERT command text</returns>
        private string BuildVariableCommandText(string tableName, T modelEntity)
            StringBuilder stringBuilderColumnNames        = new StringBuilder(WHITE_SPACE + OPENNING_BRACKET + WHITE_SPACE);
            StringBuilder stringBuilderCorespondingValues = new StringBuilder(WHITE_SPACE + OPENNING_BRACKET + WHITE_SPACE);
            Type          entityType = modelEntity.GetType();

            // Using reflection get all properties of entity that is being inserted, because
            // it corresponds with attributes of table with tableName in database
            PropertyInfo[] propertiesInfo = entityType.GetProperties();

            // Take all properties, accept for primary key, because it is autoincrement and doesn't need to be inserted
            propertiesInfo = propertiesInfo.Where(x => x.Name.CompareTo(modelEntity.GetPrimaryKeyPropertyNames().First()) != 0).ToArray();

            // Take  first n-1 values, because of the comma at the end, and build
            // both parts of command at once
            for (int i = 0; i < propertiesInfo.Length - 1; ++i)
                stringBuilderColumnNames.Append(propertiesInfo[i].Name + COMMA);
                stringBuilderCorespondingValues.Append(AttributeValueHelper.IfStringDoQuotaiton(propertiesInfo[i].GetValue(modelEntity)) + COMMA);
            // Add last piece (attibute and its value)
            stringBuilderColumnNames.Append(propertiesInfo.Last().Name + CLOSING_BRACKET);
            stringBuilderCorespondingValues.Append(AttributeValueHelper.IfStringDoQuotaiton(propertiesInfo.Last().GetValue(modelEntity)) + CLOSING_BRACKET);

            // Put column names and its values together
            stringBuilderColumnNames.Append(" VALUES " + stringBuilderCorespondingValues.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private string BuildVariableCommandText(T modelEntity)
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(WHITE_SPACE + "SET" + WHITE_SPACE);
            Type          entityType    = modelEntity.GetType();

            PropertyInfo[] propertiesInfo = entityType.GetProperties();

            for (int i = 0; i < propertiesInfo.Length - 1; ++i)
                stringBuilder.Append(propertiesInfo[i].Name + EQUALS + AttributeValueHelper.IfStringDoQuotaiton(propertiesInfo[i].GetValue(modelEntity)) + WHITE_SPACE + COMMA);
            stringBuilder.Append(propertiesInfo.Last().Name + EQUALS + AttributeValueHelper.IfStringDoQuotaiton(propertiesInfo.Last().GetValue(modelEntity)) + WHITE_SPACE);
            string whereExpression = DbCommand <T> .BuildWhereExpression(modelEntity, modelEntity.GetPrimaryKeyPropertyNames());

        private string BuildVariableCommandText(string tableName, T modelEntity)
            StringBuilder stringBuilderColumnNames        = new StringBuilder(WHITE_SPACE + OPENNING_BRACKET + WHITE_SPACE);
            StringBuilder stringBuilderCorespondingValues = new StringBuilder(WHITE_SPACE + OPENNING_BRACKET + WHITE_SPACE);
            Type          entityType = modelEntity.GetType();

            PropertyInfo[] propertiesInfo = entityType.GetProperties();
            propertiesInfo = propertiesInfo.Where(x => x.Name.CompareTo(attributeNameLastAutoIncrement) != 0).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < propertiesInfo.Length; ++i)
                stringBuilderColumnNames.Append(propertiesInfo[i].Name + COMMA);
                stringBuilderCorespondingValues.Append(AttributeValueHelper.IfStringDoQuotaiton(propertiesInfo[i].GetValue(modelEntity)) + COMMA);
            stringBuilderColumnNames.Append(attributeNameLastAutoIncrement + CLOSING_BRACKET);
            stringBuilderCorespondingValues.Append("LAST_INSERT_ID() " + CLOSING_BRACKET);
            stringBuilderColumnNames.Append(" VALUES " + stringBuilderCorespondingValues.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Every sql command can have WHERE expression, and it si similar in all it's uses. Like:
        ///     DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_attribute=some_value and some_other_attribute=some_other_value...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity that is used to build WHERE expression</param>
        /// <param name="attributesName">Names of attributes to include in WHERE expression</param>
        /// <returns>Built part of command text, that is, WHERE expression</returns>
        protected static string BuildWhereExpression(T entity, string[] attributesName)
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(" WHERE ");
            // Use reflection to get type of entity
            Type entityType = entity.GetType();

            // Take last attribute from those sent, because it doesn't need to have ','sign after it, it is end
            // of where expression
            string lastAttribute = attributesName.Last();

            attributesName = attributesName.TakeWhile(x => x != lastAttribute).ToArray();
            foreach (string key in attributesName)
                // Get values of attributes in enitity and append "AND" after it
                stringBuilder.Append(WHITE_SPACE + key + EQUALS_SIGN + AttributeValueHelper.IfStringDoQuotaiton(entityType.GetProperty(key).GetValue(entity)) + " AND");

            // Add last attribute with no "AND" after
            stringBuilder.Append(WHITE_SPACE + lastAttribute + EQUALS_SIGN + AttributeValueHelper.IfStringDoQuotaiton(entityType.GetProperty(lastAttribute).GetValue(entity)));