Ejemplo n.º 1
        public string loadFileInfo(string path, string fileName, string userID)
            int lineCount = System.IO.File.ReadLines(path).Count();

            using (var streamReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(path))
                string source = streamReader.ReadLine();
                //confirm filetype and detect seperator
                LoadViewModel LoadView  = new LoadViewModel();
                string        fileType  = LoadView.DetectFileType(source);
                char          seperator = LoadView.DetectDelimeter(source);

                string loadid;

                LoadedFiles ctx        = new LoadedFiles();
                LoadedFile  loadedfile = new LoadedFile {
                    LoadedFileID = Guid.NewGuid(), FileName = fileName, FileType = fileType, FileImportDate = DateTime.Now, UserID = userID, LineCount = lineCount

                loadid = loadedfile.LoadedFileID.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void progressupdate(Guid id)
     using (var context = new LoadedFiles())
         var result = context.DBLoadedFiles.SingleOrDefault(b => b.LoadedFileID == id);
         if (result != null)
             result.Progress = 100;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public string filename(Guid id)
            using (var context = new LoadedFiles())
                // Query for all blogs with names starting with B
                var user = context.DBLoadedFiles.Find(id);

                string file = user.FileName;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <Guid> unprocessedids()
            List <Guid> list = new List <Guid>();

            using (var context = new LoadedFiles())
                var unprocessedfiles = context.DBLoadedFiles.Where(b => b.Progress == null);

                foreach (var row in unprocessedfiles)

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void SetupColumnsDataTypes(List <string> fields, string loadid)
            string        fieldsql;
            Type          dataType;
            string        sqlDataType;
            List <string> sqlDataTypeList = new List <string>();

            foreach (string item in fields)
                string field = item.Replace("\"", "");

                //identify columns datatype using function GetColumnType() based on first 50 records
                fieldsql = "SELECT TOP(50) " + field + " FROM table_load_" + loadid + " WHERE " + field + " IS NOT NULL AND " + field + " != ''";
                using (var newTableCtx = new LoadedFiles())
                    var values = newTableCtx.Database.SqlQuery <string>(fieldsql).ToList();
                    //building sqlDataTypeList based on function GetColumnType() results
                    dataType = GetColumnType(values);
                    if (dataType.ToString() == "System.String")
                        sqlDataType = "varchar";
                    //else if (dataType.ToString() == "System.Boolean")
                    //    sqlDataType = "bit";
                    else if (dataType.ToString() == "System.Int32")
                        sqlDataType = "int";
                    else if (dataType.ToString() == "System.Int64")
                        sqlDataType = "bigint";
                    else if (dataType.ToString() == "System.Double") //later on is converting value back to nvarchar when consists character ","
                    {                                                //We will have to implement a tool for the user to then define if char"," represents separator for decimal places or if
                        sqlDataType = "float";                       //is used to separate for example thousands (1,000) or millions(1,000,000)
                    else if (dataType.ToString() == "System.DateTime")
                        sqlDataType = "datetime";
                        sqlDataType = "nvarchar";

            // setting appropriate Data Types and Size for each column in database + Updates for table [dbo].Analysis with data counts that are used in analysis Chrts
            for (int x = 0; x < sqlDataTypeList.Count; x++)
                using (var newTableCtx = new LoadedFiles())
                    int alterRowIdDataType = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("ALTER TABLE table_load_" + loadid + " ALTER COLUMN DIRowID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL");
                    //unifying Date Format (yyyy-mm-dd) to be able to alter column and set as "datetime" data type. If column has invalid date it will be set as '1753-01-01' to pointed out wrong value and differentiate from not populated(NULL) - we must somehow catch this and reported
                    if (sqlDataTypeList[x] == "datetime")
                        int unifyDates                 = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Update table_load_" + loadid + " Set " + fields[x] + " = COALESCE( TRY_CONVERT(DATE, " + fields[x] + ", 103), TRY_CONVERT(DATE, " + fields[x] + ", 102), TRY_CONVERT(DATE, " + fields[x] + ", 101));");
                        int alterColumnsDataType       = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("ALTER TABLE table_load_" + loadid + " ALTER COLUMN " + fields[x] + " " + sqlDataTypeList[x] + ";");
                        int updateTblAnalysisFieldType = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE [dbo].[Analysis] SET [Type] = '" + sqlDataTypeList[x] + "' WHERE [LoadedFileID] = '" + loadid.ToString().Replace("_", "-") + "' AND [FieldName] = '" + fields[x] + "'");
                        //int updateTblAnalysisFieldType = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE [dbo].[Analysis] SET [Type] = '" + sqlDataTypeList[x] + "', [MinValue] = (Select Min(" + fields[x] + ") from [dbo].table_load_" + loadid.ToString() + "), [MaxValue] = (Select Max(" + fields[x] + ") from [dbo].table_load_" + loadid.ToString() + ") WHERE [LoadedFileID] = '" + loadid.ToString().Replace("_", "-") + "' AND [FieldName] = '" + fields[x] + "'");
                    else // means sqlDataTypeList[x] is not a datetime
                        try  //if sqlDataTypeList[x] is anything else but not varchar, nvarchar
                            if (sqlDataTypeList[x] != "varchar" || sqlDataTypeList[x] != "nvarchar")
                                int alterColumnsDataType       = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("ALTER TABLE table_load_" + loadid + " ALTER COLUMN " + fields[x] + " " + sqlDataTypeList[x] + ";");
                                int updateTblAnalysisFieldType = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE [dbo].[Analysis] SET [Type] = '" + sqlDataTypeList[x] + "', [MinValue] = (Select Min(" + fields[x] + ") from [dbo].table_load_" + loadid.ToString() + "), [MaxValue] = (Select Max(" + fields[x] + ") from [dbo].table_load_" + loadid.ToString() + "), [AvgValue] = (Select Avg(" + fields[x] + ") from [dbo].table_load_" + loadid.ToString() + ") WHERE [LoadedFileID] = '" + loadid.ToString().Replace("_", "-") + "' AND [FieldName] = '" + fields[x] + "'");
                        catch                                                                        // anything that failed in "Try" + type  varchar and nvarchar
                            if (sqlDataTypeList[x] != "varchar" || sqlDataTypeList[x] != "nvarchar") // anything that failed in "Try" but is not "varchar" or "nvarchar" will be converted to nvarchar(e.g. at this moment numbers that have "," instead of "." to separate decimal points )
                                sqlDataTypeList[x] = "nvarchar";
                            string sql = "select max(len(" + fields[x] + ")) from table_load_" + loadid + ";";
                                var size = newTableCtx.Database.SqlQuery <Int64>(sql).ToList();
                                int alterColumnsTypeSize = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("ALTER TABLE table_load_" + loadid + " ALTER COLUMN " + fields[x] + " " + sqlDataTypeList[x] + "(" + size[0] + ");");
                                var size = newTableCtx.Database.SqlQuery <Int32>(sql).ToList();
                                int alterColumnsTypeSize = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("ALTER TABLE table_load_" + loadid + " ALTER COLUMN " + fields[x] + " " + sqlDataTypeList[x] + "(" + size[0] + ");");

                            int updateTblAnalysisFieldType = newTableCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE [dbo].[Analysis] SET [Type] = '" + sqlDataTypeList[x] + "' WHERE [LoadedFileID] = '" + loadid.ToString().Replace("_", "-") + "' AND [FieldName] = '" + fields[x] + "'");