Inheritance: PropertyChangedBase, IConvertibleXmlWithSettings, IReadonlyPoIStyle
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void UpdateEffectiveStyle()
     nEffectiveStyle = null;
     NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => NEffectiveStyle);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void FromXmlBase(ref XElement res, string directoryName)
            //var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof (PoI));
            //var p = xmlSerializer.Deserialize(res.CreateReader());
                Id = res.GetGuid("Id");
                if (Id == Guid.Empty) Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                var n = res.GetString("Name");
                ContentId = res.GetString("PoiId", "");
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentId)) ContentId = n;
                Priority = res.GetInt("Priority", 2);
                UserId = res.GetString("UserId");
                DateLong = res.GetLong("Date", DateTime.Now.ToEpoch());
                UpdatedLong = res.GetLong("Updated", DateTime.Now.ToEpoch());
                Layer = res.GetString("Layer");
                MaxItems = res.GetNullInt("MaxItems");
                var xMid = res.Element("MetaInfoData");
                PoiTypeId = res.GetString("PoiTypeId", "");
                IsVisibleInMenu = res.GetBool("IsVisibleInMenu", true);
                Orientation = res.GetDouble("Orientation", 0.0);
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PoiTypeId))

                if (xMid != null)
                    var metaInfo = new MetaInfoCollection();
                    foreach (var xMi in xMid.Elements())
                        var mi = new MetaInfo();
                    MetaInfo = metaInfo;

                if (res.Element("WKT") != null)
                    var xElement = res.Element("WKT");
                    if (xElement != null) WktText = xElement.Value;

                var xlabels = res.Element("Labels");
                if (xlabels != null)
                    Labels = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    foreach (var xk in xlabels.Elements())
                        var k = xk.Name.LocalName;
                        // Restore keys starting with numbers or having % or '.
                        k = k.Replace(LabelPercentSubst, "%");
                        k = k.Replace(LabelQuoteSubst, "'");
                        if (k.StartsWith(LabelNumPrefix))
                            k = k.Substring(LabelNumPrefix.Length);

                        var s = xk.InnerXml();
                        Labels[k] = s.RestoreInvalidCharacters();
                        Labels[k] = Labels[k].Replace("&lt;", "<").Replace("&gt;", ">");

                var xkeywords = res.Element("Keywords");
                if (xkeywords != null)
                    Keywords = new WordHistogram();

                if (res.Element("Style") != null)
                        var newStyle = new PoIStyle();
                        newStyle.FromXml(res.Element("Style"), directoryName, false); //, Service.Settings); // TODO REVIEW: Settings were ignored.
                        Style = newStyle;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // OK, keep the old style.

                var media = res.Element("AllMedia");
                if (media != null)
                    AllMedia = new BindableCollection<Media>();
                    foreach (var m in media.Elements())
                        var me = new Media { Content = this };
                var xpos = res.Element("Position");
                if (xpos != null)
                    Position = new Position(xpos.GetDouble(Position.LONG_LABEL), xpos.GetDouble(Position.LAT_LABEL), xpos.GetDouble(Position.ALT_LABEL)); // TODO Remember other Position attributes.

                var px = res.Element("Points");

                var mo = res.Element("Models");
                if (mo != null)
                    Models = new List<Model>();
                    foreach (var xm in mo.Elements())
                        var m = new Model();

                if (px == null) return;
                var pp = px.Value;
                Points = new ObservableCollection<Point>();
                var ppo = pp.Split(' ');
                foreach (var poss in ppo)
                    var split = poss.Split(',');
                    var pt = new Point(
                        Double.Parse(split[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Double.Parse(split[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            catch (SystemException e)
                Logger.Log("DataServer.BaseContent", "Error reading XML " + res + " from " + directoryName, e.Message, Logger.Level.Error, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TypeFromGeoJson(JProperty json)
            MetaInfo = new MetaInfoCollection();
            foreach (var childJ in json.Children().OfType<JObject>())
                JToken tokenS;
                childJ.TryGetValue("style", out tokenS);
                if (tokenS != null)
                    // First, convert the JSON to XML.
                    var styleNode = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode("{style:" + tokenS + "}");
                    var styleDoc = styleNode.ToXDocument();
                    var xElement = styleDoc.Element(XName.Get("style"));
                    if (xElement != null)
                        // Convert child nodes to attributes.
                        foreach (var el in xElement.Elements())
                            xElement.Add(new XAttribute(UppercaseFirst(el.Name), (string)el));
                        // Parse the style.
                            var newStyle = new PoIStyle();
                            newStyle.FromXml(xElement, ".", false); // Do not catch exception.
                            Style = newStyle;
                            // Ok, keep old style.

                JToken tokenM;
                childJ.TryGetValue("propertyTypeData", out tokenM);
                if (tokenM != null)
                    var metaInfos = tokenM.Children();
                    foreach (var metaInfo in metaInfos)
                        var newMetaInfo = new MetaInfo();
                        newMetaInfo.FromGeoJson(metaInfo.ToString(Formatting.None), false);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Recalculate analysis style based on filters. Also resets the effective style.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdateAnalysisStyle()
            // get effective highlights
            var a = new AnalysisMetaInfo { Highlights = new List<Highlight>() };
            GetEffectiveAnalysis(this, ref a);

            //var a = (PoiType != null && PoiType.Style != null && PoiType.Style.Analysis != null)
            //    ? PoiType.Style.Analysis
            //    : (Style!=null && Style.Analysis!=null) ? Style.Analysis : null;

            if (a == null || !a.Highlights.Any()) return false;
            NAnalysisStyle = new PoIStyle();

            foreach (var hl in a.Highlights.Where(k => k.IsActive).OrderBy(k => k.Priority))
            nEffectiveStyle = null;
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => NEffectiveStyle);
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public object Clone()
            var r = new PoIStyle
                IsNotifying        = false,
                StrokeColor        = StrokeColor,
                StrokeWidth        = StrokeWidth,
                DrawingMode        = DrawingMode,
                FillColor          = FillColor,
                CallOutFillColor   = CallOutFillColor,
                CallOutForeground  = CallOutForeground,
                Picture            = Picture,
                PictureByteArray   = PictureByteArray,
                IconHeight         = IconHeight,
                IconWidth          = IconWidth,
                Icon               = Icon,
                TapMode            = TapMode,
                Category           = Category,
                TitleMode          = TitleMode,
                MinResolution      = MinResolution,
                MaxResolution      = MaxResolution,
                NameLabel          = NameLabel,
                AutoCallOutLabels  = AutoCallOutLabels,
                StrokeOpacity      = StrokeOpacity,
                FillOpacity        = FillOpacity,
                Visible            = Visible,
                Name               = Name,
                BaseStyle          = BaseStyle,
                CanRotate          = CanRotate,
                CanEdit            = CanEdit,
                CanDelete          = CanDelete,
                CanMove            = CanMove,
                CallOutOrientation = CallOutOrientation,
                CallOutTimeOut     = CallOutTimeOut,
                TimelineBehaviour  = TimelineBehaviour,
                ShowOnTimeline     = ShowOnTimeline,
                AddMode            = AddMode,
                MaxTitleResolution = MaxTitleResolution,
                CallOutMaxWidth    = CallOutMaxWidth,
                CallOutMinHeight   = CallOutMinHeight,
                InnerTextLabel     = InnerTextLabel,
                InnerTextColor     = InnerTextColor,
                Cluster            = Cluster,
                ScalePoi           = ScalePoi,
                ScaleStartResolution = ScaleStartResolution,
                ScaleUnits         = ScaleUnits,
                MaxScale           = MaxScale

            r.IsNotifying = true;
            return r;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static PoIStyle MergeStyle(IReadonlyPoIStyle s1, IReadonlyPoIStyle s2)
     Count += 1;
     //Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
     var r = new PoIStyle
         addMode            = s2.AddMode.HasValue ? s2.AddMode : s1.AddMode,
         category           = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s2.Category) ? s2.Category : s1.Category, 
         autoCallOutLabels  = s2.AutoCallOutLabels.HasValue ? s2.AutoCallOutLabels : s1.AutoCallOutLabels,
         callOutFillColor   = s2.CallOutFillColor.HasValue ? s2.CallOutFillColor : s1.CallOutFillColor,
         callOutForeground  = s2.CallOutForeground.HasValue ? s2.CallOutForeground : s1.CallOutForeground,
         callOutOrientation = s2.CallOutOrientation.HasValue ? s2.CallOutOrientation : s1.CallOutOrientation,
         callOutTimeOut     = s2.CallOutTimeOut.HasValue ? s2.CallOutTimeOut : s1.CallOutTimeOut,
         canDelete          = s2.CanDelete.HasValue ? s2.CanDelete : s1.CanDelete,
         canEdit            = s2.CanEdit.HasValue ? s2.CanEdit : s1.CanEdit,
         canMove            = s2.CanMove.HasValue ? s2.CanMove : s1.CanMove,
         canRotate          = s2.CanRotate.HasValue ? s2.CanRotate : s1.CanRotate,
         drawingMode        = s2.DrawingMode.HasValue ? s2.DrawingMode : s1.DrawingMode,
         icon               = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s2.Icon)) ? s1.Icon : s2.Icon,
         iconHeight         = s2.IconHeight.HasValue ? s2.IconHeight : s1.IconHeight,
         iconWidth          = s2.IconWidth.HasValue ? s2.IconHeight : s1.IconHeight,
         maxResolution      = s2.MaxResolution.HasValue ? s2.MaxResolution : s1.MaxResolution,
         maxTitleResolution = s2.MaxTitleResolution.HasValue ? s2.MaxTitleResolution : s1.MaxTitleResolution,
         minResolution      = s2.MinResolution.HasValue ? s2.MinResolution : s1.MinResolution,
         nameLabel          = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s2.NameLabel)) ? s1.NameLabel : s2.NameLabel,
         innerTextLabel     = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s2.InnerTextLabel)) ? s1.InnerTextLabel : s2.InnerTextLabel,
         showOnTimeline     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s2.ShowOnTimeline) ? s2.ShowOnTimeline : s1.ShowOnTimeline,
         strokeColor        = s2.StrokeColor.HasValue ? s2.StrokeColor : s1.StrokeColor,
         strokeOpacity      = s2.StrokeOpacity.HasValue ? s2.StrokeOpacity : s1.StrokeOpacity,
         strokeWidth        = s2.StrokeWidth.HasValue ? s2.StrokeWidth : s1.StrokeWidth,
         tapMode            = s2.TapMode.HasValue ? s2.TapMode : s1.TapMode,
         timelineBehaviour  = s2.TimelineBehaviour.HasValue ? s2.TimelineBehaviour : s1.TimelineBehaviour,
         titleMode          = s2.TitleMode.HasValue ? s2.TitleMode : s1.TitleMode,
         visible            = s2.Visible.HasValue ? s2.Visible : s1.Visible,
         picture            = s2.Picture ?? s1.Picture,
         fillColor          = s2.FillColor.HasValue ? s2.FillColor : s1.FillColor,
         fillOpacity        = s2.FillOpacity.HasValue ? s2.FillOpacity : s1.FillOpacity,
         callOutMaxWidth    = s2.CallOutMaxWidth.HasValue ? s2.CallOutMaxWidth : s1.CallOutMaxWidth,
         callOutMinHeight   = s2.CallOutMinHeight.HasValue ? s2.CallOutMinHeight : s1.CallOutMinHeight,
         innerTextColor     = s2.InnerTextColor.HasValue ? s2.InnerTextColor : s1.InnerTextColor,
         Cluster            = s2.Cluster.HasValue ? s2.Cluster : s1.Cluster,
         ScalePoi           = s2.ScalePoi.HasValue ? s2.ScalePoi : s1.ScalePoi,
         ScaleStartResolution = s2.ScaleStartResolution.HasValue? s2.ScaleStartResolution : s1.ScaleStartResolution,
         ScaleUnits         = s2.ScaleUnits.HasValue ? s2.ScaleUnits : s1.ScaleUnits,
         MaxScale           = s2.MaxScale.HasValue ? s2.MaxScale : s1.MaxScale,
         SubTitles =         string.IsNullOrEmpty(s2.SubTitles) ? s1.SubTitles : s2.SubTitles
     // If the name label is specified by a style, do not overwrite it.
     if (r.nameLabel == DefaultNameLabel && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s1.NameLabel)) r.nameLabel = s1.NameLabel;
     //Mergetime += sw.ElapsedTicks;
     return r;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static PoIStyle GetBasicStyle(string name = "Name", DrawingModes mode = DrawingModes.Point)
     if (defaultStyle != null) return defaultStyle;
     defaultStyle = new PoIStyle
         MinResolution      = 0,
         MaxResolution      = -1,
         DrawingMode        = mode,
         CallOutForeground  = Colors.Black,
         CallOutFillColor   = Colors.White,
         StrokeOpacity      = 1.0,
         StrokeWidth        = 1.0,
         StrokeColor        = Colors.Black,
         FillColor          = Colors.Black,
         FillOpacity        = 1.0,
         NameLabel          = name,
         Visible            = true,
         Category           = "Other",
         Icon               = "",
         CanDelete          = true,
         CanRotate          = true,
         CanEdit            = true,
         CanMove            = true,
         CallOutOrientation = DataServer.CallOutOrientation.Right,
         CallOutTimeOut     = 5,
         IconHeight         = 30,
         IconWidth          = 30,
         ShowOnTimeline     = null,
         TapMode            = DataServer.TapMode.CallOutPopup,
         TitleMode          = TitleModes.None,
         AddMode            = AddModes.Silent,
         TimelineBehaviour  = TimelineBehaviours.None,
         AutoCallOutLabels  = false,
         MaxTitleResolution = -1,
         InnerTextColor     = Colors.White,
         Cluster            = false,
         ScalePoi           = null,
         ScaleStartResolution = null,
         MaxScale           = null,
         ScaleUnits         = null,
         SubTitles =        ""
     return defaultStyle;