private static Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell> GetSelectedCells(DataGridView dataGridView)
            Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell> selectedCells = new Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell>();

            foreach (DataGridViewCell dataGridViewCell in dataGridView.SelectedCells)
                CellLocation cellPosition = new CellLocation(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex);
                selectedCells.Add(cellPosition, DataGridViewHandler.CopyCellDataGridViewGenericCell(dataGridView, cellPosition.ColumnIndex, cellPosition.RowIndex));

        private static Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell> GetCellsFromStack(DataGridView dataGridView, Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell> undoCells)
            Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell> redoCells = new Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell>();

            foreach (CellLocation cellLocation in undoCells.Keys)
                CellLocation cellPosition = new CellLocation(cellLocation.ColumnIndex, cellLocation.RowIndex);
                redoCells.Add(cellPosition, DataGridViewHandler.CopyCellDataGridViewGenericCell(dataGridView, cellPosition.ColumnIndex, cellPosition.RowIndex));

        public static void UndoDataGridView(DataGridView dataGridView)
            if (IsDoingUndoRedo)
            if (dataGridView.CurrentCell == null)

            CellLocation currentCell = DataGridViewHandler.GetCurrentCellLocation(dataGridView.CurrentCell);

            if (dataGridView.TopLeftHeaderCell.Tag == null)
            if (dataGridView.TopLeftHeaderCell.Tag.GetType() != typeof(DataGridViewGenericData))

            DataGridViewGenericData undoAndRedo = (DataGridViewGenericData)dataGridView.TopLeftHeaderCell.Tag;

            if (undoAndRedo.UndoCellsStack.Count > 0)
                Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell> undoCells = undoAndRedo.UndoCellsStack.Pop();

                Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell> redoCells = GetCellsFromStack(dataGridView, undoCells);
                PushToRedoStack(dataGridView, redoCells);

                IsDoingUndoRedo = true; //needs to be after PushToRedoStack or it will return

                NuberOfItemsToEdit = undoCells.Count;
                IsClipboardActive  = true;
                foreach (var cell in undoCells)
                    DataGridViewHandler.SetCellDataGridViewGenericCell(dataGridView, cell.Key.ColumnIndex, cell.Key.RowIndex, cell.Value, true);
                NuberOfItemsToEdit = 0;
                IsClipboardActive  = false;

            DataGridViewHandler.SetCurrentCellLocation(dataGridView, currentCell);

            IsDoingUndoRedo = false;
        public static void PasteDataGridViewSelectedCellsFromClipboard(
            DataGridView dataGridView, int leftColumnOverwrite, int rightColumnOverwrite, int topRowOverwrite, int buttomRowOverwrite, bool removeTag,
            out bool textBoxSelectionCanRestore, out int textBoxSelectionStart, out int textBoxSelectionLength)
            textBoxSelectionStart      = 0;
            textBoxSelectionLength     = 0;
            textBoxSelectionCanRestore = false;

            #region Html Format
            // Try to process as html format (data from excel) since it keeps the row information intact, instead of assuming
            // a new row for every new line if we just process it as text
            String HtmlFormat = Clipboard.GetData("HTML Format") as String;
            List <List <string> > rowContents = new List <List <string> >();
            if (HtmlFormat != null)
                    // Remove html tags to just extract row information and store it in rowContents
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex TRregex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"<( )*tr([^>])*>", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex TDregex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"<( )*td([^>])*>", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match trMatch = TRregex.Match(HtmlFormat);

                    while (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trMatch.Value))
                        int rowStart = trMatch.Index + trMatch.Length;
                        int rowEnd   = HtmlFormat.IndexOf("</tr>", rowStart, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                        System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match tdMatch = TDregex.Match(HtmlFormat, rowStart, rowEnd - rowStart);
                        List <string> rowContent = new List <string>();
                        while (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tdMatch.Value))
                            int    cellStart   = tdMatch.Index + tdMatch.Length;
                            int    cellEnd     = HtmlFormat.IndexOf("</td>", cellStart, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                            string cellContent = HtmlFormat.Substring(cellStart, cellEnd - cellStart);
                            cellContent = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(cellContent, @"<( )*br( )*>", "\r\n", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            cellContent = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(cellContent, @"<( )*li( )*>", "\r\n - ", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            cellContent = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(cellContent, @"<( )*div([^>])*>", "", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            cellContent = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(cellContent, @"<( )*code([^>])*>", "", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            cellContent = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(cellContent, @"<( )*/code([^>])*>", "", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            cellContent = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(cellContent, @"<( )*p([^>])*>", "\r\n\r\n", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                            if (!cellContent.StartsWith("<B>")) //Don't paste Row Header
                                //cellContent = cellContent.Replace("&nbsp;", " ");
                                cellContent = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(cellContent);
                            tdMatch = tdMatch.NextMatch();
                        if (rowContent.Count > 0)
                        trMatch = trMatch.NextMatch();
                } catch

            #region Text format
            if (rowContents.Count == 0)
                // Clipboard is not in html format, read as text
                String   CopiedText = Clipboard.GetText();
                String[] lines      = CopiedText.Split('\n');
                foreach (string line in lines)
                    List <string> rowContent = new List <string>(line.Split('\t'));
                    if (rowContent.Count > 0)

            #region Paste into Edit cell
            if (IsCurrentCellTextBoxAndInEditMode(dataGridView))
                if (rowContents.Count >= 1)
                    string clipboardText = "";
                    foreach (List <string> textsInLine in rowContents)
                        string clipboardLine = "";
                        foreach (string text in textsInLine)
                            clipboardLine = clipboardLine + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clipboardLine) ? "" : " ") + text;
                        clipboardText = clipboardText + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clipboardText) ? "" : "\r\n") + clipboardLine;

                TextBox textBox = dataGridView.EditingControl as TextBox;
                if (textBox != null)
                    TextBoxGetSelction(textBox, out textBoxSelectionCanRestore, out textBoxSelectionStart, out textBoxSelectionLength);
                    textBoxSelectionCanRestore = true;
                return; //Can return - don't need push to stach, Edit cell did push to stacj

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Put the feach data to cells
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

            Stack <CellLocation> selectedCells = new Stack <CellLocation>();

            #region Find all - SelectedCells - and - topRow and leftColumn -
            int topRow     = int.MaxValue;
            int leftColumn = int.MaxValue;
            foreach (DataGridViewCell dataGridViewCell in dataGridView.SelectedCells)
                topRow     = Math.Min(topRow, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex);
                leftColumn = Math.Min(leftColumn, dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex);

                selectedCells.Push(new CellLocation(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex));
            int iRow = topRow;

            #region Add Rows if needed
            if (dataGridView.AllowUserToAddRows)
                // DataGridView's rowCount has one extra row (the temporary new row)
                if (iRow + rowContents.Count > dataGridView.Rows.Count - 1)
                    int iNumNewRows = iRow + rowContents.Count - dataGridView.Rows.Count + 1;
                    // Simply add to a new row to the datagridview if it is not binded to a datasource
                    if (dataGridView.DataSource == null)
                        //dataGridView.Rows.Add(iNumNewRows); //This will change the selected cell
                        for (int i = 0; i < iNumNewRows; i++)
                        dataGridView.ClearSelection(); //Remove the selection and select it back after
                    // Otherwise, add rows to binded data source
                            BindingSource bindingSource = dataGridView.DataSource as BindingSource;
                            if (bindingSource != null)
                                // This is important!!
                                // Cancel Edit before adding new entries into bindingsource
                                // If the UI is currently adding a new line (you have your cursor on the last time)
                                // You will System.InvalidOperationException
                                for (int i = 0; i < iNumNewRows; i++)
                                    Object obj = bindingSource.AddNew();
                            // failed adding row to binding data source
                            // It was okay for my application to ignore the error

            #region New rows added, and selection forgoten. Need to reselect
            if (dataGridView.SelectedCells.Count == 0)
                while (selectedCells.Count > 0)
                    CellLocation cell = selectedCells.Pop();
                    dataGridView[cell.ColumnIndex, cell.RowIndex].Selected = true;

            //Paste one clipboard "cell/text" to all selected (Only one text to more than one selected cell)
            //Paste many clipbaord "cell/text" to selected fields (Paste to more than one selected cell)
            //Paste many clipbaord "cell/text" bases on current location (Paste to one selected cell)

            Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell> undoCells = new Dictionary <CellLocation, DataGridViewGenericCell>();

            #region Count rows and columns in selctions
            List <int> columnsSelected = new List <int>();
            List <int> rowsSelected    = new List <int>();
            foreach (CellLocation cellLocationCount in selectedCells)
                if (!columnsSelected.Contains(cellLocationCount.ColumnIndex))
                if (!rowsSelected.Contains(cellLocationCount.RowIndex))

            int columnConentsCount = 0;
            if (rowContents.Count > 0)
                columnConentsCount = rowContents[0].Count;

            #region Paste one clipboard "cell/text" to all selected (Only one text to more than one selected cell)
            #region Paste - Source: Nothing selected - nothing to do
            if (rowContents.Count == 0 && columnConentsCount == 0)
                //Nothing found
            #region Paste - Sourec: One Cell Selected (rowContents.Count == 1 && columnConentsCount == 1)
            else if (rowContents.Count == 1 && columnConentsCount == 1)
                NuberOfItemsToEdit = dataGridView.SelectedCells.Count;
                IsClipboardActive  = true;
                foreach (DataGridViewCell dataGridViewCell in dataGridView.SelectedCells)
                    String cellContent = rowContents[0][0];
                        if (!dataGridViewCell.ReadOnly ||
                            (dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex >= leftColumnOverwrite && dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex <= rightColumnOverwrite &&
                             dataGridViewCell.RowIndex >= topRowOverwrite && dataGridViewCell.RowIndex <= buttomRowOverwrite)
                            //Rememebr in the current value in cell before changed so we can "ReDo" in current DataGridView
                            CellLocation cellPosition = new CellLocation(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex);
                            undoCells.Add(cellPosition, DataGridViewHandler.CopyCellDataGridViewGenericCell(dataGridView[dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex]));

                            DataGridViewHandler.SetCellValue(dataGridView, dataGridViewCell, Convert.ChangeType(cellContent, dataGridViewCell.ValueType));
                            if (removeTag)
                                DataGridViewHandler.SetCellStatusSwichStatus(dataGridView, dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex, SwitchStates.Undefine);
                            dataGridView.InvalidateCell(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex);
                    } catch { }
                NuberOfItemsToEdit = 0;
                IsClipboardActive  = false;
            #region Paste - One row, and multimple columns, Only cell selected / one row from clipboard to multiple rows
            else if (
                rowContents.Count == 1 && columnConentsCount > 1 &&   //One row, and multimple columns
                columnsSelected.Count > 1 && rowsSelected.Count >= 1) //Only cell selected
                if (columnConentsCount != columnsSelected.Count)
                    KryptonMessageBox.Show("Can't paste selection. Can only paste selection when have selected equal numbers of columns.\r\n" +
                                           "Columns selected for copy: " + columnConentsCount + "\r\n" +
                                           "Columns selected for paste: " + columnsSelected.Count,
                                           "Can't paste selected text", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, showCtrlCopy: true);

                NuberOfItemsToEdit = columnsSelected.Count * rowsSelected.Count;
                IsClipboardActive  = true;

                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < rowContents[0].Count; columnIndex++)
                    String cellContent      = rowContents[0][columnIndex]; //Row content will always be 1
                    int    columnIndexPaste = columnsSelected[columnIndex];

                    foreach (DataGridViewCell dataGridViewCell in dataGridView.SelectedCells)
                        if (dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex == columnIndexPaste)
                                if (!dataGridViewCell.ReadOnly ||
                                    (dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex >= leftColumnOverwrite && dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex <= rightColumnOverwrite &&
                                     dataGridViewCell.RowIndex >= topRowOverwrite && dataGridViewCell.RowIndex <= buttomRowOverwrite)
                                    //Rememebr in the current value in cell before changed so we can "ReDo" in current DataGridView
                                    CellLocation cellPosition = new CellLocation(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex);
                                    undoCells.Add(cellPosition, DataGridViewHandler.CopyCellDataGridViewGenericCell(dataGridViewCell));

                                    DataGridViewHandler.SetCellValue(dataGridView, dataGridViewCell, Convert.ChangeType(cellContent, dataGridViewCell.ValueType));
                                    if (removeTag)
                                        DataGridViewHandler.SetCellStatusSwichStatus(dataGridView, dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex, SwitchStates.Undefine);
                                    dataGridView.InvalidateCell(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex);
                            catch { }
                NuberOfItemsToEdit = 0;
                IsClipboardActive  = false;
            #region Paste - one column from clipboard to multiple columns / Only cell selected
            else if (rowContents.Count > 1 && columnConentsCount == 1 &&       //One column, and multimple rows
                     !(columnsSelected.Count == 1 && rowsSelected.Count == 1)) //Only cell selected
                if (rowContents.Count != rowsSelected.Count)
                    KryptonMessageBox.Show("Can't paste selection. Can only paste selection when have selected equal numbers of rows.\r\n" +
                                           "Rows selected for copy: " + rowContents.Count + "\r\n" +
                                           "Rows selected for paste: " + rowsSelected.Count,
                                           "Can't paste selected text", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, showCtrlCopy: true);

                NuberOfItemsToEdit = columnsSelected.Count * rowsSelected.Count;
                IsClipboardActive  = true;
                for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowContents.Count; rowIndex++)
                    String cellContent = rowContents[rowIndex][0];

                    foreach (DataGridViewCell dataGridViewCell in dataGridView.SelectedCells)
                        int columnIndexPaste = rowsSelected[rowIndex];

                        if (dataGridViewCell.RowIndex == columnIndexPaste)
                                if (!dataGridViewCell.ReadOnly ||
                                    (dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex >= leftColumnOverwrite && dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex <= rightColumnOverwrite &&
                                     dataGridViewCell.RowIndex >= topRowOverwrite && dataGridViewCell.RowIndex <= buttomRowOverwrite)
                                    //Rememebr in the current value in cell before changed so we can "ReDo" in current DataGridView
                                    CellLocation cellPosition = new CellLocation(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex);
                                    undoCells.Add(cellPosition, DataGridViewHandler.CopyCellDataGridViewGenericCell(dataGridViewCell));

                                    DataGridViewHandler.SetCellValue(dataGridView, dataGridViewCell, Convert.ChangeType(cellContent, dataGridViewCell.ValueType));
                                    if (removeTag)
                                        DataGridViewHandler.SetCellStatusSwichStatus(dataGridView, dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex, SwitchStates.Undefine);
                                    dataGridView.InvalidateCell(dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex, dataGridViewCell.RowIndex);
                            catch { }
                NuberOfItemsToEdit = 0;
                IsClipboardActive  = false;
            #region Paste - rest
                NuberOfItemsToEdit = columnsSelected.Count * rowsSelected.Count;
                IsClipboardActive  = true;

                foreach (List <string> rowContent in rowContents)
                    int iCol = leftColumn;
                    foreach (string cellContent in rowContent)
                            bool cellOk = false;
                            if (dataGridView.SelectedCells.Count == 1)
                                cellOk = true;
                                foreach (DataGridViewCell dataGridViewCell in dataGridView.SelectedCells)
                                    if (dataGridViewCell.ColumnIndex == iCol && dataGridViewCell.RowIndex == iRow)
                                        cellOk = true;

                            if (cellOk)
                                if (iCol < dataGridView.Columns.Count)
                                    DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView[iCol, iRow];
                                    //if (!cell.ReadOnly)
                                    if (!cell.ReadOnly ||
                                        (cell.ColumnIndex >= leftColumnOverwrite && cell.ColumnIndex <= rightColumnOverwrite &&
                                         cell.RowIndex >= topRowOverwrite && cell.RowIndex <= buttomRowOverwrite)
                                        //Rememebr in the current value in cell before changed so we can "ReDo" in current DataGridView
                                        CellLocation cellPosition = new CellLocation(iCol, iRow);
                                        undoCells.Add(cellPosition, DataGridViewHandler.CopyCellDataGridViewGenericCell(dataGridView, iCol, iRow));
                                        DataGridViewHandler.SetCellValue(dataGridView, cell, Convert.ChangeType(cellContent, cell.ValueType));
                                        if (removeTag)
                                            DataGridViewHandler.SetCellStatusSwichStatus(dataGridView, cell.ColumnIndex, cell.RowIndex, SwitchStates.Undefine);
                                        dataGridView.InvalidateCell(iCol, iRow);
                    if (iRow >= dataGridView.Rows.Count)
                NuberOfItemsToEdit = 0;
                IsClipboardActive  = false;

            //CAN BE REMOVED foreach (CellLocation cellLocation in undoCells.Keys) dataGridView[cellLocation.ColumnIndex, cellLocation.RowIndex].Selected = true; //Already done, can be removed after check
            PushToUndoStack(dataGridView, undoCells);