// TODO: QUESTION: The gameobject this is attached to does not have a trigger, and this does not get called when it is hit, but its child object
        // does have a collider which is a trigger. Why does this work?
        private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
            bool attacking = animator.GetBool(playerSMF.MeleeAttackHash);

            if (!attacking)

            // This checks the layers its hit.
            if (hittableLayers.value == (hittableLayers.value | (1 << collision.gameObject.layer)))
                Damageable damageable = collision.GetComponentInParent <Damageable>();
                if (damageable)
                    // The idea behind this is to call some function when hit (Lets say there was a desire for an explosion to dmg enemies on hit
                    // From there that function could be called instead of invoke.)
                    //OnDamageableHit.Invoke(this, damageable);
                    if (damageable.health.CurHealth > 0)

                        if (damageable.health.CurHealth <= 0 &&
                            damageable.animator.GetBool(playerSMF.DeadHash) &&
                            (damageable.GetType().Equals(typeof(DamageableEnemy))) ||
                    //if (disableDamageAfterHit)
                    //    DisableDamage();