Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to load data from prepolated_daisy_output.xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Instnace of <see cref="PrepopulateDaisyOutput"/> class if xml file exists, otherwise - null.</returns>
        public static PrepopulateDaisyOutput Load()
            if (!File.Exists(XmlFilePath))

            PrepopulateDaisyOutput result = new PrepopulateDaisyOutput();;

            var document = new XmlDocument();


            if (document.FirstChild.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                result.OutputPath = document.FirstChild.ChildNodes[0].InnerText;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Function which loads the form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void DesignForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            tBx_Uid.Text = GenerateId().ToString();
            uId          = tBx_Uid.Text;

            PrepopulateDaisyXml xml = new PrepopulateDaisyXml();

            tBx_Creator.Text   = xml.Creator;
            tBx_Title.Text     = xml.Title;
            tBx_Publisher.Text = xml.Publisher;

            if (IsTranslateToSingleDaisy && !useAScript)
                PrepopulateDaisyOutput prepopulateDaisyOutput = PrepopulateDaisyOutput.Load();

                tBx_Browse.Text = prepopulateDaisyOutput != null
                                                                          ? prepopulateDaisyOutput.OutputPath
                                                                          : Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFileName);
                tBx_Browse.SelectionStart = 0;

                mLayoutPanel.Visible   = false;
                oLayoutPanel.Visible   = false;
                btn_OpenDetail.Visible = false;

                btn_OK.Location     = new Point(grpBox_Properties.Width - 220, grpBox_Properties.Location.Y + grpBox_Properties.Height + 3);
                btn_Reset.Location  = new Point(btn_OK.Location.X + btn_OK.Width + 7, btn_OK.Location.Y);
                btn_Cancel.Location = new Point(btn_Reset.Location.X + btn_Reset.Width + 7, btn_OK.Location.Y);
                panel1.Visible             = false;
                oLayoutPanel.Visible       = false;
                mLayoutPanel.Location      = new Point(panel1.Location.X, panel1.Location.Y);
                grpBox_Properties.Location = new Point(mLayoutPanel.Location.X, mLayoutPanel.Location.Y + 30);

                this.Height = this.Height - panel1.Height - oLayoutPanel.Height - btn_HideDetail.Height - 130;
                int tabIndex = 0;
                int w        = 0;
                int h        = 0;

                //shaby (begin): Implementing TableLayoutPannel
                int oTableLayoutCurrentRow    = 0;
                int oTableLayoutCurrentColumn = 0;
                oTableLayoutPannel.Visible      = false;
                oTableLayoutPannel.Name         = "oTableLayoutPannel";
                oTableLayoutPannel.AutoSize     = true;
                oTableLayoutPannel.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
                //oTableLayoutPannel.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Single;
                oTableLayoutPannel.TabIndex = btn_OpenDetail.TabIndex + 1;
                oTableLayoutPannel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100));
                //shaby (end)  : Implementing TableLayoutPannel

                foreach (ScriptParameter p in mParser.ParameterList)
                    PrepopulateDaisyOutput prepopulateDaisyOutput = PrepopulateDaisyOutput.Load();

                    strBrtextBox = prepopulateDaisyOutput != null
                                                                           ? prepopulateDaisyOutput.OutputPath
                                                                           : string.Empty;

                    if (p.Name != "input" && p.ParameterDataType is PathDataType && p.IsParameterRequired)
                        Control c = (Control) new PathBrowserControl(p, inputFileName, mProjectDirectory, strBrtextBox);
                        c.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right;
                        mLayoutPanel.SetFlowBreak(c, true);
                        c.TabIndex = tabIndex++;
                        if (w < c.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal)
                            w = c.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal;
                        h += c.Height + c.Margin.Vertical;
                    else if (!p.IsParameterRequired)
                        //TODO: added to work epub not. Should add correct procesing of this parameter.
                        if (p.ParameterDataType is PathDataType)

                        Control c =
                            p.ParameterDataType is BoolDataType ? new BoolControl(p)
                                                                : p.ParameterDataType is EnumDataType ? new EnumControl(p)
                                                                : p.ParameterDataType is StringDataType ? new StrUserControl(p)
                                                                : (Control) new IntUserControl(p);

                        c.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right;
                        oTableLayoutPannel.Controls.Add(c, oTableLayoutCurrentColumn, oTableLayoutCurrentRow);
                oTableLayoutPannel.Location = new Point(btn_OpenDetail.Location.X, btn_OpenDetail.Location.Y + 5);

                if (oTableLayoutPannel.Width > mLayoutPanel.Width)
                    mLayoutPanel.Controls[0].Width = oTableLayoutPannel.Width - 3;
                    tableLayoutPanel2.Width        = oTableLayoutPannel.Width - 4;
                    oTableLayoutPannel.Controls[0].Width = mLayoutPanel.Width - 3;
                    tableLayoutPanel2.Width = mLayoutPanel.Width - 4;

                btn_OK.Location     = new Point(oTableLayoutPannel.Width - 220, btn_OpenDetail.Location.Y);
                btn_Reset.Location  = new Point(btn_OK.Location.X + btn_OK.Width + 7, btn_OpenDetail.Location.Y);
                btn_Cancel.Location = new Point(btn_Reset.Location.X + btn_Reset.Width + 7, btn_OpenDetail.Location.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void UpdatePopulateOutputXml(string outputPath)
            PrepopulateDaisyOutput output = new PrepopulateDaisyOutput(outputPath);
