Ejemplo n.º 1
        void Start()
            dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            streamingWorld = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<StreamingWorld>();
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();
            playerGPS = GetComponent<PlayerGPS>();
            playerMotor = GetComponent<PlayerMotor>();
            playerMouseLook = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<PlayerMouseLook>();
            titleScreen = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<ShowTitleScreen>();

            // Get starting run speed
            if (playerMotor)
                startRunSpeed = playerMotor.runSpeed;

            // Get starting torch range
            if (PlayerTorch != null)
                startTorchRange = PlayerTorch.range;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void Start()
            // Store references
            dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            dfAudioSource = GetComponent<DaggerfallAudioSource>();
            playerMotor = GetComponent<PlayerMotor>();
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();

            // Add our own custom audio source at runtime as we need to change the pitch of footsteps.
            // We don't want that affecting to other sounds on this game object.
            customAudioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
            customAudioSource.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector;
            customAudioSource.playOnAwake = false;
            customAudioSource.loop = false;
            customAudioSource.dopplerLevel = 0f;
            customAudioSource.spatialBlend = 0f;

            // Set start position
            lastPosition = GetHorizontalPosition();

            // Set starting footsteps
            currentFootstepSound = FootstepSoundNormal;