Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void DisplayStatistics(PlayerStatistics stats)

            lblImmediateStats.Text = String.Format("VPF:{0} PFR:{1} L:{2} AF:{3}",
                stats.Get("Voluntary Put $", "Preflop").MainData.GetPercentage(),
                stats.Get("Raises", "Preflop").MainData.GetPercentage(),
                stats.Get("Limp", "Preflop").MainData.GetPercentage(),
                stats.Get("Aggression Frequency", "Summary").MainData.GetValue()

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void DisplayIcons(PlayerStatistics stats)
            StatisticsData calls = stats.Get("Calls", "Summary").MainData;
            StatisticsData checkCall = stats.Get("Check Call", "Summary").MainData;
            // If calls are > 40% or check calls are more than 66% then calling station!
            picCallingStation.Visible = (calls.Value >= 0.40 || checkCall.Value >= 0.66) || (calls is StatisticsUnknownData && checkCall is StatisticsUnknownData);
            picCallingStation.SetQuestionSignVisible(calls is StatisticsUnknownData && checkCall is StatisticsUnknownData);

            StatisticsData foldSbToRaise = stats.Get("Fold Small Blind to a Raise", "Preflop").MainData;
            StatisticsData foldBbToRaise = stats.Get("Fold Big Blind to a Raise", "Preflop").MainData;

            // If average of fold big blind to a raise and fold small blind to a raise > 80% then easy steal
            StatisticsData foldBlindAverage = foldSbToRaise.Average("Fold Small/Big Blind to a Raise", 2, foldBbToRaise);
            picEasySteal.Visible = (foldBlindAverage.Value >= 0.80) || (foldBlindAverage is StatisticsUnknownData);
            picEasySteal.SetQuestionSignVisible(foldBlindAverage is StatisticsUnknownData);

            // If a person raises more than 50% of his buttons, chances are he might be stealing
            StatisticsData stealRaises = stats.Get("Steal Raises", "Preflop").MainData;
            picButtonStealer.Visible = (stealRaises.Value >= 0.5) || (stealRaises is StatisticsUnknownData);
            picButtonStealer.SetQuestionSignVisible(stealRaises is StatisticsUnknownData);


            picCallingStation.Visible = true;
            picEasySteal.Visible = true;
            picButtonStealer.Visible = true;
            picSolidPlayer.Visible = true;
            picDonkPlayer.Visible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void toggleIsSolidIcon(PlayerStatistics stats)
            // If a player raises and bets with value hands, he's solid (80% of bets and raises are value?)
            StatisticsData strongBets = stats.Get("Bets", "Summary").FindSubStatistic(HoldemHand.Rating.Strong.ToString());
            StatisticsData monsterBets = stats.Get("Bets", "Summary").FindSubStatistic(HoldemHand.Rating.Monster.ToString());

            StatisticsData strongRaises = stats.Get("Raises", "Summary").FindSubStatistic(HoldemHand.Rating.Strong.ToString());
            StatisticsData monsterRaises = stats.Get("Raises", "Summary").FindSubStatistic(HoldemHand.Rating.Monster.ToString());

            StatisticsData strongCheckRaises = stats.Get("Check Raise", "Summary").FindSubStatistic(HoldemHand.Rating.Strong.ToString());
            StatisticsData monsterCheckRaises = stats.Get("Check Raise", "Summary").FindSubStatistic(HoldemHand.Rating.Monster.ToString());

            float valueSums = strongBets.Value + monsterBets.Value +
                              strongRaises.Value + monsterRaises.Value +
                              strongCheckRaises.Value + monsterCheckRaises.Value;

            // To compute an average, we first have to see if the values are known (or are set to zero just because they are unknown)
            float divideBy = 0;
            if (!(strongRaises is StatisticsUnknownData && monsterRaises is StatisticsUnknownData))
                divideBy += 1.0f;
            if (!(strongBets is StatisticsUnknownData && monsterBets is StatisticsUnknownData))
                divideBy += 1.0f;
            if (!(strongCheckRaises is StatisticsUnknownData && monsterCheckRaises is StatisticsUnknownData))
                divideBy += 1.0f;
            bool noInformation = (divideBy == 0);

            float valueAverage;
            if (noInformation) valueAverage = 0;
            else valueAverage = valueSums / divideBy;

            picSolidPlayer.Visible = (valueAverage >= 0.8) || noInformation;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void toggleIsDonkIcon(PlayerStatistics stats)
            // If a person is betting/raising/check raising with nothing more than 10%, he's bluffing more than usual
            // 10% is considered to be a standard "bluffing percentage" you can expect. More than that, is donkish
            StatisticsData nothingBets = stats.Get("Bets", "Summary").FindSubStatistic(HoldemHand.Rating.Nothing.ToString());
            StatisticsData nothingRaises = stats.Get("Raises", "Summary").FindSubStatistic(HoldemHand.Rating.Nothing.ToString());
            StatisticsData nothingCheckRaises = stats.Get("Check Raise", "Summary").FindSubStatistic(HoldemHand.Rating.Nothing.ToString());

            float valueSums = nothingBets.Value +
                              nothingRaises.Value +

            // To compute an average, we first have to see if the values are known (or are set to zero just because they are unknown)
            float divideBy = 0;
            if (!(nothingBets is StatisticsUnknownData))
                divideBy += 1.0f;
            if (!(nothingRaises is StatisticsUnknownData))
                divideBy += 1.0f;
            if (!(nothingCheckRaises is StatisticsUnknownData))
                divideBy += 1.0f;
            bool noInformation = (divideBy == 0);

            float valueAverage;
            if (noInformation) valueAverage = 0;
            else valueAverage = valueSums / divideBy;

            picDonkPlayer.Visible = (valueAverage >= 0.1) || noInformation;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /* This function is overriden by child classes and takes care of displaying
  * game specific layout */
 public virtual void DisplayStatistics(PlayerStatistics stats)
     lblTotalHandsPlayed.Text = stats.Get("Total Hands Played", "Summary").MainData.GetFloat().ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /* Returns all the statistics available for the current player */
 public virtual PlayerStatistics GetStatistics()
     PlayerStatistics result = new PlayerStatistics(CompareCategories);
     result.Set(new Statistic(new StatisticsNumberData("Total Hands Played", totalHandsPlayed.Value), "Summary"));
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void RemoveStatistics(PlayerStatistics statistics)
            // For each statistic category
            foreach (String category in statistics.GetCategories())
                // Find the tab page for this category
                TabPage tp = FindTabPage(category);

                // Clear it
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void FillStatistics(PlayerStatistics statistics)
            // For each statistic category
            foreach (String category in statistics.GetCategories())
                // Find the tab page for this category
                TabPage tp = FindTabPage(category);

                StatisticItemListDisplay itemListDisplay = new StatisticItemListDisplay();

                // Initialize properties FIRST!
                itemListDisplay.Top = topMargin;
                itemListDisplay.TopMargin = 0;
                itemListDisplay.StatisticsSpacing = statisticsSpacing;
                itemListDisplay.Width = this.ClientSize.Width - 1;
                itemListDisplay.Height = this.ClientSize.Height - 1;
                itemListDisplay.AutoSize = true;
                itemListDisplay.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;

                // Show stats

