Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to compute the shortest paths in a weighted graph with the Bellman-Ford's algorithm. Returns true if successful; otherwise false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TVertex">The data type of the vertices. TVertex implements <see cref="IComparable{T}"/>.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TWeight">The data type of weight of the edges. TWeight implements <see cref="IComparable{T}"/>.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph structure that implements <see cref="IWeightedGraph{TVertex, TWeight}"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source vertex for which the shortest paths are computed.</param>
        /// <param name="shortestPaths">The <see cref="WeightedGraphShortestPaths{TVertex, TWeight}"/> object that contains the shortest paths of the graph if the algorithm was successful; otherwise null.</param>
        /// <param name="weightAdder">The method corresponding to the <see cref="AddWeights{TWeight}"/> delegate used for calculating the sum of two edge weights.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the shortest paths were successfully computed; otherwise false. Also returns false if the given source vertex does not belong to the graph.</returns>
        public static bool TryGetBellmanFordShortestPaths <TVertex, TWeight>(this IWeightedGraph <TVertex, TWeight> graph, TVertex source, out WeightedGraphShortestPaths <TVertex, TWeight> shortestPaths, AddWeights <TWeight> weightAdder)
            where TVertex : IComparable <TVertex>
            where TWeight : IComparable <TWeight>
            shortestPaths = null;

            if (!graph.ContainsVertex(source))

            // A dictionary holding a vertex as key and as value a key-value pair of its previous vertex in the path(being the key) and the weight of the edge connecting them(being the value).
            var previousVertices = new Dictionary <TVertex, KeyValuePair <TVertex, TWeight> >();
            // The dictionary holding a vertex as key and as value a key-value pair holding the weight of the path from the source vertex(being the key) and the distance from the source vertex(being the value).
            var weightAndDistance = new Dictionary <TVertex, KeyValuePair <TWeight, int> >();

            // Add source vertex to computed weights and distances
            weightAndDistance.Add(source, new KeyValuePair <TWeight, int>(default(TWeight), 0));

            // Get all edges and sort them by their source and then by their destination vertex to create a consistent shortest paths output.
            var allEdges = graph.Edges.ToList();

            if (allEdges.Count > 0)
                allEdges.QuickSort((x, y) =>
                    int cmp = x.Source.CompareTo(y.Source);
                    if (cmp == 0)
                        cmp = x.Destination.CompareTo(y.Destination);

            // We relax all edges n - 1 times and if at the n-th step a relaxation is needed we have a negative cycle
            int lastStep = graph.VerticesCount - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.VerticesCount; i++)
                foreach (var edge in allEdges)
                    var edgeSource      = edge.Source;
                    var edgeDestination = edge.Destination;
                    var edgeWeight      = edge.Weight;

                    // If we have computed the path to the the source vertex of the edge
                    if (weightAndDistance.ContainsKey(edgeSource))
                        var     wd          = weightAndDistance[edgeSource];
                        TWeight curWeight   = wd.Key;
                        int     curDistance = wd.Value;

                        // If the edge destination is the source we continue with the next edge
                        if (object.Equals(source, edgeDestination))

                        // Compute path weight
                        TWeight pathWeight;
                        if (curWeight == null)
                            pathWeight = edgeWeight;
                            pathWeight = weightAdder(curWeight, edgeWeight);

                        // If this path is longer than an already computed path we continue with the next edge
                        if (weightAndDistance.ContainsKey(edgeDestination))
                            int cmp = pathWeight.CompareTo(weightAndDistance[edgeDestination].Key);
                            if (cmp > 0)
                            else if (cmp == 0)// if path is equal to an already computed path
                                // we continue with the next edge only if the distance is bigger or equal
                                if (curDistance + 1 >= weightAndDistance[edgeDestination].Value)
                                // if the distance is smaller we update the path with this one

                        if (i == lastStep)// if we need to relax on the last iteration we have a negative cycle

                        // Else we save the path
                        previousVertices[edgeDestination]  = new KeyValuePair <TVertex, TWeight>(edgeSource, edgeWeight);
                        weightAndDistance[edgeDestination] = new KeyValuePair <TWeight, int>(pathWeight, curDistance + 1);

            // Remove source vertex from weight and distance dictionary

            shortestPaths = new WeightedGraphShortestPaths <TVertex, TWeight>(source, previousVertices, weightAndDistance);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to compute the shortest paths in a weighted graph with the Bellman-Ford's algorithm. Returns true if successful; otherwise false.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TVertex">The data type of the vertices. TVertex implements <see cref="IComparable{T}"/>.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="graph">The graph structure that implements <see cref="IWeightedGraph{TVertex, TWeight}"/> with TWeight being of type <see cref="short"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="source">The source vertex for which the shortest paths are computed.</param>
 /// <param name="shortestPaths">The <see cref="WeightedGraphShortestPaths{TVertex, TWeight}"/> object (TWeight being the type of <see cref="short"/>) that contains the shortest paths of the graph if the algorithm was successful; otherwise null.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if the shortest paths were successfully computed; otherwise false. Also returns false if the given source vertex does not belong to the graph.</returns>
 public static bool TryGetBellmanFordShortestPaths <TVertex>(this IWeightedGraph <TVertex, short> graph, TVertex source, out WeightedGraphShortestPaths <TVertex, short> shortestPaths)
     where TVertex : IComparable <TVertex>
     return(TryGetBellmanFordShortestPaths(graph, source, out shortestPaths, (x, y) => (short)(x + y)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the shortest paths in a weighted graph. Returns a <see cref="WeightedGraphShortestPaths{TVertex, TWeight}"/> object containing the shortest paths.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TVertex">The data type of the vertices. TVertex implements <see cref="IComparable{T}"/>.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TWeight">The data type of weight of the edges. TWeight implements <see cref="IComparable{T}"/>.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph structure that implements <see cref="IWeightedGraph{TVertex, TWeight}"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source vertex for which the shortest paths are computed.</param>
        /// <param name="weightAdder">The method corresponding to the <see cref="AddWeights{TWeight}"/> delegate used for calculating the sum of two edge weights.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="WeightedGraphShortestPaths{TVertex, TWeight}"/> containing the shortest paths for the given source vertex.</returns>
        public static WeightedGraphShortestPaths <TVertex, TWeight> DijkstraShortestPaths <TVertex, TWeight>(this IWeightedGraph <TVertex, TWeight> graph, TVertex source, AddWeights <TWeight> weightAdder)
            where TVertex : IComparable <TVertex>
            where TWeight : IComparable <TWeight>
            if (!graph.ContainsVertex(source))
                throw new ArgumentException("Vertex does not belong to the graph!");

            // A dictionary holding a vertex as key and as value a key-value pair of its previous vertex in the path(being the key) and the weight of the edge connecting them(being the value).
            var previousVertices = new Dictionary <TVertex, KeyValuePair <TVertex, TWeight> >();
            // The dictionary holding a vertex as key and as value a key-value pair holding the weight of the path from the source vertex(being the key) and the distance from the source vertex(being the value).
            var weightAndDistance = new Dictionary <TVertex, KeyValuePair <TWeight, int> >();
            // Comparer for the key-value pair in the sorted set
            var kvpComparer = Comparer <KeyValuePair <TWeight, KeyValuePair <TVertex, int> > > .Create((x, y) =>
                int cmp = 0;
                // null checking because TWeight can be null
                if (x.Key == null)
                    if (y.Key == null)
                        cmp = -1;                // change cmp to skip next comparisons

                if (cmp == 0)// if x.Key and y.Key are not null
                    if (y.Key == null)
                    // normal check if both weights are not null
                    cmp = x.Key.CompareTo(y.Key);
                    cmp = 0; // if x.Key and y.Key were both null, compare the kvp value
                if (cmp == 0)
                    cmp = x.Value.Key.CompareTo(y.Value.Key);
                if (cmp == 0)
                    cmp = x.Value.Value.CompareTo(y.Value.Value);

            // Sorted set containing the vertices for computing. Having a kvp with the path weight as key and as value another kvp with the vertex as key and the distance from the source as value.
            var priorityQueue = new MinPriorityQueue <TWeight, KeyValuePair <TVertex, int> >(kvpComparer);

            // Add the source vertex
            priorityQueue.Enqueue(default(TWeight), new KeyValuePair <TVertex, int>(source, 0));

            while (priorityQueue.Count > 0)
                var     curKVP      = priorityQueue.Dequeue();
                TWeight curWeight   = curKVP.Key;
                TVertex curVertex   = curKVP.Value.Key;
                int     curDistance = curKVP.Value.Value;

                foreach (var edge in graph.OutgoingEdgesSorted(curVertex))
                    var edgeDestination = edge.Destination;
                    var edgeWeight      = edge.Weight;

                    // If the edge destination is the source we continue with the next edge
                    if (object.Equals(source, edgeDestination))

                    // Compute path weight
                    TWeight pathWeight;
                    if (curWeight == null)
                        pathWeight = edgeWeight;
                        pathWeight = weightAdder(curWeight, edgeWeight);

                    // If this path is longer than an already computed path we continue with the next edge
                    if (weightAndDistance.ContainsKey(edgeDestination))
                        int cmp = pathWeight.CompareTo(weightAndDistance[edgeDestination].Key);
                        if (cmp > 0)
                        else if (cmp == 0)// if path is equal to an already computed path
                            // we continue with the next edge only if the distance is bigger or equal
                            if (curDistance + 1 >= weightAndDistance[edgeDestination].Value)
                            // if the distance is smaller we update the path with this one

                    // Else we save the path
                    previousVertices[edgeDestination]  = new KeyValuePair <TVertex, TWeight>(curVertex, edgeWeight);
                    weightAndDistance[edgeDestination] = new KeyValuePair <TWeight, int>(pathWeight, curDistance + 1);

                    // Add the destination vertex for computing
                    priorityQueue.Enqueue(pathWeight, new KeyValuePair <TVertex, int>(edgeDestination, curDistance + 1));

            var shortestPaths = new WeightedGraphShortestPaths <TVertex, TWeight>(source, previousVertices, weightAndDistance);
